Well, now we are into the New Year and desperately wanting to make that new start by getting rid of things we don’t like about ourselves – usually a thought or behaviour pattern – how do we do it? Resolutions rarely work. I’ve stopped making them. It just gives us an excuse to get out that proverbial  big stick and beat ourselves about the head with it. We are happy to set all these impossible targets and then just as happy to do absolutely nothing about achieving them. We’ve all done it and hated ourselves afterwards as well. How stupid is that?

So, given that for an intelligent species we can be incredibly stupid about this, can I offer an alternative, from Ascended Master Djwhal Khul through Dr Joshua David Stone? When I learned this technique I found it really useful and thought this was the perfect time of year to share it. I mean, why battle against a negative pattern you are struggling with, or have been struggling with for years when you can … well … just nuke it and have done with it!

The blue triangle Ascended Master Djwhal Khul suggests you work with is created from the energy of the second planetary ray of Love/Wisdom. It is an extremely powerful energy and it contains and embodies the Divine quality of love and the desire for pure knowledge and absolute truth. It is a deep intense blue.

I assume Djwhal Khul brought the idea forward while he was Chohan of the second ray because he has now moved on. But, bless him, he will still be more than happy to work with you while you are clearing your Four Body System if you want him to. It was after all, his idea! All you have to do is ask him.

Or if you find you do not resonate with him, Ascended Master Kuthumi also works with the second ray energy and can be called on. Or if you prefer angelics – Jophiel and Christine serve on the second ray and Apollo and Lumina are the Elohim associated with the ray as well

So, you have a whole host of people ready and willing to help and support you if you are really serious about bringing about the changes you want in your life this January! Or, if all else fails, there is always your own helpers and guides who are always with you.

So, what do you do?

Well it couldn’t be easier… you visualise a blue triangle above your head!  Yes, it really is that simple! If you Google the technique it, helpfully, won’t tell you which way up to visualise the darn thing, of course! All I can say is I tried it both ways – base above the head and apex at the top and apex above the head and base at the top. I have to say visualising the apex at my crown chakra, the triangle slotted nicely in to the chakra and acted like a vortex, sucking out everything I put into it. It was great, but do try both ways and see which one suits you the most. It might be the other one.

So, what else will enhance this seriously good cleaning process?

  1. Have a very clear intention that you want the energy of the second planetary ray of Love/Wisdom to create your triangle otherwise it’s just an ordinary blue triangle!
  2. Be very clear about which negative pattern (thought or behaviour) that you want to place inside the triangle!
  3. Ask for anything you place in the triangle to be burned up by the intense spiritual energies contained within it.
  4. Then just go for it and shove anything you like inside your handy triangle!

Of course, there are other additional things you can do. You can ask the helper or guide you choose to work with what would be the most beneficial thing for you to clear. After all, we all do seem to have more than one thing which needs to go or is dragging us down. In fact, some days it feels as if the list of things we need to deal with, energetically speaking, is endless… how lucky for us!! But with this technique you can just keep clearing and clearing until everything on your list has magically gone because it’s so quick and easy to use.

Anyway, when the faulty negative pattern has been identified by your support team, you can ask them to list what other additional patterns associated with it are also operating within in, so you can make sure you put everything in your triangle and nuke the lot, rather than only spotting one thing yourself and having to deal with the rest another time. Just do it all and have done with it!

So, have a happy January and a happy time clearing all those things you would have turned into a New Year’s resolution you would have just ignored. This year you can do something about it and feel fabulous afterwards!

Bright Blessings!
