I have been saying for years that the real spiritual journey is only about ten inches – the journey from your head to your heart. It really is that simple, no matter what journey you are on, or how much self-development you do, or how much energetic and emotional rubbish you want to clear form your system – it is still only about ten inches. Of course, at times it can be an incredibly hard ten inches and feel like ten thousand miles, but that’s the world we live in. We are trained to be in our heads and not our hearts.

So what do we do? We have to find ways to encourage movement from thinking to feeling, from being rational to being intuitive, from being restricted to being in the flow. And, everyone will have different ways of doing this… appropriate ways for them, but there are things that help and sodalite its one of them. Working with this stone will ensure you achieve that ten inch drop with a lot more ease and grace because it clears mental confusion and gifts you with a feeling of deep inner peace. It is a stone that becomes a bridge between the worlds of thought and feeling.  It also helps you understand, not to mention believe, that you do not have to always do things the way you have always done them. Its energy reminds you that nothing will change in your life unless you actually… well, start making changes!

Sodalite is an extremely useful stone if you find yourself stuck in a state of mental confusion which is intensified by emotional turmoil…and, let’s face it, there is a lot of that about at the moment. Some days we hardly know which way to turn. But, handily and happily, sodalite will calm your mind and ease the emotional stress which will help with any situation you may find yourself struggling with.

It is a wonderful stone, not the prettiest, but certainly one of the most useful on your journey and, if you sit with it while you are filled with your confusion and all the emotions associated with the situation you find yourself in, it will clear your mind and take you to a relaxed and calm place where you can start to make appropriate choices about how you need to resolve it. And, over time, it will teach you to find a way to trust your inner knowing and your own innate wisdom.

If you need to make a decision, one way to use the stone is to lie down and place it on your brow chakra and then set your intention. You know what will be most helpful and useful to you, so find a way to put it all into words that resonate with you and your decision and just sit quietly, being open and receptive to the energy of the stone and receiving information and intuitive flashes from the parts of you that already know the solution to your problem. It’s all about quietening your mind, so you can find the answer you need. It’s already there, but there has probably been way too much noise inside your head, not to mention your heart, for you to notice it. Sodalite helps you relax and it helps you to learn to listen. Most people hear very well, but not many actually take the time and the trouble to really, really listen. They are two completely different things, but some people do confuse hearing with listening!

You can also carry the sodalite with you or sleep with it under your pillow for extra help and inspiration. But I would only recommend using it this way at night after you have worked with it for a while during the day and have cleared some of your negativity.

Chakra Work

  • Sacral – allows you to feel peaceful and grounded. It also allows to reach a place inside you where you can find self-acceptance, not to mention your long, lost self-esteem.
  • Throat – to calmly release emotions you have been unable to express.
  • Brow –quietens the mind, dispels illusions, stimulates intuition and strengthens your connection to your intuitive skills.
  • Crown – here it can be used with intention to help you in so many ways… it’s your job to discover them!

Additional Positions for Sodalite.

  • To calm the mind and open it to new possibilities, not to mention clear any fear you have about making changes to allow this to happen – place sodalite, lapis lazuli and aquamarine on your forehead around the brow chakra. Set your intention and see where the combined energy of these stones takes you
  • To help with any heart-based problems – place any heart chakra stone you are drawn to on your heart and sodalite on your brow chakra. It will help you see what is in your heart, acknowledge it and start to release what you no longer need. The one word of warning – sodalite when used in this way will not allow you to keep fooling yourself about what you are really holding in your heart. It is not called the stone of truth for nothing. You will find you have to be brutally truthful to yourself to being about real change. But sodalite will always give you a far better understanding of how to use the information you receive for deep spiritual healing.
  • To enhance any throat chakra work you would like to do, use sodalite with any other blue stone associated with this energy centre. It works particularly well with: Blue Lace Agate, Amazonite, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Lace Agate, Larimar Lapis Lazuli, Blue Aragonite, Aquamarine and Blue Calcite.

Just holding sodalite can be extremely useful:

  • held in the left hand, it is very comforting.
  • held in the right hand, it releases negativity.
  • held in any hand it helps you regain your composure, especially if used with intention. Use it to promote peace and tranquillity.

And, any work you want to do with Sodalite can be enhanced by calling in the angelic associated with it – the very lovely and user-freindly Archangel Michael. He is great and is always available to help and support you on that ten inch journey!

Have fun!

Bright Blessings!




Working with the Eighth Planetary Ray

Chohan: Ascended Master Lady Nada

Keywords: Transmutation and Clarity

Key Qualities: Energy and soul cleansing, releasing and purification on all levels.

Additional Qualities: Courage, justice, integrity, wisdom, stability, equilibrium, unconditional love, understanding, unity and infinite expansiveness.

Colour: Seafoam green and violet.

Chakra: Solar plexus.

Purpose: Deep Cleansing

Associated Angelics: Jeremiel and Josephine

Associated Light Beings: The Pleiadians

This Planetary Ray will enable you to let go of old ties and connections that no longer serve or support you. At first this may feel uncomfortably like your entire support structure is falling away, but this has to happen so new things are able to manifest in your life.

This ray helps you clear at a cellular level, purging old false beliefs, ideas and judgments. As this kind of energy transformation is occurring rapidly for many people at this time, it is a good idea to surround yourself with this luminescent seafoam green and violet ray on a regular basis. It will help you to re-calibrate the whole of your Four Body System and bring a renewed sense of balance and equilibrium to everything.

Lady Nada oversees this planetary ray and she is always happy to help you in any way. All you have to do is ask for her to join you in any meditation and she will, offering her love and support. Her energy is lovely and you will always feel better after even a short time in her presence. Or if you would rather work with angelic or the Pleiadians, you can just ask them instead. The choice on your journey, as always, is yours.

Experiencing the Eight Ray and Anchoring its Qualities.

  • Ask the Ascended Master Lady Nada to join you. Thank her for coming and take a moment to attune to her energy.
  • Now ask her to surround you with the beautiful seafoam green and violet light of the Eighth Ray. Let this energy flow in, through and around you, cleansing you on all levels.
  • Now ask Lady Nada to anchor and activate the qualities of the Eighth Planetary Ray of Deep Cleansing – courage, justice, integrity, wisdom, stability, equilibrium, unconditional love, understanding, unity and infinite expansiveness – in your solar plexus chakra.
  • Let the energy flow into the chakra and sit quietly while it is anchored in your system.
  • Thank Lady Nada, ask her to disconnect you from the energy of her planetary ray, earth any excess energy in your system, ground and return.

Clearing Meditation

Seventh Planetary Ray – Chohan Lady Portia. You can work with her in exactly the same way you work with Lady Nada – just by asking. If you prefer angelics, they are Zadkiel and Amethyst, or the angels associated with them on this ray are collectively known as the Angels of the Violet Flame… any of them will come if asked.

  • Decide what you wish to release and clear from your system
  • Connect to the Seventh Planetary Ray which is violet and do it with the very clear intention that you want to use this energy to clear whatever patterns you feel need to be released on any level – physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
  • Now set the intention to draw the violet energy of this planetary ray in through your crown chakra, fill your central channel and then radiate the energy out into the physical body, the etheric body and then out into the subtle bodies- emotional, mental and spiritual.
  • Sit quietly drawing the energy into the central channel on your in breath and sending it out through the rest of your system on your outbreath until you feel you have released everything.
  • Now disconnect from the Seventh Ray and connect with the Eighth Ray and focus on what you want to create now you are free of the old thought and behaviour patterns that have been restricting and restraining you.
  • One of the gifts of the Eighth Ray is that it brings great clarity, so it enables you to have a very clear idea of what you want to create and exactly how to create it. Also as it is a deeply cleansing ray, if any new blockages appear, you can use it to clear them.
  • So set the intention to draw the seafoam green and violet energy of this planetary ray in through your crown chakra, fill your central channel and then radiate the energy out into the physical body, the etheric body and then out into the subtle bodies- emotional, mental and spiritual.
  • Sit with this energy and let it fill the whole of your Four Body System for as long as you like.
  • Disconnect, earth any excess energy and ground before you return your attention to the room.


Bright Blessings!
