With the energy of the New Moon on 4thJuly being about moving forward and releasing everything which is holding you back, and Mars going direct this week to help, here is an energy exercise which will compliment both, allowing you to clear your system and take new energy in.

Better to create a new beginning with new, clean energy in your system rather than do it with old, stagnant stuff. That will only get you exactly the same thing!

And, if you have never used energy before – you can still do this just by setting the intention (i.e. silently saying what you want to happen) that you want to breathe energy into the parts of the body listed below. The best energy to use to do this, if you are not familiar with the many different frequencies which are available, is white light or sunlight – just breathe it in! That’s all it takes! But just remember at the end of the exercise to set the intention at the end to stop breathing it in otherwise you will just keep doing it with every breath you take.

Here’s the basic exercise – do what you want with it!!!

Revitalising your Energy Exercise

This simple self-treatment to use at any time to replace energy when you feel depleted in any way – and any frequency can be used. Your intention to use it is all it takes! You can also use it to release negative energy by adding this intention.

Decide which energy you wish to work with – you can even ask for angelic energy and sit quietly allowing your chosen angel to place their energy in the two places listed below. The only thing which will limit the way you use this exercise is what you think you can or cannot do with it.

Be adventurous! What have you got to lose? The worst thing that will happen is that you will feel better….

  • Relax and focus on your breath.
  • Connect with the energy you have chosen to work with or ask an angelic to join you and send their energy to you.
  • Place a hand over your solar plexus chakra and the other directly underneath, touching your stomach. Or tell your helper and guide this is where you would like them to place their energy.
  • Allow the energy to flow into these two places for ten to fifteen minutes. Or longer if you wish. You can even do this before you go to sleep and it won’t matter if you drop off. The energy will stop on its own when your system is re-calibrated.
  • Ground firmly.

Additional Points:

  • You can increase the effectiveness of this exercise by setting the intention to breathe the energy into both these places while you are working. It will intensify the flow.
  • You can also set the intention to release any stagnant energy on your out breath, which will mean there is more room for positive energy to flow into your system afterwards.
  • You can use specific energy to get specific results. The Violet Fame of Transmutation will cleanse everything on a very deep level. Quan Yin’s energy will help you with issues around love and compassion. Aphrodite’s energy will help you with self-love. Archangel Raphael’s angelic ray will be deeply healing… you get the idea. Decide what you want and go for it in a big way! Reiki will support your physical body – it is fabulous for that. Mahatma will help you increase your Light Quotient … as will Metatron’s energy. You can do anything with this very basic exercise… play with it and find the best way for you to use it.
  • And don’t forget a fabulous way to fill yourself with energising energy is to use the Sun, setting the intention to breathe it in to these two places. Solar energy in the solar plexus is particularly effective and invigorating!
  • And if you have a sudden urge to be attuned to a specific energy – you know where I am – or at least how to contact me! Happy to get that sorted for you! One I would heartily recommend is Quan Yin’s Lavader Flame … beautiful energy and you can do it in a day!

Have fun!

Bright Blessings



Key Words for the Colour Turquoise

cool, refreshing, imaginative, motivated, dynamic, renewal, calmness, peaceful, truthfulness, joyful, relaxed, healing, tranquillity, forgiveness, patience, creativity, sleep, dream work, inventions, innovation, originality, renewal, brotherhood, peace, humanism, emotion, prosperity, growth, purity, awareness, meditation, love, healing, generosity, communication, intuition, individual responsibility, self-reliance, independence, feminine, sophisticated, energy, wisdom, serenity, wholeness, emotional balance, good luck, spiritual grounding, friendship, love, joy, intuition, and loyalty.

♥          ♥          ♥          ♥

Yes, I know you probably expected me to write about the stone, but while I was looking for inspiration, I kept finding articles about the actual colour, so I took it as a sign that what I really needed to do was investigate further and then write a blog.

However, rest assured I also kept getting little nudges about doing the same for the lovely stone, so watch this space for that… at least I won’t have to do any work first, though, as I’ve been using the stone for years. It is fabulous! But, as always, I could be just a little bit biased!

So, what about the colour? I love it. I have always loved it, so it was interesting to see why I wanted (or needed) the vibration around me… and the times I drawn to it. It was actually quite illuminating.

It represents open communication and clarity of thought… something we could all do with really, but it also does heaps of other useful stuff – as you can see from the list above, which is very impressive. It is also the colour of communication, self-awareness and initiative.

Turquoise is obviously blue and yellow combined, so it radiates peace, calm and tranquillity from blue frequency and from yellow it gifts you with an uplifting an invigorating energy. Then, as a final bonus – from green you get balance and growth. Also, just looking at the colour brings a feeling of serenity and stability – who wouldn’t want all that?

But the most important thing for me is the fact that this is the colour of the evolved soul. So go and get something turquoise immediately, so you have this energy around you. We are all evolving at an astonishing rate, and will be for the next few months, so we may as well give in gracefully to the whole process and enhance it by using the energy of this lovely colour … well, everywhere really!It is such a useful colour to use when you are stuck and don’t know what to do next.

The short version of what Turquoise does is:

Turquoise brings:

  • calmness, relaxation and peace.
  • emotional balance and control, though too much of the colour could lead to excessive emotional control, which is not so good.
  • clarity of mind and creativity.
  • the ability to reflect and focus on your needs, thoughts and feelings.
  • higher self-esteem and self-love, though too much of it can bring aloofness and self-centredness, which could make you shut out other people.
  • creative expression rather than with rational thought.
  • empathy and caring
  • the ability to identify new ways to move forward, balancing the pros and cons, the right and wrong, of any situation.
  • heightened intuitive ability and spiritual growth
  • the ability to love others unconditionally
  • heightened skills connected to observation and perception and discrimination.

Additional Points

  • It recharges you during times of stress and exhaustion and, if you focus on it during meditation or wear it, you will immediately feel calm and,thankfully, feel as if you are ready to face the world again.
  • It is particularly useful to have in your environment during a crisis because it helps with clear thinking and decision-making, which usually goes straight out of the window if you are in a panic!
  • It also enhances organizational skills … always helpful if you are lacking in this area!
  • It opens communication between the heart and the throat, especially when speaking.It helpfully gives you control over speech and expression, and builds confidence.
  • It helps you control your emotional responses which in turn will allow you to create a new level of emotional balance and stability in your life. However, during this healing process you may have an increase of emotional instability before everything clears through your system.

Too much can over-stimulate your mind and create emotional imbalance. It can also lead to emotional stress, lack of communication skills, unreliability and deception.

Too little can cause you to hide your feelings and emotions, resulting in secrecy and confusion about your direction in life.

Negative meaning of Turquoise relates to being either over-emotional or non-emotional, lacking communication skills, being unreliable and deceptive. It can also make you self-centred, always putting your own needs above all others.

Shades of Turquoise

Aqua – refreshing, uplifting, creative and cheerful, as well as strong and independent.

Aquamarine strengthens creativity and inspiration. It soothes and balances the mind and the emotions.

Teal- symbolizes credibility and reliability. It also promotes spiritual development.

So, think about the colour and if you aren’t filled with the sudden urge to dash out and get something, take a moment to ask yourself why … try and find out which part of you is resisting all the great things this frequency of light has to offer and then find a way to help it evolve and move out of fear into love,,,,

Bright Blessings Gailx




Solstice comes from two Latin words: sol: sun and sistit: stands or stay – because for several days before and after each solstice, astronomically speaking, the sun appears to stand still.

As this festival revolves around the sun, one thing which is often suggested is burning a candle for the whole day, especially if it is cloudy or raining. The flame represents the sun and is a reminder of the power and the energy which is available to you while the sun is in the sky. Rituals are best if they are performed at noon, when the sun is at the height of its power. It starts to fade when the sun starts moving again a few days after the longest day.

It is also known as Litha – which means Light

Keywords: Power, leadership, authority

Element: Fire

Associations:  Power, joy, courage, happiness, strength, energy, self-confidence, identity, health, wealth and career, maximising opportunities, seizing chances and enjoying the present.

Symbols: Brightly-coloured flowers, oak boughs or tall broad indigenous trees, scarlet, orange and yellow ribbons, gold coloured coins and any gold jewellery, any golden fruit or vegetables.

Animal: Bear

Tree: Oak

Incenses, flower and herbs: Chamomile, dill, elder, fennel, lavender, frankincense, orange, marigolds, rosemary, sage and sagebrush, St. John’s Wort, lemon verbena and vervain, any golden, red or orange flowers

Candle colours: Red, orange, gold

Crystals: Amber, carnelian, red jasper, sun stone, clear quartz, citrine

Things To Do

  • Meditate on the Sun or on the Fire element and use the energy to transform your life in some way. (See Solar Power Blog)
  • Meditate on the key words of the festival – power, leadership and authority and see if you can claim them in new and exciting ways to enhance your life. You can also ask if you are the one who has power, leadership and authority in your life – or have you given it away to someone else. This would be the perfect day to claim it back using the energy of the Sun to literally fire you up about taking back control of your life on all levels!
  • Find new ways to cleanse your solar plexus chakra – this is where the fire element lives in your energy system. Also if you cleanse it the night before, on Solstice Day you can set the intention to absorb the energy of the sun in this chakra from dawn until noon to energize everything!
  • Call on Nathaniel – the Angel of Fire – and see what you can co-create with him on Solstice Day using the energy of Fire and his beautiful angelic vibrations.(See Nathaniel blog)
  • Make sun water – place a bowl of still mineral water outside with cleansed clear quartz or citrine in the water, and cover it with film or mesh from dawn till noon. Remove the covering and the crystals at noon. You can then usesmall amounts of the water in your bath or in your drinks to either heal or energise – or both! You can also use it to open your crown chakra by placing a few drops on your head, or place the water in a spray bottle and use it to cleanse your aura.
  • Place gold jewellery in the sunlight from dawn until noon with the intention of allowing it to absorb the Sun’s energy so you can then transfer into your energy system when you wear the jewellery later. If it is not a sunny day, light a gold candle and place the jewellery around it until the candle burns though.
  • Light sun oils, frankincense, juniper, rosemary, orange or benzoin or burn them to bring the power of the Sun into where you live or where you work.

But, whatever you decide to do to celebrate on 21st… enjoy it!

Bright Blessings



Nathaniel brings balance, harmony and trust, and can help you connect with the spiritual, angelic and higher realms. He also gifts you with a sense of inner-peace and confidence when you start working with him.

Colour: Red and Orange
Chakra: Heart Chakra – though I would also say Solar Plexus as well because this is the chakra which holds the energy of the fire element. He opens and expands both energy centres.
Celestial Body: Sun, or any star
Crystals: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Garnet, Rutilated Quartz,

Element: Fire

Fire energy is forceful, passion, prosperity, protection, cleansing purifying mind, body, and spirit. Also – intention, motivation, and passion.

Angelic Energy: Orange Flame of Transformation

You can ask Nathaniel to send the energy of this flame into any area of your life to transform it and transmute any negative energy which is associated with the thing you want to change or release.

Red Candle

When working with Nathaniel, you can light a red candle with the intention of clearing from your life on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – anything which no longer serves your highest good. Focus on the flame and simply allow all your thoughts to float away. Set the intention to breathe out anything which you no longer need in your life and breathe in Nathaniel’s energy, allowing it to flow everywhere to enhance the release process.

The very lovely Nathaniel is also known as the Angel of Energy, the Angel of Purification, the Angel of Divinity and the Angel of Life Purpose. He’s a very busy guy! But lovely with it, I have to say. But since he also works with the spiritual law of Cause and Effect he always makes sure you really understand that what you send out into the world will always come back to you.- one way or another! But on the bright side you can ask him help you ensure you only send out positive energy so more comes back to you!

Nathaniel resonates with the element of Fire and the energy associated with it – purification, transformation, transcendence, prosperity, protection, cleansing, motivation, passion and enthusiasm. So if you feel you are lacking in any of these areas, he is the angel you need to call into your life … immediately! He works by transferring the energy of fire to your life and your world where it can – very effectively! – burn away anything which no longer serves your highest and greatest good.

You ask for his help when you feel stagnant or stuck and are ready to move forward in your life because he will literally light a fire under you and get everything moving again! He instigates change on many, many levels and if you start to work with him you must be prepared for rapid and intense change. But he will always ensure all the changes are for your highest and greatest good and he will help you adapt gracefully during any transition period.

Archangel Nathaniel –

  • encourages you to maintain a strong belief in your dreams so he can help you manifest them on the earthplane. His energy will always help you to manifest your intentions.
  • helps you to connect with your personal power.
  • encourages you to follow your heart’s desires
  • encourages you to do what you love
  • encourages you to embrace and follow your life or soul purpose.
  • helps to remain grounded during meditation and while you are doing any kind of spiritual work
  • encourages you to use all your gifts and talents to help yourself and others.
  • helps you to overcome obstacles
  • helps you to see the Divine spark inside you and anyone else
  • helps you to discern between things that enlighten, inspire and encourage you and things that distract you.
  • helps you focus your thoughts and emotions, bringing clarity to both
  • encourages you to release things which no longer positively serve you – on any level – and he also helps you to release them with love and gratitude
  • helps you embrace new experiences and opportunities.
  • helps you move from 3D to 5D with ease and grace

Nathaniel brings the energies of purification, protection and cleansing into your life, and will always help you clear away anything which is no longer useful to you or your spiritual journey. Is it time to have a chat with him? I would!

Bright Blessings
