Letting Go with Crystal Allies

Letting Go Meditation

  • Choose the crystal you want to work with, one which will help you let go of any emotional baggage you have been carrying, lay down and place it just above your head.

  • Relax and focus on your breath with the intention of letting any tension flow out of your body on each out breath and float away.

  • If you are aware of any parts of your body which are particularly tense, breathe into these areas to release the stagnant energy you have stored there.

  • Now connect to your crystal and ask the stone to send its energy down towards you in the shape of a sphere.

  • Now see or sense this sphere of crystalline energy moving towards your crown chakra. If you are visual, you may also perceive that the energy is the same colour as the crystal. But whatever happens – just trust that it is perfect for you at the time you do the meditation. It always is.

  • As the sphere of crystalline energy floats down towards you, set the intention that you would like it to clear whatever you are ready to release at the time you do the meditation, making it specific to the qualities your crystal holds.

  • See or sense it enter the crown chakra and dissolve any negative energy it finds related to your clearing request.

  • Now ask the sphere to move into your central channel and go down, stopping at the level of your brow chakra where the crystalline energy will radiate out to fill both vortices and clear them. It will also flow into all the areas of the body connected to this chakra, clearing them as well.

  • Repeat this, moving the sphere down the central channel, allowing it to stop at every chakra.

  • When the sphere reaches your base chakra, release it and let it flow down into the to bless Mother Earth with the beautiful crystalline energy.

  • Now take your awareness back to the crystal, which is still above your head, and ask it to send its energy out into your aura. See or sense the energy flowing into each of the seven layers (associated with the seven major chakras), deeply cleansing all of them.

  • Now take your awareness back to the crystal again and ask it to send energy out into your Emotional and Mental bodies, cleansing them.

  • Once you have cleared everything just rest in the energy your crystal is blessing you with for as long as you like, feeling its energy flowing all around you.

  • When you are ready to return your awareness to your body and your environment, thank your crystal, ground very firmly and return.

You can use many crystals to help you release emotional baggage. I have listed a few below or you can simply use the stone you are drawn to when you think about doing the exercise.

Amethyst: this is a crystal of transformation. It will provide a soothing energy while you work, as well as emotional support for the release process, especially if you are working through any painful experiences. It resonates particularly well with the brow, crown and upper transpersonal chakras, so it will help you see any situation you want to examine and release a lot more clearly. But the very best way to use an amethyst is to place it on your heart and ask it to draw out any pain or heartache. It hoovers it up so you do not have to look at the pain or re-experience it in any way. It just takes it away. This is enormously useful. I would actually use two stones when working with amethyst, placing one above your head, as per the instructions, and an additional one on your heart with the intention of having it draw out all the things you have been unable to face. Then you just let it work.

Aquamarine: this lovely stone takes you into a calm place when you work with it, allowing you to feel secure while you look at any painful experiences you need to clear. It has a soothing energy and it will hold you, making you feel safe and protected from any emotional pain which surfaces while you are working. This enables you to release whatever comes up with ease and grace.

Blue Topaz:  this is also a very calming stone, but it brings something else with it when you work with it – a calm confidence which will enable you to work through your emotional baggage more easily. It also helps you to let go of old thought and behaviour patterns, which is extremely useful because they will often be the things that created the emotional baggage in the first place. Another useful thing is that this crystal blesses you with emotional strength and determination when you work with it.

Citrine: the joy of working with citrine is that it transforms any negative energy it finds into positive energy. That’s it …. it will shift absolutely anything, as long as you are ready to release it, of course. We are very good at holding on to our emotional rubbish. Sometimes we’ve been doing it for years and years, and a crystal can only help it if we want to let go of a person, place or situation. It also stimulates a positive attitude, and encourages feelings of empowerment and confidence. It resonates best with the solar plexus and you may want to consider working with two stones, placing on this chakra and placing one above your head.

Rainbow Moonstone: this lovely stone will ease the pain of any emotional experience you choose to work through it and release. It will allow you see the traumatic event very clearly, allow you stay calm while you work with it. You can also use additional stones when working, placing one at the heart and solar plexus chakras during meditation as well as placing the one above your head. This will bring emotional balance and healing on very deep levels.

Lapis Lazuli – this beautiful crystal helps you deal with and release repressed emotions, so it is perfect if you want to deal with painful experiences that you have buried deep inside yourself. It is particularly good at helping you with unexpressed grief and another benefit is that it motivates you, allowing you to persevere with the healing process and to believe in yourself.

Kyanite: this stone is about flow and it stimulates this by clearing and balancing the chakra system, as well as aligning the subtle bodies. While it is doing all this for you, it will also release any blocked emotional energy very calmly, allowing you to feel nice and peaceful after you finish working. I would advise using an additional piece of kyanite, placing it on your brow chakra to quieten your mind while you work. It will also bring clarity to your thoughts at this position.

Lepidolite: This is one of my favourite stones and it is the stone of acceptance, which means its energy is extremely helpful during any release process because there is always a great need to accept what has happened before you can release it. Because it contains lithium it is also a very relaxing stone and, when you work with it on any level, it will bring a sense of inner security and a calmness to the emotions. It soothes anger, hatred, and any other negative emotional state which arises while you are working. Also another huge benefit of the lithium content in this stone is that the mineral makes it possible for change and transformation to occur very rapidly, peacefully and equably. It is stimulates emotional balance. So if you are serious about releasing your emotional baggage this really is the stone for you!

 Additional Help

  1. You can use moonstone in a layout to help with emotional balance – place one stone at the crown, one at each shoulder, and one on or beside each hip. Do this just before you go to sleep – with the intention of bringing emotional balance, of course.

  2. You can also wear the stone you choose to work with or carry it in your pocket to continue the clearing process after the meditation.

  3. You can place the stone in your environment to also support your clearing work. A good place is near your bed at night, but it can go anywhere where you spend a lot of time

I hope this helps you on your journey to wholeness.

Bright Blessings Gailx





Deliel – Angel of the Magenta Ray

Well, I started out with the intention of writing a blog on Cassiel. I like working with him a lot, but an angel called Deliel had other ideas because all I kept doing was finding references to him and I’d never even heard of him before.

There wasn’t a lot of information, but that didn’t really matter in the end because I discovered that it was working with Deliel’s angelic ray which was the most important thing – it’s magenta. I thought that particular frequency of light was only associated with Archangel Haniel, but it seems Deliel likes to use it as well.


  • brings deep transformation
  • brings true spiritual awareness
  • brings a very deep knowledge of all spiritual matters
  • helps you live to your full potential and renews your commitment to do this at all times
  • brings harmony to your mind and soul
  • heals old emotional scars
  • energizes the physical body to clear fatigue from the mind and the body
  • brings full awareness of how important it is to live life to the fullest
  • revives enthusiasm for life
  • restores harmony in your life by helping you deal with any problem in a positive way
  • restores your vision of where you want to be in your life

So, on to Deliel’s angelic ray – magenta light stimulates the flow of energy – perfect for us at the moment since we seem to be stuck in various areas of our lives after all the shifts. So I then started looking at ways to use this type of expansion and flow with Deliel.

The magenta frequency of light holds the red ray of the base chakra and the violet ray of the crown, so it is perfect for connecting us to the Earth and to the Divine (or Source… whatever you want to call it) at the same time. It will hold us in balance between these two polarities and, if you use the colour in the heart, it will uplift you emotionally, mentally and spiritually, and it will also energize you on a physical level. It is a fabulous way to use angelic energy to move you forward on your journey.

You can also use the energy by manifesting it as a flame in your heart. When used with a clear intention it will burn away everything which does not resonate with Divine Unconditional Love – which is the energy this light contains. The magenta ray will then help you to truly embrace unconditional love on every level. It is the fullest expression of Divine Love and it holds all the other colours, including the Divine White Light.

When you connect with the magenta ray, the coloured light or the light from the coloured flame will create a blanket of comforting and nurturing energy in and around your heart chakra, allowing you to see – on all levels – that it is completely safe for you to let go of all the self-imposed limitations you have placed on your and all areas of your life.

Magenta light also enhances your connection to all the higher aspects of yourself. It will just depend what you are currently working with – Higher Self, I AM Presence, or your Soul. It links you to Source. It is the gateway into all realms and realities. It also contains your Soul blueprint, which is also known as your Akashic Record.

Once you start working with this exquisite light, it is astonishing and it was interesting for me to use it with Deliel, not Haniel, and I also found a reference saying you can use it with Uriel as well… so you can see which angel appeals to you! But which ever one you choose, the magenta light will take you into a field of existence which is beyond words and concepts and it will reveal to you your soul and help you to discover new and exciting ways to connect with your Authentic Self.

What more could you ask really?

So – here’s a way to connect with Deliel and the magenta ray.

  • Relax and focus on your breath.
  • Ask Deliel to join you. Thank him for coming and take a moment to attune to his energy, letting your vibrational rate rise to match his.
  • Ask him to enfold you in his magenta ray, his soft magenta light, so it can fill every part of you. Let it flow in through your crown chakra, fill your central channel and let it spread out to fill your physical body, your emotional body, your mental body and your spiritual body.

That’s the basic way to start any meditation with him, so how do you then use the energy to do different things?

Well, once the magenta ray has filled the whole of your Four Body System you can ask Deliel to:

  • Energize and re-vitalize your physical body. While he does this you need to visualise the magenta light filling every cell in your body. I would also add an additional visualisation – let him fill your kidneys with magenta light. Allow yourself to experience the warmth of this magenta ray on a cellular level and feel your tiredness melting away.
  • Help you deal a problem. While you are full of his magenta light, ask Deliel to show you how to deal with your problem in a positive way, looking at it from all sides. You can also ask him to fill you with his love and wisdom while you deal with it, which will help you enormously.
  • Live your life to its full potential. While you are full of his magenta light, ask Deliel to show you what you do to resist doing this – on any level. And ask him to use his angelic ray to clear any blockages you are ready to release. You can also ask him to help you deal with any fear you have around reaching your full potential during this lifetime.
  • If you are confused. Ask Deliel to use his angelic ray to clear any confusion you have around any issue and replace the energy with clarity – on all levels.
  • Harmony and Balance. These two qualities are held in the magenta ray. So while you are full of his magenta light, ask Deliel to show you how you block them in your life or how you can have more of them in your life. You can also ask him to clear any blockages you become aware of while you are working with him.
  • To uplift you emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It’s so simple it’s almost ridiculous. Just ask Deliel to use the energy of his angelic ray to do this and let it flow through you, releasing any blockages in your Four Body System.
  • Heart chakra. You can use the magenta ray (as a frequency light or as a flame) in your heart chakra to stimulate an energy flow and it will open and expand your heart space. Just ask Deliel to bless your heart with his angelic ray and see it completely filled with magenta light. This energy will bring spiritual truth to your heart (whatever that is for you) and it will help you to find new ways to act in a compassionate way … towards everything.

Really, as with all spiritual tools – the only thing which will limit what you can do with the magenta ray is what you think you can or cannot do with it. What you have to do is sit with Deliel, let him surround you with his soft magenta light and do what ever you need to do to move on.

And please remember to thank Deliel for all his help when you have finished working with him and ground very firmly, so all the changes you have made can be fully embedded in your reality on the earthplane.

Have fun with Deliel and his angelic ray and maybe we will get to Cassiel next time… who know? Life is an adventure at the moment! A slightly strange one, but still an adventure!

Bright Blessings


