Key words:

Courage, Self-Confidence, Purpose and Strength of Will.

With all the energy shifts coming our way between now and the total solar eclipse on 21st August, we will be clearing almost unprecedented amounts of emotional rubbish.  To help you with this use yellow tiger’s eye. Its qualities are:

Protection / Clear thinking / Personal Empowerment / Integrity / Willpower / Practicality / Grounding / Power / Courage / Grace

You will benefit from embodying every single quality on that list at the moment and this type of stone also stimulates all three of the physical body chakras –base, sacral and solar plexus – so it is extremely helpful for supporting your physical body during all the energetic changes and afterwards when your energy system has to stabilise at a much higher level. You need to be really kind to your body while everything is going on… tiger’s eyes can help you do this in many ways, but one of the most useful is the way it helps you relive tension – on all levels.

One exercise you can do which is extremely effective is to use the stone on each of the physical body chakras. If you have three pieces, place one on the base, sacral and solar plexus at the same time. If you only have one, place it on the base, wait until the energy has shifted and move it up until you reach the solar plexus. It is astonishing what happens when you do this and you will feel much, much better. This is because of what the stone actually does.

Tiger’s eye is a subtly powerful stone which brings you the lovely qualities of harmony and balance. It will be extremely useful with so many energy shifts. You will need these qualities to keep you sane during all the changes. They will be coming thick and fast and happening on all levels. It also helps you release fear and anxiety which are feelings you could well be experiencing while you are going through the release process.

Another bonus of working with this stone is that it encourages you to take action (which we will all need to do in one way or another), but it also helps you make decisions with discernment and understanding, without being too attached to the emotions you are experiencing. There will be a lot of them, some of them very, very old. They will be coming up for clearing and you will need to see them clearly to release them properly.

Tiger’s eye helps you to focus your mind on what needs to be done. It promotes mental clarity, and it will help you resolve any problems you encounter at this energetically volatile time objectively, without you having to engage all your usual emotional responses.  That is to say it enables you to make decisions from a place of reason rather than emotion. But if you do get dragged down into old ways of thinking and behaving, it can help stabilise any mood swings, making them easier to deal with and clear through your system with ease and grace. It allows you to remain calm and grounded during any transitional period and it will integrate both hemispheres of the brain. This is enormously helpful if you have scattered thoughts and scattered energy. Just use the stone with really focussed intent to get the best result.

The reason tiger’s eye is one of the best stones to use at this time is that the golden colour means it works particularly well at the solar plexus and one of the things the influx of light coming through the Lion’s Gate portal (8/8/17) is going to do is upgrade this chakra. So it would be good if you can get a piece of this mineral and start using it now, so as many blockages are cleared from the chakra before you actually get the light code download stage. It will just make the whole process just a little easier. It releases fear from this chakra at an astonishing rate, when used with a very clear intention.

One way of working with tiger’s eyes is to build a crystal grid – with the intention of re-connecting to your personal power and stimulating your will power. You can, of course, also add other things like a request to remain calm and grounded while you release any blockages which prevent you connecting to your power and your will. Make the request as real as possible and one that you believe is possible. Unrealistic requests are a form of self-sabotage. You will be setting yourself up to fail and you really don’t want to do that, do you?

So, here’s how to do it – and if you don’t have citrine, clear quartz can be substituted because it’s a versatile stone and, as another form of quartz, it will take on any programme you place inside it.

If possible, build the grid on a bedside table so it works close to you all night. If not, as close to you as possible. You can use tumbles stones or points. It does not matter. It is, after all, your clear intention which will get clear results. You do this for 10 days.

  1. Place your tiger’s eye down wherever you have decided to build your layout.
  2. Place four citrine stones around it – in the cardinal positions i.e. north, south, east and west. In this formation these five crystals represent change.
  3. Look at your grid and sit with it for a short while, quietly setting your intention and asking the crystals to help you achieve your goal.
  4. Go to sleep and in the morning re-connect with the crystals and what you want to achieve.
  5. At this point you can either leave the grid in your bedroom, or take the four quartz crystals with you while you go about your day, so you are carrying the energy of the layout with you. Do whatever feels appropriate for you.
  6. Before going to bed, re-set the grid beside your bed if you have taken the quartz out during the day.
  7. Repeat this for 10 days

During your 10 day period, be open to any changes you are drawn to make – on any level: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. You really will find that you want to go about something in a different way. Don’t think about it – just do it and see what happens. Let the stones deepen your connection to your intuition and guide you to inspired action….

But in a balanced and harmonious way because that is just what tiger’s eye does!

You can repeat the exercise at any time with any intention… just go for it. What’s the worst thing that can happen? You will change, but for the better. And isn’t that what we’re all here for at this time!!

Have fun with tiger’s eye.

Bright Blessings



With the ever changing energy which seems to be with us permanently now, we need to take steps to ensure that we are fully grounded and that our Four Body system is aligned as well. We are in a constant state of energetic flux and we need to make sure we are stable after each shift. This is extremely useful at any time, but at this particular time of the year, it is actually vital. The next five – six weeks are always … interesting.

We have Sirius rising in a couple of weeks, the Lion’s Gate portal on 8th August, plus the total solar eclipse on 21st August, which is the biggest energetic event of the year. Oh, and there is also a partial lunar eclipse as well.

So, as you can see, it is important to keep checking your energy system and making adjustments so you can maintain your vibrational frequency at a rate which is comfortable for you… after every shift. Massive light code downloads are heading your way and you want your system to be able to integrate them and to stabilise at the best frequency for you after each one.

So, how do you do this? Well, of course, there are so many ways I could be typing for days. Use the ones you are drawn to, or the ones which you know work for you. We are all different and some things do work better than others. What you have to remember is that you know what is best for you. So make a decision and run with it.

But before you do anything – PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE FIRMLY GROUNDED. You may also find you need to keep grounding, repeatedly, over the next five or six weeks. Don’t fight it – just DO IT! It’s an energetically volatile time. You need to be stable and it’s up to you to do. No one else can do it for you.

To help you, here are two crystal techniques you can use to enhance your energy system. If you are drawn to them, use them. If you are not, start looking for something which will work better for you. Extreme self-care and extreme self-responsibility are needed to deal with everything that is happening between now and 21st August…

ALIGNMENT: To bring the energy of alignment into your system, lie down and place one citrine as follows – at your feet, your solar plexus chakra and your crown chakra and leave them for 15 minutes.

Also before you settle down with the stones, since they are quartz, be aware that they will be empowered by thought forms, so consider your intention carefully. Your thoughts before you do the exercise will have a huge impact on the result. So once you have decided what you want to align, set you intention by asking the crystals to co-create this alignment with you. (i.e. what do you want align to or with, or do you just want alignment within your physical body, chakras and subtle anatomy.) Check and see what is right for you at the moment you use the crystals.

EQUILIBRIUM: To come back into a state of balance is hugely useful at the moment, so use kyanite to do this. Lie with a piece at your crown chakra for 15 minutes holding this intention. You can enhance the process with breath work.

As you breathe in, imagine you are drawing the lovely blue energy of your kyanite in through your crown chakra to fill your central channel and on your out breath imagine you are pushing the energy out to fill your physical body and when your body is full allow the beautiful calm energy of kyanite to flow out into your energy bodes.

Also, Kyanite, when used with intention, will align all the chakras and align the physical body with the energy bodies. You can do this and then lie with a piece at your crown for the very best results.

I hope you find this helpful.

Bright blessings Gailx




Black Tourmaline Key Words:

♥ Flexibility ♥ Happiness ♥ Objectivity ♥ Compassion ♥ Serenity ♥ Balance ♥ Positive Transformation ♥ Healing ♥ Strength ♥ Tolerance ♥ Understanding ♥

What a list … and why wouldn’t you want everything on it? Black tourmaline is an impressive stone and listed below are several ways you can work with it.


A quick and easy way to get rid of any negative energy you have generated, or that you have picked up from someone else is to use this wonderful stone. It can also clear your environment if you just keep a piece with you.

Anyway – to work with it yourself, all you have to do is clean your stone, place it on your solar plexus chakra with the striations running vertically, not horizontally, and ask it if it would help you do this by transmuting any negativity in the chakra.

The black tourmaline will then work very quickly and efficiently to clear the chakra, and you can use it on any other chakra you are drawn to work with as well, if you feel there is any negativity stuck inside another one of the vortices.

You can also enhance the clearing process by putting another black tourmaline (or do it separately with the same stone after cleansing it) between your feet and visualising a vortex of cleansing energy starting at your feet, swirling round your body in your energy field, clearing your aura and subtle bodies. You will also need to ask the crystal to cleanse these parts of your energy system as well. The vortex created by the black tourmaline will spiral up above your head, carrying anything you no longer need right out of your system. It is very effective.

Black tourmaline also restores balance to the base chakra – 5 to 10 minutes with the stone near the chakra will make you feel a lot better. It will also enhance your grounding ability, as long as you add this to your intention to balance the chakra. It can be used to activate a connection between your base chakra and the centre of the Earth. One way of doing this is to place a black tourmaline on each knee and ask the crystal to send energy down from your knees, through your feet and into the ground. It’s astonishing!

And the thing you need to remember about this stone is that as well as helping your ground your own energy on the earthplane, it also helps you to ground spiritual energy. So working with the energy of the stone while you are working with helpers and guides will enable you to manifest their energy in your life. It will also help you maintain a spiritual connection to your helpers and guides more easily during stressful periods of your life. That is always helpful!

Another useful thing is that black tourmaline – when used with intent – will balance both hemispheres of the brain.

But best of all, it is one of the stones which clears the electromagnetic smog generated by TVs, computers, mobile phones and any other electrical devices you have in your environment. I actually find this is the most useful thing it does and I use it constantly for this. Try it and see if you are over-exposed to electrical fields of any kind. It works wonders.

And please don’t forget to thank your crystal when you have finished working with it!

Bright Blessings Gailx