Carnelian is a stabilising stone with very high energy levels and it is excellent for restoring your vitality and motivation. Also due to its stabilising effect it is the perfect stone for anchoring you in the present NOW moment.

The key phrase for carnelian is one of my very favourite statements attached to a crystal – it is: Since there is nothing but love, you have no choice but to love and love will return to you exponentially.

And if that doesn’t get you reaching for your carnelian or running to a shop to buy some – nothing will! And don’t forget with this kind of energy held in the crystal you can use it on your heart as well as the base and sacral, even though it is not specifically listed as a heart chakra stone. No one told carnelian it couldn’t work on that energy centre because it wasn’t green or pink. It just goes right ahead and works anyway – crystals are like that! We categorise them and they ignore it!!

stability ~ emotional warmth ~ sociability ~ creativity ~ individuality ~ memory
appreciation of nature ~ harmony ~ courage ~ happiness ~ self-esteem ~ reincarnation ~ past life recall ~ rebirth

Chakras – Base and Sacral Chakras

When used in meditation, Carnelian will help you understand how to bring a concept into being, and how to manifest it into action. This is because it stimulates creativity when placed on the sacral chakra. It also grounds and anchors you into reality, which really helps the manifestation process. It also encourages you to stop waiting for dreams to appear, and help to make them appear.
I was going to do a whole list of properties for the stone, but you can get that kind of information anywhere, so I am going straight to how carnelian can help you!

Hold a carnelian in each hand and place a smokey quartz on the base chakra. The smokey quartz is a strong grounding stone, and when used with carnelian, so it will create a strong flow of downward energy, which will take any excess energy out of your system. It will also allow energy to flow into your earthstar chakra.

Hold a carnelian in each hand and focus on your sacral chakra. Then visualise a small flame in the chakra and let the energy of the fire element held within the stone to warm this area of your body. Then gradually allow the flame to grow until it fills the chakra and set the intention you want the energy of the flame to clear the chakra.
After you have done the meditation several times, you can make the flame grow even larger until it reaches up into the solar plexus. Set the intention that you want the energy of the flame to ignite the fire energy held in this chakra and clear it of anything which no longer serves your highest and greatest good.

Letting Go of Pain and Trauma Layout
You will need six small carnelian tumblestones.
Lie on the floor and place the stones as follows.
One at the crown chakra, one of your throat chakra, one either side of your body at the solar plexus, one at calf-level between your legs, one just below your feet .
Lie with the stones for as long as you feel you need to.

The first time you use this layout you may feel uncomfortable as the stones bring old pain and trauma to the surface to be released. Stay with the release process if you can. If you can’t, stop and try again later. Releasing the negativity a little at a time may be easier for you than trying to do it all at once. You will know what to do when you are doing it!

To amplify the energy held in a carnelian and use it to enhance your creativity, use the stone with Golden Labradorite, Amber, Yellow Apatite, or Sardonyx.

To stimulate your willpower, use carnelian at ther solar plexus with Pyrite, Sardonyx, Malachite, Pietersite or Preseli Bluestone.

Combined with either Green Aventurine or with Green Calcite,
For physical healing of the organs in the lower  half of the body, including the liver and pancreas, gall bladder and kidneys – use the stone with green aventurine or green calcite.

Enjoy working with such a lovely stone!

Bright Blessings, Gail!


Well with Equinox this weekend at another eclipse due on Wednesday – grounding repeatedly is essential, so here are two ways to use red garnet to do it.


  • Lie down and place your garnet on your base chakra
  • Set the intention that you want to use the energy of the stone to ground
  • Visualise a stream of rich deep red energy flowing from your garnet and going down from your base chakra into the centre of the Earth.
  • See or sense the energy returning to your base chakra tinged with golden earth energy.
  • Sit in this energy flow for as long as you like.

Additional Note: You may also want to try visualising the red garnet energy running up your central channel to flow out of the crown up to the centre of the sun so you are connected above and below. This will be very powerful, so be sure it’s what you actually need to do before you do it!


  • Set the intention that you want to use the energy of the stone to ground
  • Holding your garnet, stand or sit, and visualize the red energy of garnet flowing downwards and forming a red triangle from your base chakra to the floor, as if is filling in space between your legs, which naturally forms a triangle.
  • Continue the visualization until you feel fully grounded and if you want to you can carry the stone for the rest of the day.

Although red garnet is usually listed as a base chakra stone, you can also use it on your heart chakra. Try it and see! It works wonders. It brings calmness and peacefulness to this energy centre, which is always handy! It is a wonderful stone to use if you want to open your heart.

It can also remove negativity from all the chakras as well and using it from the base and continuing up to the crown is astonishingly effective.

Lastly, it stimulates energy from both the base and crown chakras, allowing it to flow freely along the spinal column and the central channel, distributing the appropriate amount of energy to each part of the body.


 Passion ~ Sensuality ~ Sexuality ~ Romantic love ~ Intimacy ~ Positive thoughts ~ Energy ~ ~Inspiration ~ Success ~ Social popularity  ~ Self-confidence

Energy: Protective
Element:  Fire
Powers: Healing, Protection, Strength


  • It is a powerful energizing and regenerative stone.
  • It cleanses and re-energizes the chakras.
  • It balances, strengthens and protects.
  • It helps you let go of old behaviour patterns you no longer want or need.
  • It boosts self-confidence.
  • It revitalizes, purifies and balances energy.
  • It balances the energy field around the physical body and also aligns the emotional and mental bodies.
  • It activates other crystals, amplifying their effect.
  • It sharpens your perceptions of yourself and other people.

Enjoy working with this lovely stone. It is one of my favourites.

Bright Blessings!




Well, there I was researching crystals you could use for growth and transition during the eclipse season and three robins appeared outside my car while I was parking it. Three… was the Universe thinking I wouldn’t be paying attention at such a ridiculous hour in the morning and I might miss one? Well, actually, quite probably, yes, as I am most definitely not a morning person…

So three certainly did make me sit up and take note and start Googling Robin as a totem… and at that point I thought .. AH … crystals can come later…
Robin is the guide who allows you to see the wisdom of change, growth and renewal. Jeez, I think we probably need a whole flock of them!

So, during March, please spend some time with Robin … a physical or non-physical one, which ever you prefer! We are certainly going to need Robin’s energy as we move through all the changes we have to make after the two eclipses.

Take a look at all the information and see what bits resonate with you and meditate with Robin to see what comes up. Something will… I’d put money on it! And he is just waiting to help!

Message of Robin
Let go of everything which isn’t working in your life and if you meditate with Robin your new path will be shown to you.

Robin brings the gifts of song and true voice
Robin’s totem energies are Spring and release
Robin’s animal energy is good luck and serendipity

• signifies new growth and renewal in lots of areas of your life.
• teaches that any changes you have to make can be made with joy, laughter and a song in your heart – if that is what you chose.
• helps you  to be independent and self- reliant during any period of change.
• teaches you how to move forward with ease and grace, tenacity, perseverance and assertion.
• teaches you how to release what ever does not serve your highest and greatest good
• helps you learn to incorporate new beginnings with trust and faith in the process connect with compassion and patience
• helps you learn to believe in yourself and use any inspiration which is given to you in the best possible way
• helps you deal with conflict in a mature manner

Lovely things Robin can bring into your life:
• Changing luck and fortunes  – for yourself and others
• Joy
• Hope
• Clarity
• Musicality
• Connecting to others through song, voice and words
• Constantly moving forward
• Bringing new growth into your life
• Renewal
• Pleasure
• Simplicity
• Finding beginnings more often than endings
• Being a pioneer
• Happiness
• Satisfaction
• Rejuvenation
• Contentment
• Helps you see connections to disease and illness which you may have missed before
• Lessons connected to incarnating for the current life time
• Learning how to spring forward
• Bright future

I mean, seriously, is there anyone who wouldn’t benefit from almost everything on that list! And on top of that one of Robin’s greatest gifts is that he will help you speak your truth and speak from your heart and see things from a new perspective. This is particularly helpful when you need to look at a situation from a fresh new perspective, especially if the situation is unclear to you. You can ask Robin for clarity when your judgement is clouded or when you need light shed on an issue.

So, please – make Robin your new best friend during March and journey well with him..

Bright Blssings