A Simple Crystal Technique

Clear Quartz and Smoky Quartz

This simple meditation can be used at any time, but it is especially good when you need of re-balancing your energy.  You will need two clear quartz points and one smoky quartz point.

Used with intention the clear quartz will draw universal energy in through the crown and the smoky quartz will draw in earth energy to ground and stabilise your system.

  1. First set the intention that you want to draw any stagnant energy out of your Four Body System and place one clear quartz point above your head and the other below your feet – both pointing outwards away from your body.
  2. Now just let the crystals work. Quartz is empowered by thought forms so any thought you direct towards it as an intention means the crystals is working very hard for you, whether you can feel it or not.
  3. Leave them in place for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Now remove the points, cleaning them.
  5. Now place one clear quartz point above your head – pointing in (i.e. towards your crown chakra), and place the smoky quartz below your feet, pointing towards your feet. Your intention is to use the clear quartz to draw universal energy into your system (or any other energy you feel you need – see what you are guided to do when you are using the crystals) through the crown chakra and use the smoky quartz to draw up earth energy to ground and stabilise your system through the base chakra. You will, of course, also be drawing the energy of the crystals in to your system through the two chakras as well, which is an added bonus.
  6. Leave them in place for 5-10 minutes.
  7. Thank your crystals and clean them after use.

You can enhance the while process by visualising the stagnant energy flowing out of you on each out breath when using the two clear quartz points and help draw earth energy and universal energy in through the base and crown chakras on each in breath when do the second part of the exercise. All you have to do is set your intention.

Also, if you are aware of a blockage in a specific chakra, after you have released any stagnant energy using the two clear points (point outwards) you can place a crystal on the chakra you are drawn to work with while you let the clear and smoky points drawn energy into your system. Just don’t forget to add an extra intention for the crystal you place on the individual chakra.

Enjoying working with your quartz.

Bright Blessings Gailx



A Girl’s Best Friend Isn’t Diamonds – It’s Shungite

As many of you know, I often consult www.spaceweather.com to see what the sun is doing. It is always useful to know if there is a CME (coronal mass ejection) or a flare heading our way. You can make preparations for when all the energised particles hit the upper atmosphere… which basically amounts to ground… ground… and GROUND!!! And drink lots of water so the excess energy is conducted through your physical body far more easily.

That is, of course, the short version. There is more to it than that. But after doing a bit more research this week and finding out that we are actually now … finally… approaching solar minimum – a time when the sun if quiet – it seems we don’t get time off for good behaviour. We do, in fact, have other fun stuff to look forward to!

The energised particles which are ejected from the sun (AKA the solar wind) and then flow across space to reach us apparently sweep away cosmic rays. They will now reach us far more easily and this, coupled with the fact the Earth’s magnetic field is weakening, means we need to be aware that high frequency energy will be interacting with our own personal energy fields on a far more regular basis… how lovely for us!

Data show cosmic ray levels are intensifying with an approximately 13% increase since March 2015. So no wonder we’ve all been feeling a bit frazzled! They are highly energetic photons and subatomic particles traveling through space at a speed approaching the speed of light. They are accelerated by distant supernovas and other violent events in the galaxy.

So, please bear this in mind. It will affect you and it is quite likely that as the energy reaches us at the lower levels of the planet’s atmosphere it will bring up things for release, as any high frequency energy always does. And it will quite often be things that we buried a long time ago. Think of it as an opportunity to growth and let them go.

To help on a more practical level – well I could write an enormously long article on the best stone to help with this, but there is a great deal of research on the internet. I suggest you take a look at:

Shungite in nutshell



Shungite-Fullerenes for Water – Dancing with Water


Or, look at any of the other fine articles out there. It seems silly for me to just repeat the information.

But this stone is astonishing and I never leave home without it. It is so helpful, especially with EM fields created by man-made electrical devices, which I am sensitive to. It makes modern life far more bearable. And that’s without all the other good stuff it does.

So read the articles, see if either of them resonates with you, and get yourself a piece of this miracle stone.

And if you are travelling by plane any time soon… really, seriously get yourself a piece because the higher up you are the more intense the cosmic rays are. Better to be fully protected really. Prescelli bluestone (the stone they used to build Stonehenge) is also really, really good at protecting your energetic space. Try both and see which stone works best for you.

And, occasionally, take a look at www.spaceweather.com. At least it will give you a heads up on what energy is coming your way…

Bright Blessings Gailx

