Okay – so the energy of March …
After three coronal holes and a ridiculous amount of solar flares in February bringing loads and loads of our deeply buried rubbish to the surface for clearing – do we get a break in March? No, of course not! We have a total solar eclipse on 8th/9th March, depending on where you are… and a partial lunar eclipse on 23rd March with the Equinox on 20th. I am beginning to think we will never get any time off for good behaviour! I mean we are doing our best down here – we really are!
However, that said, eclipses are fabulous tools which, if used properly, can enable us to see which areas of our life are working and which are not and this then enables us to initiate change on a very deep level. Your choice is whether you let that change help or hinder your personal growth process… and two in a few weeks means we will have to make the changes quickly and adapt fast to the new energy we find ourselves inhabiting… lovely!!!
Two trigger turning points in quick succession can be a good thing, though. It takes us into the energy of choicelessness, which is often useful. It enables us to surrender to the change process more easily … or maybe it’s just me! But, if change is coming, surrendering to it rather than resisting it is always the smartest choice…
So start thinking now about what you need to change in your life before you are forced to do it. It will make the whole process much easier to handle and far less traumatic… because whether you go with the flow or resist it, during an eclipse window (the energy available before and after the event as well as during the event) the Universe always is very, very clear about what it wants to do for you – and that is move you forward! Are you really, seriously going to fight something as big as the Universe…? Trust me – surrendering is a much easier option!
During any eclipse window something always happens … something ends and something begins and you will find that you can never go back to the way things were before the energy shifted. So if you know a shift is coming – why not work ahead of time and make the shift something wonderful rather than something far more negative.
Look at your life and see what needs to change, what needs to be released or enhanced using the energy available at the time of the eclipse. Make it work for you rather than against you. But be aware that any changes will either happen instantly or over a period of months after the event. You have to just go with the flow without knowing what the specific outcome will be … sounds about right for us at the moment, doesn’t it!
As a general rule, solar eclipses (8th/9th March) mostly create new beginnings and new opportunities while lunar eclipses tend to create endings and can be far more emotional (23rd march).  So armed with this information, it will allow you to plan what you want to use the energy of the eclipses for rather than just getting caught up with it … clear intentions get clear results, so make the most of it!
And be aware than any eclipse will always provide you with information that you need to know about … of course, it may not always be information that you want to know about, but that’s life at the moment! What you have to do is learn not judge this information as good or bad. It is just knowledge which can help you see your life more clearly and enable you to make smarter choices about what you want to clear or manifest in your life.
One of the important things to look out for with the solar eclipse in March is what is known as the Chiron Wound – the Soul Wound we have come to deal with in this lifetime – a truly deep wound on a soul level. And helpfully for us, the lunar eclipse on 23rd will provide some insights on how we need to deal with the wound and start to clear it from our system. It is always a wound which touches the mind, body or soul in a profound way – an illness, disease or injury at the physical, psychological or spiritual level which is often attached to the theme of this lifetime. And as such, it is a wound which can be triggered by events in this life time or a wound brought forward into this lifetime from a previous one. Either way, it has to be dealt with, and eclipses like the ones in March can be used to gain great insight into our on-going journey towards wholeness.
So – all you have to do is decide what you want to do next?
There is one, brief window of respite, which is the Equinox on 20th March. This day with twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness will allow the energy of balance to flow into our lives – a useful thing when you are in the middle of two honking great energy shifts! But, please be aware that this can also make you painfully aware of what things are not balanced in your life as well. More information we should not judge, but just use to move forward…
So, all in all, a fun month ahead… though it may well be a strange new use of the word fun which many of us were previously unaware of if we are not paying attention to the moving and shifting of the energy around us.
My only advice – watch what comes up for clearing … and make sure you clear it! You will feel better afterwards. And, if you need help, ask for it! Don’t be daft and try and do it on your own if you know you can’t. There are people around who can help … both physical and non-physical. Avail yourself of this help … on all levels… and make sure you are working as much as possible with your helpers and guides who can provide great insight at this time. The only alternative is to go to bed on March 7th and hide under your duvet until the end of the month! The only trouble with that is – you may feel better while you are actually hiding under the duvet, but the changes will still be there waiting for you when you come out. You might as well just give in and get on with it and use the energy available during March to make it as painless as possible!
The workshops this month are all based around utilizing the energy of the eclipses and the Equinox. Take a look and if you think one might be helpful, you are more than welcome to book a place and join the rest of us who are trying to give in gracefully to the whole change process.
Ah – and the most important piece of advice … please always make sure you maintain your sense of humour at all times….
Bright Blessings!