To Do or Not to Do ….

Although, at the moment, we are constantly changing – on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual … and quite probably on all planes and in all dimensions, but that’s a whole different blog! And, as time is bizarrely being deconstructed around us, sometimes it is very easy to slip back into old, familiar ways. But as the sun sets on Solstice Day, why not let its light show you new ways, which will lead to new adventures? I mean. at this point in our evolutionary journey, what have we got to lose?

For many, many years, every Solstice I have gone to Avebury. I don’t just love the place, I adore it. And I had planned to go this year. It’s what I’ve always done and thought I would always do. It is, for want of a better phrase, my “happy” place and in many ways it is home as I have spent several lifetimes with those beautiful stones. They sometimes sing to me when I’m not there, softly calling until I journey south to see them… and what a sound they make when they sing. There are simply no words to describe it, so the idea of not going to sing with them was deeply distressing for me.

But, as with all things now, what you have always done, is not always what you need to do when you seriously start to live in the NOW moment. You have to do what is right in that instant of time. Not what was right the last time you thought about it. You could have changed a dozen times since then! But sometimes the pull of what has been is very powerful and the choice often becomes stick with the old or open to the new, which will always encourage expansion and growth. So, I guess, no Avebury for me this year.

But, what do you do when you suddenly find you can’t do what you always do… well, of course, you can look for signs, but it’s easy to miss them when you are only looking at the past , assuming it will also be the future. You forget to look in the NOW. For an intellegent species, we can be really daft!

So, while I was sulking about not seeing my lovely stones, I picked up a book I hadn’t read in nearly 30 years and I was amazed. Reading it now was a revelation. I understood it on so many different levels. It was Glastonbury – Avalon of the Heart by Dion Fortune. Goodness only knows what the younger version of me made of it, but the older version felt my heart  open and I saw what I had never seen before – my deep connection to the place.

In my 20s the connection was Arthur. His legend was the thing that  made me take the journey from London. Then in my 40s it was the shopping … all those books and crystals are irreistable! And now in my 50s I found it was something else entirely. It was Brigid.

I love Brigid, Bridgit, Brede, Bride, Brigantia – the goddess of many names. But I usually only work with her at Imbolc and Summer Solstice. So, when I had an overwhelming urge to play Brigid by Damn the Bard I was a bit surprised until I found the reference in my book saying she was at Glastonbury, and spent time in quiet contemplation on the Isle of Beckary near Wearyall Hill. I must have known, I’ve read the book before, but I had completely forgotten and I had to open to the possibility that Glastonbury was the place to go this Solstice. Not what I was expecting at all. I was probably still secretly hoping it was all a mistake and I could go to Avebury!

But, even if I don’t go to Glastonbry, the thought of doing it is enough to break the old, rigid ways within me and open me to something more… to other possibilities, other eneries, which will still be a great blessing.

So what are you doing this Solstice? What you always do? Or what you need to do as the Wheel of the Year turns and the light returns, allowing us to move slowly towards the start of our outward cycle of growth?

Do yourself a favour – check and make sure you are doing what needs to be done and be ready to release the old if you need to, to make room for the new. And find a place to go, or a ritual to do, which helps you move forward rather than hinders your progress, your never-ending journey towards the light, and embodying more Divine Light as a blessing for all on the earthplane at this time.

I leave you with a quote from Dion Fortune from her book:  “…experience proves that there is power in holy places, power to quicken the spiritual life and vitalise the soul with fresh enthusiasm and inspiration. Where strong spiritual emotions have been felt over long periods of time by successive generations of dedicated men and women… the mental atomsosphere of the place becomes imbued with the spiritual forces and sensitive souls capable of response are deeply stirred thereby when they come to it,”

Let something quicken your spiritual life and re-vitalise your soul this Solstice… find the place you need to be, or the people you need to be with and go for it!

Oh – and feel free to put youtube, Brigid and Damn the Bard into Google and listen to this beautiful song. And let Brigid bless you in so very many ways, despite the fact she does’t usually come out to play until Imbolc.

Bright Blessings!




So, what is HomoLuminous and what does it have to do with 12:12? Read on…

12:12 is just what we all need when everything seems to be going to hell in a hand basket – a pre-encoded date to trigger a new level of awareness. And we can’t avoid it ether because it happens on 12th December, whether we want to be changed or not, and it can be felt most intensely at 12.12 p.m. – what surprise!

But what does 12:12 mean? Well, numerologically speaking, the energy of the day and the gateway or portal which opens contains the energy of:

1 – resonates with creation and new beginnings, courage, attainment and inspiration, self-leadership, assertiveness and initiative. This number contains all the energy you need to create your reality with your thoughts, beliefs and actions and it also encourages you to step right out of your comfort zone to achieve your goals.

Good, but challenging – eh?

2 – resonates with balance and harmony, duality, faith, devotion, insight, co-operation, adaptability, diplomacy, partnership and relationship. It also resonates with faith and trust and fulfilling your soul purpose.

Good again, which is just as well since the numbers are used twice and their energy is amplified…

Also 12 + 12 is also 3 + 3 = 6 which is the frequency of the Star of David, so the energy of the gateway will ignite your light body or merkaba. If you light body is activated, intending to use the energy downloaded from the gateway to enhance it will be good, as will meditating on the shape of the Star of David.

The actual gateway is different from the one on 11:11. That was an angelic gateway. This one is connected to Unity Consciousness and the golden Christ Consciousness energy. It is an opportunity to connect with this beautiful energy or a chance to deepen your connection if you are already attuned.

And, if you keep seeing the numbers 12:12 on clocks or other digital displays, it is always a sign that the doorway to the higher realms is opening. All you have to do is decide is 1) what does this mean to or for you? And 2) are you going to step through the doorway and have an adventure?

Although 12:12 always offers a chance to upgrade your energy system with a Light Code download, plus a new initiation into high frequencies of light, this year it is specifically upgrading your thymus chakra. This is because the 12:12 download always anchors new structures in your energy system and they are targeting this chakra. It will ignite it if you are not currently working with the chakra or activate it at a new, higher level if you are. It is also known as the Higher Heart and it is the place where you experience and appreciate compassion for the world, rather than the giving and receiving of love which is what the heart chakra regulates.

Handily for us, Haniel, who is the Angel of December, (see previous blog for more info) is responsible for the Thymus Chakra and is ready and waiting to help. All you have to do is ask! He can oversee the whole download process for you and this enormous influx of golden light will open you and the chakra to love, compassion, forgiveness and choice, but only if you are willing to receive the high frequencies contained within it. It will also open new pathways for unconditional love to move in and through all aspects of your life. Who wouldn’t want that… or a lovely angel’s help?

As always, all you have to do is let the available energy into your system – preferably at 12:12 if you can. Call in Haniel or any of your helpers and guides to support your work and ask for the incoming energy to align your heart and your thymus with the downloading energy. This will allow you to act as a lightening rod and vast quantities of the golden Christ Consciousness energy can flow through you and ground into the earth. You will benefit as the energy flows through your system and everyone else will benefit once it is anchored on the earthplane.

Make sure you are seriously grounded and then let the energy enter your crown chakra and flow out of your base into Mother, but always ask for it to hit your system at the most appropriate frequency for you at this time. This is high frequency energy and you need to work with it safely. You should also ask your helpers and guides to ensure your system stabilises at the most appropriate frequency for you when you have finished working and earth any excess energy into the ground.

And what does HomoLuminous have to do with all this – well, all this light means you have an opportunity to become a Divine Being of Light in human form – just what we want! A chance to glow over the Holiday season!!!

Have fun!

Bright Blessings!



Well, what can I say? It was late one night and I was bored, so I was typing random words into Google… it’s almost sad to say, but it amuses me and, on many occasions, it has even enlightened me, and I found rather a lot this time.
I have been working with the angel Haniel for many years. He’s great, but I tend to go with my own experience of angelic energy rather  than base my working relationship on someone else’s experiences. It seems more sensible to me, though that surely must be a contradiction in terms  describing working with an angelic as sensible!! But there you go! So, this was the first time I had serious investigated what he was supposed to do..
Anyway, as I shifted from page to page, I eventually found an attunement to Haniel’s Ray and I thought – why not? What else did I have to  do in the middle of the night when insomnia was my new best friend? It might as well be something useful! So I there I was at a ridiculous time in the morning having an angelic download and since there was seriously no chance of any sleep at all after that I was back to typing into Google all over again. I am a glutton for punishment!
After a wee while I realised Haniel was also there, looking over my shoulder with what can only be described as amusement. It turns out  there  is an astonishing amount of information about him, but it was enough to give him an identity crisis. I know everyone has their own ideas about angels, but blimey…
According to some Haniel is a he while to others Haniel is a she…, so if you decide to work with this lovely angel just see what the energy represents to you because it doesn’t really matter. All angelics hold masculine and feminine energy so they can appear as anything they want!  To some he often appears as an androgynous figure.
He also had an enormous amount of titles – the Angel of Harmonious Love, the Angel of All Powers of Love and Harmony, the Angelic Ambassador of the Remembrance of Ancient Wisdom and Natural Healing, the Angelic Ambassador of Intuition, the Archangel of Natural Spiritual Gifts and
Intuition, the Archangel of Trust, the Archangel of Intuition, the Angel of Joy, the Ambassador of Grace, Angel of the Moon and Stars, Archangel of Divine Communication through Clear Perception.  The Patron Angel of Students, Teachers and Learning, Prince of the Archangels, the ruler of the Friday Angels. The Angel of Intellectual Activity ’and the Angel of December. The list seemed endless! Oh and his Celestial Title is The Rose Angel.
He is known as a Teaching Angel called Anael and apparently his other names are: Anani, Ariel, Hamiel, Hanael, Hananel, Hanielle, Khananel, Onoel. And, as an aside, Anael is supposed to be the daughter of Archangel Michael!
He is called an angel, an archangel, a Virtue, the chief of the Order of Principalities, Virtues and Innocents and I found one reference which
called him an Elohim.
The number of Rays he uses was also impressive. His own Angelic Rays were listed as coral, turquoise rose pink, and magenta and he is also listed as serving on the White Angelic Ray of Purity overseen by Gabriel and the Orange Planetary Ray of Logic, Reason and Knowledge overseen by Ascended Master Hilarion.
At this point I began to wonder how Haniel could possibly spare the time to sit with me while I played on Google when he obviously had so much else to do! So I asked him and his response was quite simple: who am I to you?
Well, there was only one word needed to answer that – friend. That’s who and what Haniel is to me and, as a friend, he happily comes with all sorts of useful gifts, not to mention blessings. I decided to list a few in case you want to work with him (or her!) to save you ploughing through the pages and pages on the internet.
But remember, this is only what other people have discovered. There is nothing to stop you making discoveries of your own. Don’t be limited by the list. Allow yourself to be inspired by it, spend some quality time with Haniel and see where the adventure takes you!
Aura: Blue and White
Crystal: Moonstone
Chakra: Thymus and Brow
Embodies: Grace, Intuition and Spiritual Gifts
Primary Role: To help you discover your spiritual gifts and talents
Symbol: the rose –representing the qualities of spiritual growth, enlightenment, love and beauty
Related Emotional Issues: Low self-esteem, blockages to giving and receiving of love, creativity and expressing joy
Related Health Issues: Heart and circulatory problems
Aromatherapy Oils: Rose, Rose Maroc, Rosewood, Jasmin, Papyrus, Lotus
Crystals: Rose Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Emerald, Ruby, Emerald, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli Angelite, Howlite, Red Jasper and Moonstone
Planet: Venus
Day: Friday.
Month: December
Candle Colour: Dark Green.
Colours: Turquoise, deep pink, orange and white
Focus:  Self-expression through higher feelings and emotions
Element: Earth
Essential Oils: Basil, marjoram, coriander, jasmine, cardamom, neroli and sandalwood

• inspires that which makes life worth living
• reminds us we are all naturally intuitive, and that our intuitive abilities are innate and part of us. All we have to do is learn to embrace them and use them.
• helps us to recognise and fill the gaps in our lives from within rather than continuing to yearn to have them filled from the outside.
• encourages us to express our creativity, sensuality, joy and enthusiasm
• brings emotional freedom, confidence, and inner strength
• his presence clears and balances the brow chakra
• helps us  with living in the NOW
• helps us develop, trust and follow our spiritual sight and intuition
• shows you how to live up to your highest potential
• helps us to realign with our Divine Self
• encourages new ways of thinking and prompts us to look within ourselves to find our personal truths
• encourages us to embrace our strengths and use them to their optimum, and to use our power wisely, lovingly and respectfully, honouring our true selves

So, if anything here resonates with you, call on Haniel. Like all angelics, he is always there, just waiting for you to notice him and ask for help.
And, if anyone wants an attunement to his Angelic Ray – just ask. I know how to do it now!!! Of course, which ray is another matter entirely, given that he works with so many of them. I just asked to be blessed with all the beautiful frequencies of light he works with, so what ever happened after that I was ready for it!