Yes, I do feel rather like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz… but somehow I don’t have a nice yellow brick road to follow to find a friendly wizard to help me. Mind you, I’ve seen the film….he’ll only tell me I had the power to do what I wanted all along and I have to do it myself, so does it really matter?!?!

Still, it would be rather nice to have a pair of those lovely ruby slippers… clicking my heels together to whiz back home seems rather appealing some days…. who am I kidding… most days really!

So, in case you are feeling the lack of a path to follow and you are wondering what you can do during all this mind-boggling energetic activity, not to mention living with an open energy portal … well, the Sirius download process will climax on 8th Aug… PHEW …. but the portal will remain open until at least 12th, though it will dissipate a little each day after 8th …

I am busy practising my gratitude for that thought. You might like to do the same!!!

Also there is a powerful Leo New Moon on August 14th which will give you a simply massive amount of forward moving cosmic energy. Just what you need after you’ve been zapped by Sirius for a couple of weeks… somehow integrating Pluto a few weeks ago seems as if it was a piece of cake!!

Jeez …ain’t it grand being a sensitive?…!

Hang in there because Leo rules the heart, so implosions may be coming your way… quite possibly at warp speed, especially for those who did the two heart chakra workshop last weekend. A deeper level of clearing is now available for you after you shifted a vast amount of rubbish.

You may end up feeling quite vulnerable… work with your helpers and guides and ask for their help… on a really regular basis. And if you are familiar with Venus or Aphrodite .. they can help. As can the very lovely Quan Yin… compassion, unconditional love, mercy and forgiveness are always a good place to start…

And I know I have been banging on about self-treating, but really seriously, try and make the time to do something. It will make everything easier, though quite what the definition of easier will be for each individual remains to be seen….

Anyway I found this list below in an article on and thought you might find it useful.

Bright Blessings Gailxxx

 ~*~ Be present  ~*~

Be here. Be conscious with yourself and with others. Put a hand on your heart and really feel this life that you are living. Leo rules the heart and she is asking us to be true to our hearts, especially now. Listen to the whispers that are rising, and feel the desires that live within you. They are powerful messages that are guiding you towards your own awakening. Be conscious to what is being awakened in you.

~*~ Stick to your focused path ~*~

Keep your eyes on the prize and use the courageous energy that Leo brings to really put both paws into your truth. Even if you don’t have it all figured out at this very second, be with whatever is setting your soul on fire and causing your vibration to rise. Sometimes we have great fear if we don’t have it all figured out this second. That’s ok. Be with the flow and the unfolding transformation within you, and do so seated within your truth.

 ~*~ Let me hear you roar ~*~

Be authentic with your truthful voice. This isn’t the time to tap into anyone’s truth except your own. Make sure that the voice you are using is yours. Even in times of only being able to whisper, if the voice that emerges is yours it is beyond powerful.

 ~*~ Surround yourself with the energy that opens your heart and soul ~*~

Whether you are hanging with others or in your own den, surround yourself with energy that is nourishing. If this is a powerful time of awakening and moving past blockages, your soul needs all the nurturing that it can get to be fed properly for this journey.

Spend time with those that are from your soul tribe, bring you harmony or are in alignment with your truth. Leave the negative energy Vampires to the side. In your own sacred space, make sure you tidy up and keep a good energy surrounding you. Smudge, crystals, yoga; whatever you have to do to make sure your domain is clear and ready to be the sacred womb for all this transformation.

*~ Release what isn’t working for you ~*~

This is an extremely powerful time for moving past old limitations. One of the best ways to give the Universe the sign that we’re ready to ditch the old, is to start to release what is no longer serving us. This can be anything from a thought about ourselves to that old sweater that we know we’re never going to wear again, but hey maybe it will fit next year. Time to let it go. The you that you are now knows what it needs and doesn’t. You can feel it when these situations arise. You can feel in your depths if this is something you need on your path or not. You don’t have to toss out your entire wardrobe, but be present with what it is you do and don’t need anymore.

~*~ Tend your inner garden ~*~

Make sure you take care of yourself during this powerful energetic time. Drink lots of water, get plenty of rest and spend time grounding and being in nature. Nature is a powerful channel for the energies that surround us and they gently bring you into alignment and be cleared so you can receive all of the abundance flowing towards you.


So, blue kyanite? And why choose blue over the very lovely green, orange and black – all of which are fabulous in their own way?

Well, blue, for me, is such a useful stone, it is the one to write about. That and it was up close and personal this morning as I drove to work, insisting it was the stone to write about. And who am I to ignore the small, nagging voice of the HUGE piece of kyanite which is in my sitting room…? I knew if I did,it would only get louder and starting the day with a headache once the crystal got to shouting to make sure I was listening was not what I wanted!!

Kyanite is, happily, one of the only two stones which never need cleaning (the other is citrine in case you’re interested!), so it is great if you are forgetful! You can just keep using it without woryying about all your rubbish accumulating inside it. How perfect!

But what does it actually do? The most beneficial thing is, especially during this time of great (not to mention constant) change, keeping your energy system in alignment. A huge help when things are moving and shifting so fast it is enough to make your head spin!

As soon as you pick up blue kyanite, it opens your chakras without you doing anything at all. This makes them easier to work with because it gives you access to the vortices. You can get right inside each vortex and drag out all the stuff you have been trying to ignore. It really isn’t any goodf if you leave it, but that is another blog, I think…

With conscious intent, kyanite does far more. Once the chakras have opened, you can ask the helpful stone to align the chakras and you will sense all seven shfting into a nice straight line. Then once you feel that has been done, you can ask the stone to align your subtle bodies and if you place your awareness in your stuble anatomy, you will feel your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies coming into alignment with your physical and etheric bodies. It is fabulous, and you will feel so much better afterwards. It also clears all your energy pathways and meridians and restores Chi to the physical body. This in turn promotes a calming effect on all levels. What more could you ask from a crystal? 

The affirmation for kyanite is: I AM Balanced and I AM whole.

Sit with the stone and set the intention that you want the whole of your Four Body System to resonate with the words and keep saying them until you really feel the vibration on wholeness and balance within you and around you. I promise you will like it!

Now, the only problem I have is – what else do I say about this marvellous stone? If I covered everything, I would be typing for days, so I shall simply settle for a few things which I am guided to mention.

It is such a superb stone for right now because it encourages serenity and dispels confusion.. and there is a lot of that around at the moment. If you want to access this peaceful energy, lie down and place the stone on your brow chakra, ask for it to align your system and then set the intention that you want to breathe the energy of the stone into your brow chakra and your mind and then just wait to experience tranquility in a way you have never experienced it before!

And if you don’t have time to spend sitting with the stone, a quick fix is to simply brush it through your aura with the intention of placing its calm energy within your energy field. You’ll love it … but you must always use it with the striations running vertically otherwise it won’t feel so nice. And as an added bonus, while you are brushing your aura, it will absorb any negative energy stored there and direct it to Mother Earth where it can be neutralized.

Lastly, kyanite vibrates at a very high frequency, so it will attract light beings – angels, guides, masters. ETs – towards you, which is always useful!

And if you sit with it, it will raise your vibrational rate, so it will make integrating any energy downloads far easier for your system to handle. There will be less of a frequency mis-match between you and the incoming energy. And this will be a good thing to know with Sirius about to return and bless us all with more light. It’s currently going behind the Sun, but it will be back with more energy and Light Code downloads for the planetary new year in a couple of weeks and the 8:8 portal… such exciting things to look forward to. Me, I think I might be lying in the bed with the duvet over my head, trying to avoid it all! It seems like a good idea to me!

Kyanite is often described as a bridge… between realms, between different types of energy, between the mind and the spirit. The list is endless. All you have to decide is what you want to do with it… just make sure you have fun otherwise what’s the point and it is always an adventure with this stone!

Bright Blessings Gailx x