Using a programmed crystal with Quan Yin will enable you to store her energy in the crystalline matrix so you can tune into it later. All you have to do is pick up the crystal and ask it to send the energy to you. The crystal will release the vibrations stored in its matrix, and allowing them to flow into you. The energy will remain inside the crystal until you delete the programme.

You can programme any quartz, but rose quartz is a good crystal to use when working with Quan Yin because it re-awakens your heart to its own innate love and helps you to truly give and receive love on a new, deeper level. It also helps you to release fear, anger and resentment, neglect and lack of love and replaces these with the energy of unconditional love. It increases self-esteem and self-worth. Lastly, the stone balances your emotions and restores feelings of peace and tranquillity. It’s perfect!

To programme your crystal – cleanse it and ask the quartz if it is willing to store the energy of Quan Yin for you, so you can work with it whenever you want to. Once you have done this, the crystal will hold Quan Yin’s energy until you cleanse it, removing her energy and the request to store it. At this point you can re-programme it with another request, or let it rest. If the crystal says no – you must respect this and find another stone to work with.

Quan Yin holds the energy of love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness. Decide before you start working with her which of these qualities you want to focus on. It can be one or all four. You need to choose what will work best for you at the time you do the meditation. You can to work all of them together or work with one at a time and do a meditation for each quality. You can even programme four crystals if you want to, so each holds one of her qualities. You will know what to do once you make the decision to do the meditation. Trust whatever comes up for you.

Once your rose quartz contains the energy of your meditation with Quan Yin, you can:

  • Use it during meditation to connect with Quan Yin again.
  • Place it on a chakra to fill the vortex with the energy stored in the stone.
  • Place it on an altar.
  • Place it in a room to fill it with Quan Yin’s energy.
  • Carry it with you so you can absorb the energy for the whole day.
  • Place it beside your bed, so you can absorb it while you sleep.


  • Relax and focus on your breath.
  • Take your rose quartz and connect with it, placing it against your heart chakra. It will start to clear and expand the chakra, so it can absorb more energy from Quan Yin when you start working with her.
  • When the crystal has finished working, blow on it with the intention of removing any negative energy it may have picked up from you and ask it to absorb and hold the energy from Quan Yin, so you can connect with it at any time you need it.
  • Thank your crystal and place it in front of you to work while you work with Quan Yin.
  • Now, ask Quan Yin to join you. When she does, thank her for coming and take a moment to attune to her lovely energy.
  • Sit quietly with Quan Yin, focussing on her heart centre and ask her to send the beautiful energy she holds in her heart to your heart. See or sense it flowing from her heart to your heart, and allow yourself to become aware of the love she has for you… really feel it, and let it fill your heart and flow out to fill the whole of your body. Relax in this healing, nurturing energy.
  • Now ask her to bless you with the quality (or qualities) you have decided to work with and see or sense this energy flowing from her heart into your heart and flowing into your crystal as well.
  • Allow this energy to fill your heart and flow out into your body, with the intention of using it to clear any blockages you may have which are associated with the quality (or qualities) you have chosen to work with. And, as the blockages clear, see or sense the spaces being filled with Quan Yin’s loving energy.
  • Stay with Quan Yin as long as you want to and when you have finished working with her, thank her and disconnect from her energy.
  • Thank your crystal for storing her energy Ground and return


You will need a large candle to represent Quan Yin and a small one to represent you. Please ensure you use the candles safely and take care when lighting the small candle with the large one.

  • Relax and focus on your breath and then programme your rose quartz to hold the energy of the meditation if you want to connect with it later. Thank your crystal if you decide to work with it and place it in front of you to work while you work with Quan Yin.
  • Ask Quan Yin to join you. When she does, thank her for coming and take a moment to attune to her lovely energy.
  • Light your large white candle which represents Quan Yin and her energy of love and compassion, meditating on what Quan Yin actually represents to you and how this can help you in your life.
  • Now use the big white candle to light the smaller one. As the small candle represents you, symbolically you are allowing Quan Yin’s light to flow into you and shine through you. Meditate on what this means to you once both candles are burning.
  • After a while simply sit and let the energy of Quan Yin’s love and compassion fill every part of you and ask your rose quartz to absorb them as well.
  • Disconnect from Quan Yin, thank her for sharing her love and compassion with you and your rose quartz, ground and return.

I hope you enjoy working with Quan Yin and your rose quartz.

Bright blessings!




Well, the mega light download (4th – 17th March) has begun and I wanted to recommend a crystal to help you through the whole process … as always, with ease and grace.

There are lots of crystals you could use. In fact, really, the list is endless… or at least, very, very long. But some of them are expensive, or not  easily available, so I was looking for a good stone that  most people already have, or that you can get easily without spending a fortune. The answer – although I have already done a blog on it – is blue kyanite. But you can always do with reading about this stone all over again. It is fabulous.

Also, the big bonus is that you can do almost everything with kyanite. When you use other stones they are not always as versatile and you need more than one. So, kyanite is good, effective and it saves you money …… how wonderful is this stone?

You can find other details on my previous blog … somewhere … who knows when I wrote it. I’ve slept several times since then. Go looking if you are drawn to finding out more.

So, why will kyanite help …

  • The first thing kyanite does when you come into contact with it is opens your chakras. Then you need to start working with it using your intention. You need to ask your lovely kyanite to clear and align your chakras and when you sense that has been done, ask your stone to clear and align you subtle bodies.  You can also ask it to align the seven layers of your aura, which is separate from your subtle bodies. This will help enormously when the light is downloading because it will flow smoothly through an energy system which is in good working order.
  • It will also strengthen your nervous system – if you ask it to – which is another bonus. This will enable you to download and integrate increasingly higher and higher levels of high frequency light.
  • It creates a channel when you use it above your head which helps the entire download process. All that light actually has somewhere to go and it can flow into your system more easily. Always helpful – in so many different ways!
  • It will re-charge your energy system. If you check your chakras and find any of them are depleted – just hold the kyanite in the vortex, asking the stone to fill it with energy.
  • If you feel physically depleted – hold the kyanite over the thyroid and the adrenals and ask it to replenish the glands with fresh new energy. It will always help.
  • It mends any tears or cracks in the aura if you hold it within the auric sheath with the intention of letting the stone’s energy make the repairs. This stops you leaking energy. It also creates a strong protective field around you if you are feeling vulnerable, which is happening quite a lot lately.
  • It emits a calm, peaceful energy and if you sit quietly and run your finger down the stone’s striations, it will help centre you and calm you down.
  • If you find old rubbish coming up for clearance – it could well be illuminated by all the incoming light, allowing you to see it, perhaps for the first time – locate where the negativity is stored in your physical body and place your kyanite on the spot, asking for it to clear the negative energy. You can also make small cutting motions above the spot, as if the kyanite is a blade cutting away the blockage, shredding it into tiny little pieces. But please do this VERY GENTLY – no hacking – and ask the kyanite to clear the pieces from your Four Body System.


Kyanite – to calm and centre you and allow you to receive energy into your system. It will keep you receptive and it will ground spiritual energy, which is always useful.

Quartz – to draw the spiritual energy towards you.

Hold the clear quartz in one hand and the kyanite in the other, set your intention for your meditation and enjoy the energy which will flow into your system from both stones.


  • Sit quietly with the stone and allow it to stimulate the relaxation response by calming the autonomic nervous system, especially the part linked to the fight or flight reaction. Breathe deeply while the stone works and release any tension and stress.
  • Place your kyanite on each chakra in turn, starting at the base, with the intention of using the energy flowing out of the stone into the vortex to clear balance and align each chakra and the whole system by the time you reach the crown.
  • When you have done all seven chakras, sit with the stone asking it to integrate any high frequency energy in your system… with ease and grace. And, allow it to fill you with a feeling of wholeness as this occurs.
  • When you feel you have finished the integration process, thank your stone, ground and return, after earthing any excess energy in your system.

Addition to Meditation.

One of the affirmations you can use with kyanite is: I AM balanced and whole. Once you have cleared the seven chakras and you are sitting with your stone, you can set the intention that you want to resonate the whole of your energy system with these words and just keep repeating them until you feel everything vibrating at the same frequency of your words – balance and wholeness.

So, I hope you find kyanite useful during this whole period of accelerated growth. It ends just in time for the equinox which is already being described with terms like important and powerful. So I suggest you use all this extra light to shift as much rubbish as possible, so when equinox brings its gift of balance, you will find it easier to integrate because you have less rubbish trying to  keep you out of balance, so to speak.

Take care and have fun with your kyanite.

Bright Blessings

