Well, with the last 1 vortex on 27th January, I was hoping we would have a nice quiet time after that – at least for a little while… silly me!

February is the start of the eclipse season, so there will be many energetic adjustments coming our way and then following swiftly on after that is a huge influx of light. It hits the earthplane on 4th March and continues until 17th March just in time for the shift on the Equinox. There is no way our energy systems will be really stable for a while…. unless, of course, we work at it.

I would recommend, as I always do – ground, ground and ground again and keep doing it, especially in March. But there are other things you can do to help yourself and ensure your energy is balanced while all these downloads and shifts are happening.

Peacock Ore is a fabulous stone. It is known as The Chakra Stone because it is so effective at balancing and aligning the entire chakra system, so it is the perfect stone to use during chaotic times like these. And, not only does it ensure the chakras are working perfectly, after it has done restored them for you, it will simultaneously align the physical body with the subtle bodies. I mean – how great is that?

It also works very powerfully at the crown chakra, cleansing and activating it. This will be particularly useful in March when the light downloads begin. If your crown if functioning at optimum, it means the light will flow smoothly into your system without causing too much disruption. I would seriously go and get yourself a piece of peacock ore right now and make it your next best friend!

You can also use it at the brow where it will help you re-discover long forgotten knowledge and open your inner sight – more helpful things during an upgrade and re-calibration process. You just meditate with the stone on the chakra, and as a wonderful added bonus, peacock ore helps you to reach and stay at a meditative state – you have to love this stone! If you sit in a circle of peacock ore while meditating, it is simply astonishing… try it!

And, at the brow chakra, it is also used to enhance clarity of thought, concentration, and focus.  It enhances understanding of difficult concepts, which will be just what we need over the next couple of months.

And, last, but definitely not least, it inspires the infinite energies of the universe to activate the maintaining energies of the body. Perfect when your body will need help adjusting to all the high frequency energy and light downloads. It also grounds excess nervous energy, which we will have in abundance nice everything kicks in during March

There is a very simple crystal layout you can do to help you utilize all the fabulous properties of peacock ore, plus the magnificent vibration of fluorite… another really useful stone at times like these. The key words for fluorite are – order out of chaos. Just what we need and it works incredibly well with the peacock ore. You will also need two clear quartz – tumble stones or points will do, but make sure you have two of the same type of stone, though I have to say to enhance the cleansing process, two points are much better for this exercise.

I have used it many times and found it very, very effective. You usually only need to do it once a week, but over the next two months the energy shifts could be extreme, so do it whenever you feel you need to, though do not do it more than once a day, please.

First you set your intention – you want your crystals to help clear, balance and align your chakra system and then align your physical body with your subtle bodies, stabilising your whole system at the most appropriate frequency for you when everything has finished. Then place your crystals.

  • Peacock Ore – crown chakra
  • Flourite – yellow, if possible, but any type will do – solar plexus
  • Hold the two quartz – one in each hand. If you are using points – it will be point towards the wrist of your non-dominant hand, point towards your fingers of your dominant hand.
  • Now visualise Divine White Light or Source energy, which ever you prefer, flowing into your crown chakra through the Peacock Ore. From there, together with the energy of the peacock ore, the energy will flow to every part of your Four Body System, carrying out your request. All you have to do is focus on your breath and let all the stones do what they do best – help you.
  • If you feel any resistance to the whole re-alignment process, set the intention to release it on every out breath while the crystals are working.
  • After ten minutes (or less – this crystal combination is fast!), thank your crystals, disconnect, ask for any excess energy to earth through your feet and then bring your awareness back to your physical body.

I hope you find the crystal layout helpful. I’ll be completely amazed if you don’t!

Bright Blessings Gailx





Healing. Protection, Divination, Peace, Cleansing, Grounding

Obsidian stimulates growth on all levels.

Just when we thought 2017 was going to be a relief after 2016 – new beginnings after completion – what is the stone which resonates to 10 (2+0+1+7 =10)?

Obsidian … not the easiest stone to work with, though it is one of the most powerful. It is known as a stone of truth and it will reveal everything, including things you have carefully buried to ensure you never ever find them again. In most cases it could be described as merciless because it exposes all flaws, weaknesses and blockages. Nothing can remain hidden if you work with this stone, so you have to be ready to do it. It is never for the faint-hearted, mainly because it has no boundaries or limitations, so it works extremely fast and with great power. So you need to make sure you work with this stone consciously, and with a really clear intention to get the most out of it.

But, on the bright side, it is deeply cleansing, so it enables you to clear anything which comes up quickly and efficiently, and it is good at grounding and protecting you so you will feel safe while you work. You just have to be really sure you want to do the work before you start.

Clear quartz will help with this whole process because it grounds and helps you express whatever the obsidian finds in your Four Body System.

If you find working with obsidian is difficult for you, use green aventurine, rose quartz or chrysocolla to soften its affects. Or use apache tears – these are nodules of obsidian, but they are more gentle. Or snowflake obsidian is another alternative. It is not as intense as black obsidian. Or seek out a qualified therapist. This is one of those stones where this may be necessary because it can bring up deeply held negative emotional states, and unpleasant memories. It brings deep soul healing and this can also start to clear negative ancestral energy and past life problems which have been carried forward into this life. You might need help to ensure they are completely removed. Obsidian magnifies all negative energy in your system so it can be fully experienced and then released.

Obsidian should be cleaned under luke-warm running water each time it is used. It is best charged in the early morning or late afternoon sun.

The Angelic Connection:

Use Obsidian when working with Archangel Azrael who can you move towards new beginnings, new possibilities, and new awakened levels of awareness

As always, there is lots of information available. Look it up if you want more, but for those of you who would like a few practical ways to work with the stone – here they are:

  • Carrying the stone will block negativity of any kind. It stops psychic attacks and removes negative spiritual influences.
  • Hold a piece in each hand or place a piece under each foot to ground. It activates an instant connection from the base chakra to the core of the Earth.
  • Placing an Obsidian by the bed or under the pillow can draw out mental stress and tension over night. It can have a calming effect, but please be aware that it can also bring up the reasons for the stress and force you to deal with them. Use with caution if you do this.
  • Place in the home, office, or sacred space to remove any unwanted negative energy. It will block geopathic stress and absorb up environmental pollution.
  • Chakra Work – place the stone on the chakra and leave it for between 10 – 20 minutes.

Brow – it will activate the chakra as well as break through mental barriers and dissolve mental conditioning.

Brow – for past life healing use here… carefully, with a very clear intention. If you have come back to this life in order to resolve a past life issue, place obsidian on this chakra and ask about it, listening for the answer. It may help you discover the purpose incarnating at this time as well.

Sacral – to ground spiritual energy into the body.

Brow and Sacral – used with intention at these two places Obsidian will connect the mind and emotions.

Base – allows the energy of the upper chakras to descend and facilitate a deep healing of the Lower Self. When used on the sacral, the same thing happens. It must be used with caution if you do this because it will expose everything you need to release, including past life and ancestral issues in this position.

Make no mistake – this is a hugely powerful stone and working with it will change you – probably in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine and, in quite a few cases, it won’t be pleasant either because Obsidian makes you face up to and acknowledge your true self. It takes you deep into your subconscious mind where it will bring shadow qualities to the surface for release. And some of these shadow issues will be linked to past lives and your ancestral line. They will be deep-seated traits and behaviour patterns which can sometimes be difficult to shift. You must be prepared to face all this before you start working with Obsidian otherwise some of it could come as a very nasty shock!

But the good news is the stone will be ready, willing and very able to help you clear anything you find from the whole of your Four Body System. It is a complete marvel! And it is particularly helpful for people who are reluctant to let go of the past. It will initiate a deep, clearing process, enabling them to finally let it all go and move on with their life.

It can also be used very effectively in your personal self-development work as a tool to help you recognize all your negative thought and behaviour patterns. It’s lovely shiny surface just reflects everything back to you and it takes you past the symptoms you are presenting to the root cause of your blockage or imbalance. It will also help you clear and release everything once you have examined the problem and learned what you need to know from it.

Just please make sure your intention is very,very clear when you do this. You should ask the stone to remove any patterns you find from our auric field and your cellular memory – in to separate sessions. Do not request both clearings at the same time. Do one, let your energy settle and only make the second request when you feel ready for the clearing process. And, if you have any problems at all, please go to a qualified crystal therapist immediately for help.

But Obsidian’s greatest gift is that it helps you understand who you truly are and not who you think you are, and then it will find ways for you to integrate these two perceptions into a whole. A whole new you, in fact!

How perfect is that for a 1 year of new beginnings? Hard to make them if there isn’t a whole new you to go with them.

Have a good journey with Obsidian. Your life will certainly never be the same again – on so many levels.

Bright Blessings Gailx



With the out-going energy of a 9 year and the incoming energy of a 1 year, things might seem a bit…. well, wonky….

Unfortunately for us, this is to be expected. With such a difference between the two years, the transitional period at the end of one and the beginning of the other was always going to be … odd, bizarre, weird… or any other word you want to use to describe your world while you are finally closing some doors and preparing to open others.

So, to ease you through it all, may I suggest using blue lace agate and rose quartz together. They are both wonderful stones and you can use them separately, but when their energies are combined it is particularly lovely.

If you want to know all the qualities the two stones possess, do look them up on line. There is always plenty of info available. This is just a tip reminding you that they will help enormously if you are feeling stressed. Blue lace agate is particularly useful if you have a tension-related headache. Its energy is very soothing. Do try it. Just lie down and put the crystal in the centre of your forehead. It works wonders!

So, as this is a year of new beginnings, it is important to re-balance and re-align. This will allow us to make the most of all our new opportunities when they arrive, and you will benefit greatly from making some time to sit with these two beautiful crystals. The blue lace agate will calm and soothe you and the rose quartz – well, that will just wrap you in the energy of Divine Unconditional Love – what could be better than that?

One last blue lace agate tip – when used in meditation it will first clear your throat chakra and when that is done it will make a connection up to the brow chakra and go up to the crown. This will help you connect to whatever higher aspect of yourself you usually work with, or your helpers and guides. So this will make accessing all sorts of guidance much, much easier.

Also, as it resonates very strongly with the heart it will help you to embody your heart’s desire – a fabulous thing in a year of new beginnings.

So please get yourself a piece of blue lace agate and rose quartz and, as you sit quietly with them, ask them to help to re-balance your body and your mind. Just don’t forget to thank them afterwards, though!

Bright blessings!
