Quan Yin holds the most exquisite energy – compassion, unconditional love, mercy and forgiveness.

These are very often qualities we cannot extend to ourselves if we are in pain, so she is the perfect choice as a helper and guide when we want to clear old emotional rubbish from our system. She can bless us with any one of them – or all of them -until we are in a space where we can start to generate the feelings for ourselves, or others.

So, the only thing you have to ask yourself right now is – do I want to clear anything?  And what would be the best thing for me to clear at this time to ensure I am able to move forward on your journey?

The first step in any healing process is to acknowledge the pattern that is blocking your progress. So, sit quietly and set the intention that you want to be made aware of the most appropriate situation to clear. Just allow it come to the surface of your mind so it can be released. If several things come up, choose the one which feels as if it needs dealing with first. You can always repeat the exercise if you feel there is something else which needs to be released as well.

Just please don’t try and do more than one thing at a time. It’s never a good idea and it very rarely works. And always ensure you are securely grounded before you start.

Now you know what you need to release, ask Quan Yin to join you. Thank her for coming and take a moment to attune to her beautiful energy, letting it flow from her heart to your heart… and let it gently fill your heart.

If you are visual, you may be lucky enough to actually see the stream of energy joining her heart to yours. I never have because I feel energy, but I have always imagined it must be so nice to see it.  And if you don’t see either, it doesn’t matter. You will most certainly be aware of it on some level, and you will also be aware of your heartspace expanding to accommodate this wonderful flow of Divine Unconditional Love. Do yourself a favour – let it fill your entire heart.

Now silently affirm: I AM fully present in my heart space.

Now let the gentle and loving vibration from Quan Yin flow out of your heart and fill the whole of your physical body. Allow yourself to be blessed by it and, using your intention, as you exhale, let it flow out of your heart, going back to all the younger versions of you who were trapped in the situation you are going to clear from your system – for whatever reason. Don’t judge – just let the energy flow.

Now, with Quan Yin’s energy still flowing into your heart, ask for it to clear any negativity attached to the situation you have chosen to work with on all levels – past, present and future and on all planes and in all dimensions. This will ensure that if this is a pattern which has been repeating over many lifetimes it is released from all of them. Quian Yin’s energy can flow anywhere, so be smart – use it to release all the energy from all the lifetimes you have been wounded by this kind of situation.

All you need to do is have a very clear intention of what you want to achieve while you are working with Quan Yin and set the intention that you would like her energy to keep flowing into your heart and out into your body to clear all the negative energy attached to this situation.

Ask for Quan Yin’s energy to clear all aspects of the blockage you want to remove – known and unknown, seen and unseen, named and un-named – and let all the loving vibrations she sends to you flow into your central channel. Then when your central channel is full, let the energy flow out into the whole of your Four Body System, going through your physical and etheric bodies into your emotional body, your mental body and, finally, your spiritual body.

The only thing you have to do is sit quietly in this energy and relax in your heart space while Quan Yin’s beautiful energy dissolves anything which no longer serves your highest and greatest good. And with the intention already set for clearing the past, present and future, it will go where ever it is needed to ensure all traces of this blockage are removed in whatever form they have been manifesting – it’s not always the same.

Now – and only if you are able – send the energy of forgiveness to yourself and to anyone else who is (or was) connected with the situation you are working with. If not, ask Quan Yin to fill your heart with the energy of forgiveness until you are able to do it yourself. Let the energy of this deeply healing quality fill your heart and flow out to fill your physical body as well, blessing you on all levels.

You can also ask Quan Yin to bless anyone else who needs this quality on your behalf… as long as it is for their highest and greatest good. You ask her to bless NOT heal another person because they have to choose to heal. You can’t do it for them, or assume they want to do it at the same time as you. They may not be ready. But you can still bless them… any blessing always helps, but doesn’t interfere with the person’s free will.

So, sit in the energy of Quan Yin’s blessing and allow it to flow in, through and around you – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is exquisite.

After you have cleared your Four Body System, go back to your heartspace and start to generate a feeling of gratitude in your heart. Think all of the things you have to be grateful for – there is always something, even if you have to look for it – and let these thoughts fill your heart space until there is nothing in your heart but gratitude. And don’t forget to be grateful for all the help from Quan Yin!

When you feel the release process has finished, disconnect from Quan Yin and thank her again for her help. Then sit quietly while your energy system re-calibrates and stabilises at a new higher vibratory rate.

All that is left after that is to ground firmly again and bring your awareness fully back into your physical body.

Just please be aware that you can always re-generate negative energy about the person, the place or the situation you have cleared from your system by continually thinking about it in the old and familiar and usually negative ways. Watch what happens around it and find a new way to approach it if it comes up. Or keep clearing in case it is a new and deeper level of the same thing appearing to be released. You did ask to be aware of it, after all.

Whatever happens, Quan Yin is always there to help you and bless you with her beautiful energy.  You just have to ask…

Bright Blessings Gailx





So, the earthstar chakra – what is it and why write about it now? Well, it is the first of the sub-personal chakras and it gives you greater stability on the earthplane when it is properly activated and functioning at optimum, which we need this month because the energy is so chaotic. It enhances the grounding mechanism you already have through the base chakra and the feet chakras and it will keep you very grounded and secure. It allows the whole of your energy system to be embedded in the earth … quite literally. It is, as far as I am concerned, one of the most useful chakras you have because, during these times of ascension when your frequency is going up and up, you seriously need to go down as well. In fact there is no way you can keep going up without it. The more stable your energy system is and the more securely it is anchored in the earth, the higher you can go.

The earthstar works so well because it is six inches below your feet, so it is already in the ground. This means that when you activate it, it automatically anchors your energy there, and you feel incredibly stable. It is a wonderful feeling. It is also known as the Super Root and is connected to the rest of your chakra system through your feet chakras.

So, what else do you need to know about this energy centre? It holds past life, karmic and ancestral energy vital to your current lifetime, most of which will need to be cleared at some point after you have activated the chakra. It is your connection to the earthplane and your life path. It is such a useful chakra to start working with. It will allow you to clear enormous amounts of negative and stagnant energy from your system. I’d really be start working with it right now!

The negative quality of this chakra is powerlessness and the positive quality is empowerment. And, if it is unbalanced or blocked, it will lead to discomfort in your physical body, feelings of helplessness, and it will sometimes manifest an inability to function practically in the world. So, as you can see, at this time it is almost vital that this chakra is up and running effectively in your energy system.

You will find a great many crystals are recommended when you are working with the earthstar. Any grounding crystal will work really well, but from personal experience and years of teaching about the extended chakra system, I have found aqua aura quartz is simply one of the very best crystals. This is because the earth contains so much water. But, at the end of the day, this is your journey so always see which crystal you are drawn to and which one works best with your chakra system and your subtle anatomy. Two other stones I would recommend are black obsidian and petrified wood.

Another blessing which comes from an activated earthstar is that it allows you to release any the negative energy you pick up from your environment or from being with others who are vibrating at a lower rate than you… and more easily too. This is a HUGE benefit. All you have to do is set the intention that you want these unsuitable vibrations to drain away, going through the eathstar into the ground. This works extremely well because when this chakra has been activated your whole energy system automatically becomes aligned with the magnetic core of the earth.

The other advantage is that when the earthstar is functioning properly and fully integrated into the rest of your energy system, it serves to anchor the whole chakra system, it connects the etheric body to the physical world and this in turn creates a feeling of security which allows your soul to fully express itself on the earthplane. Also if it is well-balanced it means you can feel deeply connected to the Earth and Mother, and to your inherent gifts and talents, enabling you to express and use them more effectively.

So, what are you waiting for? If your transpersonal system is already open … make time to clear the earthstar and ensure it’s working at optimum, If it isn’t, the best place (well, really the ONLY place) to start is with the earthstar. You have to be stable before you can start exploring the upper transpersonal chakras. Opening them before you have stabilised your system by working with the earthstar is seriously not a sensible thing to do at all.

To Activate:

The easiest way – ask Archangel Sandalphon to do it. He is in charge of the chakra and he will be happy to do this for you. But you must remember to ask him to activate it at the most appropriate vibrational level for you at this time, and ask for the whole of your energy system to be stabilised at the most appropriate frequency for you at this time after he has done it. It is always worth having a helper or guide do something like this because then you do not have to worry whether or not you have done it correctly. They will never make a mistake!

All you have to do is sit quietly and ask Sandalphon to help you connect with the earthstar chakra. This way you can be fully and consciously aware of the whole activation process. Then just ask him to activate, cleanse, and balance it. Then using your intention, draw up earth energy into the chakra with each in breath, so it is securely connected to the earth and Mother’s beautiful golden energy and let this golden earth energy fill the chakra until it is glowing.

As you open your connection to Mother through your earthstar, it will give you greater access to her nurturing vibrations and you will find your whole energy system (and your physical body) is empowered and strengthened. This will, in turn, give you a much firmer foundation for you to continue your spiritual growth process. It gives you something to build on which is completely and utterly solid.

Lastly, two other crystals to use with the earthstar are:

Magnetite – get two small pieces, hold one in each hand between the thumb and the index finger and see just how incredibly fast this stone plugs the whole of your energy system back into the magnetic grid of the earth. It’s astonishing, effective and I promise you will feel SO much better afterwards! It will work even more effectively if you activate the acupuncture points in the fingers and thumbs with the tops of the miniature octahedrons.

Labradorite – place a piece between your feet with the intention of using the energy to fill your earthstar chakra. Although this is not usually considered a grounding stone, you will find it works extremely well… as long as you hold a clear intention that you want its energy to flow down into the earthstar and stabilise your entire energy system from this point. You can also ask the vibration of the crystal to fill your feet chakras as well, if you want to. Keeping these grounding points open at all times is vitally important at the moment.

There are also crystals which will help you clear specific patterns of negative energy, commonly stored in the earthstar, which are connected to either past lives, karmic debts or ancestral patterning. Working with these stones while you are working with the earthstar will help to clear the energy from this chakra and, if used with the proper intention, it will also clear it from any other places in your system where it may be stored as well.

To help you release any attachments to people, places and situations – petrified wood, petalite and jet.

To encourage acceptance of these same people, places and situations – petrified wood, petalite and clear quartz.

To help you transform – obsidian, jet (use also on the base, sacral and solar plexus to enhance the clearing process – it is wonderfully effective!), petalite and amber.

To help with forgiveness – there are crystals, but really, I’d recommend going straight to the very lovely Angels of Forgiveness – these guys really know how to help with this problem!

Well, I think that’s more than enough on the earthstar…

Have fun being more connected to Mother. It is always a blessing…

Bright Blessings Gailx





Well, I was going to post a meditation on how to balance the five elements in your body. I typed it up and everything… and then, try as I might, I just couldn’t do the whole cut and paste thing to the blog site! It was really, really weird. It was a lovely meditation, with lots of useful hints on how to work with elemental energy and I really liked it. I am sure you would have done as well, but none of it wanted to go on the blog. So, what to do …?

The only thing which came to mind – over and over again I have to say – was a Sufi breathing practise to purify your energy system and balance the five elemental energies held within it, which I have been teaching for many years. I tried to push the thought out of my mind, but it wasn’t going anywhere… except out of my fingers to the keyboard as I typed it all up!

So, here, for better or worse, is the practise, and I hope you find it useful. You just have to be a bit careful with the aether breath. It looks easy and simple, but, trust me when I say it is enormously powerful. If it overpowers you – please just stop and tune in to one of the other elements to see what you need to stabilise your system. Earth is usually the best one to use…

The five elements are everywhere – they are the basic building blocks of life, on an esoteric level, of course. I am sure most scientists would dispute the fact that we are all made up of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Aether, which is the vibrational force which holds everything together.

You can connect with any elemental energy using your intent, and the images or thoughts you use to do this, give you a basic idea of the type of vibrational force each element represents. E.g. earth is stability, strength, foundations, the physical body, especially the bones. You get the idea.

I could write for hours and hours about elemental energy. It’s fabulous and using it is a wonderful way to balance the whole of your Four Body System, but there is enough information out there for you to check it out yourself if you want to. There’s just no point me repeating it unless I have something new and exciting to say …

What I’d like to do is give you the details of the Five Element Breath so you can have a go yourself if you are not already familiar with it. It will help enormously since we are experiencing an unprecedented influx of light at this time and it is bound to … well, discombobulate you, to be honest. So here it is…

Five Element Breath

Focus on your breath. Breathe in deeply and relax into the exhale, extending it as much as you can. When you out breath is longer than your in breath, it is a physiological trigger that your body simply can’t ignore. It actually makes the body to relax. Do this for a few minutes until you feel your body start to do this.
Now set the clear intention that as you repeat each breath pattern for each element, you wish to attune to that particular elemental energy and experience it on all levels.
You also want to ask that while you are fully focused on each elemental energy, you would like it to cleanse your system and come into balance within the whole of your Four Body System – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
You do FIVE breaths for each element. FIVE only please….

This is a very powerful practise, even though it is only five breaths per element, and it is recommended that you only do it ONCE a week….

Earth: Inhale and exhale through the nose
Water: Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth
Fire: Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose.
Air: Inhale and exhale through the mouth
Aether: Very short and gentle breaths, inhaling and exhaling through the nose.

The qualities of the aether breath are peace and unity and it brings stillness. Just allow this to happen while you breathe in and out and connect with this element.

And, as an added bonus, when you are used to working with the aether breath – after you have completed your five breaths, you can sit in the energy you have created and use it to travel into space and become aware of the galaxy in a whole, new magnificent way … but please don’t do this straight away. You really need to practise for a while and get used to it on other levels first.

I hope this great exercise helps re-balance you and your energy system during the chaotic energies which are around this month.

Bright Blessings

