August Is the Month of the Heart

In astrology, Leo is ruled by the sun.

However, the part of the body ruled by Leo is the chest/heart.

Thoughts from Gail:

My take on that-  during this excessively energetic time: self-treat and clear the heart and the solar plexus together, at every available opportunity, using whatever energy you are drawn to.

Then, draw a vertical infinity symbol, looping round both chakras with the intention of joining them so they function together for as long as is appropriate for you at this time.

Crystal Helper


Rhodocrosite is pink, but also has some yellow in it which is why it resonates with both these chakras.

It allows you to develop a heart which is capable of taking action to express love on all levels – for yourself and others – and it helps you pursue your dreams. It is one of the best emotional healing stones there is, but to ensure all negativity is cleared, it must be used on both the heart and the solar plexus chakras. It stimulates the heart chakra, healing it and activates the solar plexus chakra after clearing it.

Use on solar plexus first to bring calmness. It will also release any tension in this area of your body, allowing you to breathe more easily, which will enhance any healing process.

Then cleanse the crystal so you don’t put the rubbish you have removed from the solar plexus into your heart!

Lastly, place the crystal on your heart and let it work.

Angelic Help

Solar Plexus – Uriel, who has a purple and gold angelic ray

Heart Chakra – Chamuel, who has a pink angelic ray

Just ask these two lovely angels to help you with these two energy centres.

Have fun!

Bright Blessings Gailx



As promised ages ago – a blog on how to use turquoise….

As you will see from the information shown below – Turquoise is a magnificent stone to use for just about everything, so I won’t bore you with even more stuff to read. So you can get straight down to learning how this lovely stone can help you manifest wholeness on all levels in your life.

Turquoise – The Stone of Truth

♥ Purification ♥ Serenity ♥ Protection ♥ Wisdom ♥ Balance ♥ Strength ♥ Friendship ♥ Love ♥♥ Positive thinking ♥ Sensitivity ♥ Healing ♥ Loyalty ♥ Honest Communication ♥ Protection ♥ Luck  ♥

Turquoise is a stone for self-forgiveness, self-acceptance, self-expression and the release of useless regrets. It encourages you to honour yourself as a creation and a tool of the Divine.

Key Word: Wholeness

Primary Chakra– Thymus

Secondary:Heart, Throat and Brow

Planet – Venus and Neptune

Primary Element –Aether

Secondary Elements – Earth/Air/Fire

Primary Angels: Sandalphon and Haniel

Secondary Angels: Michael and Raguel


This powerful healing stone is a Master Healer stone and strengthens the mind and the body. It has an uplifting quality as well as a calming quality to it.

Using Copper with Turquoise increases the power of the stone.

Turquoise in unbelievably beneficial for the physical body. It is a strengthening stone, helping to bring healing almost every system in the body. It neutralizes over acidity, increases growth and muscle strength and it contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.

It also alleviates rheumatism, gout, stomach problems, viral infections, and pain. The anti-inflammatory properties help with muscle tissue regeneration, circulation, lungs, respiratory system, heals stomach and viral infections. It helps anorexia, headaches, lung infections (including asthma), teeth problems, hearing issues and depression. It helps with detoxing from alcohol, poison, pollution and radiation.

Also because it resonates with the upper chakras it is particularly good for problems of the brain, eyes, ears, neck and throat, especially cataracts, migraines and headaches, and problems with balance.

To Use Turquoise for Healing – it draws energy out of the body. Place against a problem area of the body and visualise the pain, tension or illness being drawn out of the body and into the stone, removing it all together. Its energy (and the healing process) will be enhanced by surrounding the turquoise with four small quartz points – point outward to draw out energy – points inward to replace negative with positive after the healing. Always clean the stones after use.

To Use Turquoise on the Chakras – it will cleanse, align and strengthen all the chakras.

  • Throat – strengthens this chakra and always helps you to communicate with truth. It stimulates and harmonizes the energy centre, making it easier to articulate your innate wisdom. It also helps you communicate clearly what you want, and to then be able to communicate your desires to others in a way they can understand.
  • Heart – ensures love flows into everything you do. Also it allows compassionate and loving energy to flow to your communications. It also opens the heart chakra for giving/receiving
  • Brow chakra – helps develop clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities as well as enhance intuition
  • Sacral chakra – enhances your creativity and helps with creative problem solving.
  • Earthstar – spiritual grounding

To align your chakras – use with this intention and place one turquoise on each chakra for 3 – 5 minutes.If you only have one stone, not seven, move it up from base to crown 3 – 5 minutes at each chakra.

To help you to connect with and speak your personal truth, use it at the brow and throat with: Shattuckite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Amazonite, Preseli Bluestone or Chrysoprase.

The energy of Turquoise resonates particularly well in the throat and brow chakras, allowing you to access past life knowledge. Its energy can help you during meditation to explore past lives. If you use it at the throat chakra, it helps you to become aware of vows made during past lives, and to release them if appropriate. It also allows you to have a deeper awareness of the flow from life to life, and can you to ultimately discover what your purpose is for being here at this time.

On an emotional level, turquoise can help you because it balances the emotions and induces a sense of serenity and peace. It helps you to recognize the causes of happiness and unhappiness, and deal with anything which is stopping you from being happy. It also stabilises mood swings.

If placed in your environment it will bring a sense of peace and serenity. It does this by clearing any negative energy and restoring balance on all levels.

To balance your masculine and feminine energies, use it with: Aventurine, Golden Labradorite, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Nephrite Jade, Magnetite, Rhodochrosite, Amazonite and Hematite.

To enhance psychic gifts, combine it with other communication stones which will help you manifest them: Blue Sapphire, Blue Aragonite, Blue Shattuckite, Blue Topaz, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli and Blue Tourmaline.

Wearing and Carrying Turquoise

Wearing Turquoise jewellery is particularly helpful since the stone will be with you continuously and it will harmonize and revitalize your body because it emits an energy which is particularly useful when you are depleted or exhausted.

Worn or carried anywhere, turquoise will always protect and bless the wearer. A string of turquoise worn at the neck will absorb all negativity from the body and mind. Or a bracelet, necklace or even an anklet it will help the body detox alcohol, pollution, poison and radiation. When you wear a circle of beads around one area of the body it means that as the blood flows back and forth through the area, the turquoise can purify it. It is particularly beneficial for increasing the circulation to muscles, torn ligaments or tendons to help with healing.

For a problem with their lungs, throat or from asthma, hang a turquoise on a chain directly over the affected area. This allows the stone’s energy to work continuously.

For a problem with hearing or with ear infections, use a head band to hold a piece of turquoise against the ear, but please make sure the stone is large enough to stay outside your ear rather than get stuck inside it.

If you suffer from depression, sleep with the stone. This also helps if you cannot sleep.

Use an elixir to bathe a sprained or pulled muscle. It will also help damaged or cut tissues to heal. For headaches, soak a cloth in the elixir and place on your forehead till the pain goes away. You can also place the elixir in your bath to bathe and soothe your whole body. Or you can drink it to strengthen the body, helping it to fight off viruses and infections – that is the elixir, not the bath water J

Note: please make the elixir by the indirect method.

Other Additional Points:

  • Helps you feel calm and relaxed when speaking
  • Helps you to become more compassionate, especially to people who are not compassionate to you. It helps you learn to forgive them.
  • Helps you live integrity and truth.
  • Helps you manifest wisdom and understanding.
  • Brings freedom from limitation and fear, allowing you to be happy.
  • Relieves and dissipates sadness or grief.
  • Help you attune to the higher realms
  • Increases the ability to think positively

Have fun!

Bright Blessings  Gailx






Ham – al – i – el

Well, I thought I would investigate the angel of the month for August as we are now in August, though how I have no idea how we have managed that! It doesn’t seem long since it was Equinox in March and we are almost as Equinox in September. Perhaps we should really be playing Eth the Angel of Time because we are really, seriously in Dr Who territory with Time at the moment. Timey wimey… indeed!

Unfortunately, the actual Angel of August changes, depending on which article you read and, although Hamaliel is called the Angel of August, he’s sometimes listed as the Angel of September as well – so you have two opportunities to work with him if you want to! It always seems a bit silly to assign any of the angelics months really because you can talk to them at any time.


Angel of Logic

Angel of Action

Angel of Perseverance

Angel of the Harvest.

Angel of Virgo (with Metatron)

Hamaliel is alsoone of the rulers of the Choir of Angels known as The Virtues. So I think he probably has enough to do without being assigned a month to look after as well!

Hamaliel Gifts

Confidence, Self-Realization,Relaxation, Tranquillity, Balance, Harmony,Maturity and Wisdom

Colours Associated with Hamaliel

Rich Golden Browns, Russet Reds and Bright Yellows

Hamaliel is a teaching angel rather than a healing angel- though this does not mean he cannot heal, of course!  All angels can. It just means his primary function is to teach and he instructs in a repetitive manner – which isn’t bad because most of us seem to have less memory than a goldfish at the moment courtesy of all the extreme solar activity! And he will guide you forward, step by step, until you reach your goal and attain your full potential in this lifetime.And one of the ways he does this is in his guise as the Angel of Logic because he increases our ability to think in a logical and orderly manner – no mean feat for some of us who function intuitively most of the time.

Hamaliel will also enhance your relationships and his angelic energy will smooth your life path, making it easier for you to travel along it with ease and grace. Well, who wouldn’t want that at the moment when all we seem to find at every turn is complete and utter chaos?

And another benefit of working with him is that he will help you develop a natural ability to meet and draw towards you people who are beneficial to you… Again – how fabulous is that?

And, finally, as if he didn’t bring enough gifts already – he will help you:

  • develop spiritually

  • identify the areas in your life which need re-balancing

  • connect with the discipline and commitment you need to follow through and make positive changes in your life.

  • complete tasks

  • develop relationships – personal and professional

  • increase your vitality

  • increase the amount of joy in your life

The main crystals associated with Hamaliel are Turquoise and Blue Topaz, both of which are powerful stones. I like using both of them. Just see which one you are attracted to.But others are listed in various sources – Diamond, Ruby, Peridot, Carnelian, Rhodochrosite, Clear Quartz, Agate and any green coloured stone, which means you probably have a stone somewhere which this angels likes!

Ritual with Hamaliel

As Angel of the Harvest, one of Hamaliel’s jobs is to help us learn how to receive and accept gifts from Source, the Divine, God, the Universe … whatever term suits you. We are usually very good at giving, but not so good at receiving. So if that is you – this is your go to angel! He helps you understand – on all levels – that you are as worthy as the next person to receive abundance in all its forms…if not more so in many cases!

One of the ways to do this with Hamaliel is to make a list of all the areas in your life where you need some help with receiving and accepting gifts – financial, career, friendship, education, health … more Star Wars films (sorry – I couldn’t help myself!).

It’s your list, so you can put anything you want on it. The only thing that limits you is what you think you can or cannot put on your list. Just give in and put everything down. I mean if you are going to dream – why dream small? Go ahead … dream BIG… ENORMOUS … GIGANTIC! Otherwise, really, what’s the point? Then leave your list and think about it for a bit because it’s best to be clear about what you want since Hamaliel will always ensure that you get it. So you want to make really sure you are asking clearly and precisely, so you get exactly what you want – not what you wrote in a hurry without thinking about it properly! Words are vitally important! Use the right ones… please!

Then all you have to do is decide the best way for you to ask for Hamaliel’s help. There are so many different ways I would be here all month if I tried listing them. Think about it and see what appeals to you. You can start by just asking for Hamaliel’s help with all the things on your list, you can build an altar and leave your list on it, you can programme a clear quartz to broadcast your list until it starts manifesting … or make up a ritual which suits the way you like to work with the angelics! And again, the only thing which will limit you is what you think you can or cannot do. Be inventive… be adventurous even… and, above all, make sure you and Hamaliel have some fun together.

I hope you enjoy discovering all the delights of the Angel of August… and the good news – if you read the right article you can play with him all over again in September!

Bright Blessings Gailx