This clearing process is enhanced if you do it during the waning period of the moon because, as the moon wanes, it is the best time to release and clear things which no longer serve your highest and greatest good. Though, I have to say, I myself, would do it at the full moon, because that represents closure, which makes more sense to me. But, I like to honour the way it was taught and give people the opportunity to do it differently if they feel that is right for them. So, waning moon it is …. unless you feel you want to do it at another time.

However, it really is not necessary to know or work with the phases of the moon to do this exercise. You can do it whenever you want and as often as you want. But please be aware that it is a very powerful process and you need to be gentle with yourself afterwards. You need to give the new energy time to flow in and settle before you do any more self-development work and support yourself energetically with self-treatments afterwards. Any shift will always bring things up for review and further clearance may be necessary.

Also, please be aware that you need to intend to clear the negative pattern from the whole of your Four Body System, your Charka System and all seven layers of your Aura. You do not want to leave a space for it to hide and wait to come back at another time, when you least expect it because you think you have cleared it completely. If you want it cleared completely, you have to intend it is released from absolutely everywhere…

For good measure, you can also ask Archangel Michael to cut any cords which may be connecting you to anything which would re-trigger the negative pattern at a later date. Don’t forget that although you can clear the energy, you can also regenerate it at any time. Most of us are actually very good at doing this, unfortunately! Be mindful and watch to see if you are and deal with it immediately!

Also, please use the crystals you are drawn to for the exercise rather than following the instructions blindly. It is your very clear intention which will get you the result you want.

And, if you do not have a handy block of selenite, a quartz – clearly programmed to remove your blockage – will work. Selenite is generally used because it is associated with the moon and resonates strongly with it. If you are not specifically working with the moon cycle, it doesn’t matter what you use.

And please remember that any written instructions are only ever a guide line. You are the authority on your spiritual journey, not the person writing the instructions. They are only ever helping you continue moving along your path to wholeness. You are the one who is actually walking down that path, so you know more about it than anyone else. Go with that, embrace it, and make the exercise your own if you want to. It can only help!

Additional note: If you have Reiki II, you can draw the first symbol on the paper with your clearing request, which helps with any manifestation process. You can also work with the second symbol while you are meditating with your quartz to enhance the clearing process. If you do not work with the symbols, you can simply Reiki the paper before you place it on the Selenite and allow Reiki to flow through you while you are meditating with your quartz.

  • 1 Selenite to clear any unwanted or negative patterns
  • 1 Clear Quartz to mediate with during the clearing process for guidance and insight.
  • 1 Quartz to represent the energy you want to bring in after the clearing process is complete. Quartz is recommended because you can programme it and this will enhance the whole clearing process. Citrine would be the best because it holds only positive energy and also attracts abundance. However, any variety will work well for this exercise.
  1. Find somewhere your crystals be left undisturbed for 14 days. Clear the space and cleanse the crystals before programming them.
  2. Write down what you want to clear and place the paper it on the selenite which will remove and clear the old pattern while making space for the other crystal to invite in new energy.
  3. Place your second stone (which represents the new energy you want to attract after you have cleared your unwanted negative pattern) on top of your paper and leave your crystals undisturbed for 14 days. Note: to enhance the clearing process, every time you notice the crystals re-affirm what you wish to release and what you wish to attract and be grateful for the both.
  4. Also during the 14 cleansing period meditate as often as you want to with your second clear quartz. Hold it and gaze softly down at all the cracks and imperfections inside the crystal. As you gaze more deeply into the crystal, allow yourself to become aware of how all the cracks fit together perfectly, how perfect they are and how beautiful they make the crystal. They are perfect, even with their imperfections, just like you are.
  5. As you continue to look at your crystal, allow yourself to fully appreciate the cracks and imperfections – they represent all the things in your life that are often seen as problems or obstacles and all the clear spaces in the crystal represent times of clarity and the opportunities you have to grow. Together – they represent all of you, as they represent all of the crystal, and they are all beautiful. You are not complete without all the things which have challenged you and encouraged you to grow and expand and embody more of your Authentic Self. Allow yourself to be grateful for them and for all you have achieved because you have manifested them in your life.
  6. Also while you sit with your crystal decide if you want to spend some time meditating on the cracks and imperfections or the spaces. Each will be useful. You can ask the crystal to help you recognise your cracks and imperfections so you can deal with them before they become a problem. Or you can focus on the spaces in the crystal and ask it to show you how you can learn and grow even more. This is your journey to wholeness with your crystals. You need to choose which is the most appropriate way for you to work with them and achieve your goals so you can embody your full potential in this lifetime.
  7. If anything comes to you while you are meditating with your quartz and you wish to make an additional intention to help your clearing process, write your request down, programme your meditation quartz and place it on your piece of paper continuing your additional request.
  8. At the end of your 14 days – thank all your crystals, clear the space where they were working, cleanse them and allow yourself a rest period while all the new energy settles into your Four Body System.

Have fun doing the exercise, though it may be a strange new usage of the word fun, depending what it brings up for clearance. Whatever happens, it will be perfect for you and it will help you move forward in your life … on all levels, so that can’t be bad at all.

Bright Blessings Gailx




Okay – as I have already done a blog on how useful peacock ore is – why do another one? Well, the short answer – why not? It’s a fabulous stone, though I suspect you make have worked that out for yourself, given the title of the blog!

One very good reason to get a piece of peacock ore is that if you are having a bad day (or week, or month or year!) and you feel you can’t connect with the energy of joy or it is just lacking in your life, try carrying the stone with you for a while. It will make an enormous difference and you will find it easier to re-connect to this quality and manifest it in your life.

Who wouldn’t want that?

Peacock ore gives you the ability to see and appreciate happiness. It also brings with it a sense of acceptance about whatever is happening in your life and it helps you understand that all is exactly as it should be, despite appearances to the contrary.

Peacock Ore brings harmony into your life and it brings all your emotions into balance – which will be extremely useful at the moment, given that we seem to be on a roller coaster ride of emotional responses at the moment. It helps us to release anything which is no longer useful, usually by breaking old, redundant thought patterns and emotion responses. It also enables us to separate emotions from intellect by showing us how to align our thoughts and emotions in a calm way.

Another useful thing is that when we work with peacock ore, especially in meditation, it opens us to receive insights about any obstacles w encounter in our lives which may be blocking our progress, especially towards specific goals. It brings them up so we can become aware of them and clear them from our Four Body Systems. It also allows us to see different ways of moving round the obstacles if we cannot clear them, so we can still achieve our goals. This is because it, helpfully, increases our perceptive abilities.

How useful is that?

It also, helpfully, allows us to reach a deep meditative state when we use it which will be beneficial to anything we choose to do with the stone.

On a spiritual level, peacock ore enhances psychic abilities and our connection to our own deep, inner wisdom and our intuition.

It is particularly useful at the solar plexus chakra where it will help with self-empowerment. But, it clears, balances and aligns all the chakras. If you place it on one, it affects the other six. It will also align the physical body with the subtle bodies and it will help the physical body to release excess nervous energy, helping with any stress-related symptoms we may have.

Lastly, it is associated with the very lovely Archangel Metatron, so working with him and peacock ore will bring astonishing results.

Peacock ore can help us to realize that life truly is an enjoyable experience and it starts by dissolving any negative energy is our system. So why don’t you let this wonderful stone bring a fresh and new feeling to your life? Not to mention, let it increase your ability to enjoy happiness in every moment of your life… just give in and let it bless you with joy.

And, please remember, that if you use the stone and you aren’t blessed with a new and more joyful perspective on your life, it’s not the stone’s fault. It will be yours, so use the stone to find out why. Peacock ore always does exactly what is supposed to do, but us … we are very good at resisting and staying firmly in denial. Let the stone help you release this. I mean, seriously, why would you want to keep anything in your life if it not helping you connect with your Authentic Self or reach your full potential in this life time.

Do yourself a huge favour and go and get some peacock ore right now and make it your new best friend!

Bright Blessings Gailx


As we have just had a CME (coronal mass ejection) and the sun is currently sending lots of highly energised particles in our general direction, I thought something to help with the emotional fall out would be a useful thing to post on the blog.

When the sun expels particles from deep within itself, we reflect this in our own lives and lots of old emotional rubbish comes up to the surface – it is a massive opportunity for a deep clearing process to begin – how lovely for us!

What we need to do is just let it all come up and release it with ease and grace rather than re-bury it so we have to deal with it all over again the next time the sun erupts.

So, here is a simple crystal layout to help you after you have completed the release process. It will help restore emotional equilibrium:

  • Rose quartz at the heart
  • Smokey quartz at the solar plexus
  • Amethyst at the thymus

Set the intention that you would like your crystals to restore emotional equilibrium – clear intentions get clear results – and leave them in place for 15-20 minutes. At the end, thank the crystals for their help, ground firmly and remove the crystals.

I hope you find it useful.

Bright Blessings Gailx