The 11:11 gateway is always powerful, but everything I’ve looked at recently seems to indicate that this year it will be REALLY powerful .. just what we need after all the other stuff which has been happening. Still, we agreed to be here, so we have to deal with it. It’s down to how do we choose to deal with this next influx of intense light? Will you manifest a good transition or a bad one? I’m all for sneaking through this particular doorway with ease and grace and integrating all the light and the additional light codes nice and smoothly…
Although there are lots of significant double dates in a year, 11:11 always seems to be different. It is a massive energetic doorway leading to a new version of you, of reality, of your connection to what you perceive as the Divine. If you look at the shape of the actual number, it creates two pillars. This is the gateway or portal people refer to and if you use the number as a visualisation, you can see or sense yourself standing between the two pillars, receiving all you need from the portal. You can visualise the incoming energy flowing down between the two pillars as a column of light and set whatever intention you are guided to use to access everything contained within it for your highest and Greatest good. And if you can do it at 11 minutes past 11 …well, ….Try it – it’s astonishing! And, if you have a piece of fulgurite, it will enhance the process.
The space between the digits in the number 11 creates space for us and it is a space which will allow us to be inspired, to receive wisdom, love, and be in complete alignment with Source. I’m up for it. Are you?
This portal is seen as a chance to bring about the full integration of the Self. So just go for it. Ask the energy to allow you to manifest your Authentic Self on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Everything else this year has been pushing us towards this. I think it’s time to just give in and allow it to happen. The number 11 holds the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition and is idealistic and compassionate. If you are
drawn to the number for any reason, it is often seen as an indication that you operate on a different energetic level than most, and when two people come together who both have this type of energy, it’s a case of … well, light blue touch paper, stand well back time!
So if you are constantly looking at the clock and seeing the time 11:11, or noticing it on your phone or tablet or even seeing the number in car number plates, watch out! A new kind of energy and a new way or working with it is coming your way. It is an activation code. All you have to do is open to receive it. If you realise you are seeing the double digits, ask what you need to be doing and seize the opportunity with both hands! Seeing this sequence over and over again is always a sign which indicates a period of accelerated soul growth.
11:11 is the universe’s way of urging us to pay attention to our heart, our soul and our intuition. It is often a massive wake-up call. It is the universe’s way of saying: open your eyes and become aware of all the opportunities which are manifesting around you. It often means you need to pay particular attention to coincidences. They are not coincidences, but synchronicities.
11 is what is known as a Master Number and it carries extraordinary potential. The number 1 shows you what it does. It is the only number which is completely straight -up and down. The shape represents a column, an antenna, a direct conduit from Spirit to matter, not to mention Earth to the Cosmos. How fab is that! Think of what it will give you access to if you use your intention wisely! It is gives you an unobstructed channel through which the energy of this gateway can reach from the heavens to the earth and flow into you!
And the number also means this energy (which also holds the vibrations of initiation, invention and beginnings as well as the other qualities listed above.) will be received at lightening speed in the form of ideas and inspiration. The energy of 1 always moves quickly through us, and needs to be processed and shaped by us to become manifest. This is because Master Numbers energetically intensify the meanings of single digits. They are considered to be some of the most powerful vibrations known on the earthplane and They symbolize raw untapped potential and can help you achieve illumination. But that, of course, may mean different things to different people.

Spend some time on 11:11 considering what illumination actually means to you and how you can get more of it.
Another thing 11:11 does is it allows you to manifest what you want on the earthplane. This is because if you add 11:11 it is 4 (1+1+1+1 = 4) and this is the number of the Earth, matter and physical manifestation. It reminds us that we co-create our lives and our reality with the Divine, and that we have the ability to manifest whatever we feel inspired to create.
If we consciously work with the energy 11th November it will not only teach us how to master our lives, it will teach us to manifest the reality we truly want..
Also the other thing which will pack an nice energetic punch on the day is the fact that Sirius and Sol (our Sun) create a Vesica Pisces (two overlapping circles). This is a Creation Portal which allows powerful cosmic and galactic energies to be transmitted to Earth…. gulp! It manifests in the small oval shapes where the circles overlap. And if you want to download the energy with any appropriate light codes.. we’re back to looking at the Working with Sirius blog if you can’t remember the instructions. I’ve been downloading since last week. It’s an astonishing energy! Have fun…

Bright Blessings Gailx