
Emotions, Unconditional Love, Harmony (especially in relationships), Adoration, Compassion, Creativity, Gratitude, Mercy, Creativity, Forgiveness.

Angelic Ray: Pink

Chakra: Heart

Focus: Relationships

Physical Associations: Shoulders, heart, lungs, arms hands and your skin.

Crystals: Any green or pink heart chakra crystal

Candle: Pink

Archeia: Charity – who is love and compassion in action.

Chamuel’s Gifts

  • He will increase and multiply all positive things in your life, but only if you ask him to do this.
  • He will help you cultivate self-love
  • He will help you learn to forgive.
  • He will amplify the flame of love in your heart.
  • He will help you to learn to trust – on all levels, including learning to trust yourself and all your abilities.
  • He will help you to develop the qualities of mercy, compassion and loving kindness for others.
  • He will teach you the correct way to use of the energies of your heart chakra.
  • He will help you to communicate and interact successfully with your family and friends.
  • He will help you to develop all your gifts and talents.
  • He will allow you to see every obstacle in your life as an opportunity to learn and grow and expand your heart chakra.
  • He will help you balance your emotional and mental bodies.

Well, really – who among us doesn’t need help with the things on that list from time to time? So if you are challenged by one – or indeed all of the bullet points – spending some time with Chamuel is looking good!

Of all the archangels, Chamuel is not the one I expected to be writing about (not that it isn’t good to write about him I hasten to add), but there were already several other archangels who have been wanting me to write about them, so it was a bit of a surprise when he jumped the queue. But he is such a lovely angel. I particularly like channelling his sound because it is quite exquisite and it is always worth finding some time in your busy day to sit with him, especially if you’re working on expanding your heart chakra and allowing more love into your life, though he will always encourage you to increase your self-love before helping you to find new ways to love others. This is because until you learn to love yourself, you have no way of really knowing how to love anyone else. You will only be fooling yourself and thinking you are loving them.

It is remarkably easy to work with Chamuel:

  1. Sit quietly and ask him to join you.
  2. Thank him for coming once he arrives and allow yourself to attune to his wonderful energy.
  3. Ask him for his help.
  4. Thank him for his help when you have sat with him or meditated with him for a while, ground and return your awareness to your body.

I mean really – how simple is that and why aren’t you doing it on a regular basis? Things like holding a crystal, using incense or lighting a candle are optional. If you like doing it – go right ahead, but they are to help you, not Chamuel. He turns up as soon as you ask him to.

So what can you ask Chamuel once he has arrived? You can ask whatever you want to – as long as it is done with great love and respect and you always send thoughts of love and gratitude to him after you have worked with him. Here are some examples:

  1. Please help me clear my heart chakra and activate it at a new higher level, so I can embody more and more unconditional love and compassion.
  2. Please help me clear my sacral chakra so I can learn how to love myself on all levels.
  3. Please help me with ……………….. I open to receive any guidance you have to offer.
  4. Please fill my heart with your pink angelic ray.
  5. Please help me expand my heart chakra and to love unconditionally.
  6. Please heal my heart and let love flow in my life on all levels.
  7. Please show me how I can forgive myself and others.

Chamuel’s angelic ray is the Pink Ray of Divine Unconditional Love. This energy balances and expands the heart, which will always increase your ability to love and nurture yourself and others. It also means, as you work with the energy, you will learn to give and receive unconditional love. How great is that? The Ray also has a pink flame associated with it. It is the Flame of Divine Unconditional Love

So what can you do with Chamuel’s ray? Well, the short answer is, of course, use it …. immediately! Here are some instructions that I use when I am guiding people in a mediation with this lovely angel.

  • Sit quietly and ask Chamuel to join you. Thank him for coming once he arrives and allow yourself to attune to his wonderful energy.
  • Now ask Chamuel to send his pink angelic ray deep into your heart to clear anything you are holding in the chakra which prevents you from feeling and experiencing self-love on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
  • Sit quietly while Chamuel sends his pink angelic ray into your heart and you can enhance the process by intending to breathe out any blockages which the angelic ray brings to the surface for release.
  • Thank Chamuel disconnect, ground and return.

An alternative to allowing Chamuel to fill your heart with his angelic ray is to ask him to ignite the Pink Flame of Unconditional Love in your heart with the intention of burning away anything in the chakra which no longer serves your highest and greatest good. Why not try both versions and see which one suits you the best? You have nothing to lose because they both work and they are both lovely!

And, once you have been blessed by Chamuel – it is time for you to pass on blessings yourself. Here are the instructions:

  • Sit quietly and ask Chamuel to join you.
  • Thank him for coming once he arrives and allow yourself to attune to his wonderful energy.
  • Now ask Chamuel to send his pink angelic ray deep into your heart to clear anything you are holding in the chakra which prevents you from feeling and experiencing self-love on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
  • Sit quietly while Chamuel sends his ray into your heart and fills it completely and set the intention that you want the angelic ray flow out of your heart to run through the healing pathways which link your heart to your hands.
  • Now place your hands on your lap, palms up, and see or sense the energy of Chamuel’s pink angelic ray flowing out of your hands and floating away to bless any who are in need of Divine Unconditional Love on the earthplane at this time.
  • Allow the energy to flow out of you as a blessing until you are guided to stop.
  • Thank Chamuel and the angels of love. Disconnect, ground and return.

You can use the energy of Chamuel’s pink angelic Flame of Unconditional Love to do many things. Some are listed below, but feel free to add to the list. You will be on your own individual journey with Chamuel, after all! And the best journeys are always the ones you make up on the way. The flame will – when used with intent – immediately burn away all the thoughts associated with a situation or person, though if you are attached to the situation or person, you may have to hold any thoughts about it in the flame for several days before they go. You can also place in the flame the memories of all the times you have been hurt or disappointed or angry, and watch them burn. Or you can do one memory at a time. And, finally, if someone asks you to send healing energy – you can use your intention and send them the energy of the flame (or the pink angelic ray)

A mediation for the Pink Flame of Unconditional Love.

  • Ask Chamuel to join you and take a moment to attune to his energy
  • Now ask him to ignite the pink flame and see or sense the flame appear in front of you. Allow yourself to attune to its energy for a moment.
  • Now see or sense the pink flame growing larger and larger until it is big enough for you to step inside it.
  • Stand in the centre of the flame and allow the energy of unconditional love to flow into your physical body, filling it completely.
  • As you continue to stand in this large flame, ask Chamuel to ignite a smaller once in your heart and decide what you want the flame to burn away.
  • Now intend to let everything connected with the thing you wish to surrender to the flame to flow into your heart and into the flame where it is completely burned away.
  • When this clearing process has finished see the flame in your heart growing smaller and smaller until it fades away. Then step out of the larger flame.
  • Thank Chamuel, ground and return.

So, armed with all this information – go and sit with Chamuel right now and you will love it. He is a very kind and sweet archangel, and he will bring with him as a gift for you – joy and love. He will also help you to feel more calm, centred and peaceful.

Have fun!

Bright Blessings! Gailx

Crystal Tip for February

Golden Tigers Eye

As the energy at the moment is so chaotic and we seem to be in a constant state of flux, not knowing if up is down or if down is, indeed, up. It certainly seems as if it is some days, so I thought I’d recommend working with tigers eye, especially since we have just had the first eclipse of the month and are hurtling towards the next one on 26th February; and these two eclipses are linked with the two in August. The energy of these first two events will start working now and continue until August, so that is a huge energetic window to contend, with a total solar eclipse on 21st August at the end of it – a complete re-boot of our energetic operating system, no less. So, tigers eye certainly will help.

Not only is it an excellent grounding stone when used at the base chakra – which helps at any time – if you place a stone on either side of the head it will re-balance the two hemispheres of the brain and integrate them. This combined with a stone on the base chakra will help you feel very calm and centred, especially since as well as grounding you to Mother Earth, tigers eye grounds you spiritually, so having it near the crown chakra will enhance this quality as well.

And if you want to enhance your grounding into the earth, place a piece between your feet while you use the stone at the base chakra, or place a piece under each foot to activate the feet chakras.

If you are well grounded, but you are you are stuck and don’t seem to have the energy you need to do anything positive in your life, use the crystal at the sacral chakra. Its vibration will increase courage, determination, alertness and patience, and it will increase the amount of positive energy you hold in your system. That is always handy since everyone and everything is, unfortunately, so negative at the moment!

Tigers eye will also increase your confidence and help you to recognize all the inner resources you already have and can use for any task you wish to complete; and at the sacral, another bonus is it will inspire and enhance your creativity, not to mention it will help you to utilize all your gifts, talents and abilities. It is a great stone to work with really!

Also in a 1 year of new beginnings, tigers eye is really useful. It will actually support your new beginnings and allow you to re-establish harmony in your life. I think we could all do with some of that at the moment. I know I could! The crystal gives off a soft, gentle vibration which promotes calmness, even in the times of change, so why not work with it and ask it to boost your will power, your emotional stability and your energy levels while you start making positive changes in your life. This will work best if you use the stone at your solar plexus.

If you find you are fearful of making changes, or find it hard to deal with change if it is thrust upon you for any reason, use tigers eye with a stone which helps relieve fear. I would recommend the very lovely rhodonite.

If you are contemplating making any major changes in your life, I would say – always meditate daily with tigers eyes for a while before you do anything. It will help in so many ways.

When used on the sacral and the solar plexus for this purpose, the stones will promote self-confidence and a real appreciation of your true personal power. They will also encourage you to trust your intuitive abilities. And, you can wear tiger’s eye before you make a change in your lifestyle, and use the stone to remind you in a positive way that the change is coming and it is safe for it to happen.

Lastly, the angelics associated with this stone are Gabriel and Uriel, so feel free to ask them to join you at any time you are using tigers eye. They will always be pleased to help in any way they can! It is also associated with Sekhmet if you would rather work with a goddess.

I hope you get a piece of golden tigers eye and use it to improve your life on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is a marvel, though I am biased, and I would happily say that about any crystal!

But, please, if you find you are drawn to blue or red tigers eye instead – go for it! You are the one living your life and you will know on a very deep level what you need to do to make it wonderful!

Trust the thoughts and the feelings and go with whatever colour you need when you are drawn to work with it. The information above does work best with the golden stone, though.

Bright Blessings!
