Crystals for the Summer Solstice

To represent the energy of the sun – sunstone

To represent the energy of the moon – moonstone

To align with heaven and earth – chrysocolla

If you can do this outside, it will be lovely, but since that is not always possible – anywhere else is just fine! Also, most people say do it at sunrise because this represents new beginnings… but once again, it’s not always possible. All you need to do is connect with the energy at sunrise and create your own time of new beginnings!

  • Hold each of your crystals in turn, taking a moment to fully connect with each of them.
  • Sunstone brings you the energy of the Sun, and through the Sun – the element of Fire. This is a hugely useful energy to work with – massive transformation!
  • Moonstone brings you the energy of the Moon, and through the Moon – the element of Water – massively cleansing!
  • The other gift of these two crystals is the masculine and feminine energy they hold, so work with them a moment before you move on to chrysocolla. Sunstone holds the masculine energy and moonstone the feminine energy, so with the moonstone in your non-dominant hand and the sunstone in your dominant hand – ask the stones to balance these two energies before you start and sit quietly while it happens. You’ll know when it’s done!
  • Chrysocolla aligns you with Heaven and Earth and represents new beginnings. It is also a deeply, deeply healing stone and its greatest potential for healing is at the sacral chakra, so if at any point while you are working you feel you need to place it in this area – go for it. It will only do good things!
  • So, hold your crystals, stand with your feet firmly planted on the ground – or floor if you are indoors – and send roots deep down into Mother Earth. This connects you to earth.
  • Now take your awareness up to the crown and make a connection to Source, the Divine, God…. what word you use to describe this is just fine. This connects you to heaven.
  • Now, as it is Solstice and the Sun is at the height of its power – become aware of the Sun, and allow the solar energy to flow into your system through the highest chakra you are working with at this time. Let it flow down to fill your central channel and then out into every part of your physical body. Let sunlight infuse your mind, body and soul with vibrant and healing light.
  • Now, sit down and connect to the elemental energy of Fire which is carried by the sunlight in to your energy system. What do you want to transform at this powerful moment in time? When you have decided, breathe in the energy of fire, drawing it in to your system through the solar plexus – the place where you hold this element in your energy system – and set the intention to breathe it out towards whatever you want to transform. You may want to place the sunstone on the chakra before you do this because the crystal will clear and empower the solar plexus most effectively.
  • Continue breathing this way until you feel you have sent enough Fire energy to achieve your goal and disconnect from the Sun, sitting quietly while your energy settles. You may want to check your energy system and ground any excess energy. You may have quite a lot!
  • Now ground, return and send thoughts of love and gratitude to your crystals, and you can either place them on your altar or you may want to carry them with you throughout the day to remind you of the energy of new beginnings.

Additional stone to use on Solstice Day: Another crystal associated with the Sun is citrine. It would be a good stone to carry with you on Solstice Day. It transforms any negative energy into positive energy and it will help you focus on what you wish to manifest or transform after you have worked with your other three crystals. It also has the very handy ability to attract abundance of all kinds into your life!!

Have a happy Solstice!

Bright Blessings!



Most people have heard of amethyst. Most people have worn it, not to mention used it in all sorts of ways. It is a popular crystal and easily obtainable and loads and loads has already been written about it, so I wondered why I had to do the same when there is so much information already out there… I had no idea until I read an article about an energy wave heading our way from the Great Central Sun. It is due to hit on Solstice Day and it seems we need to do some work before it gets here.

The incoming galactic energy is apparently going to help us reach a place where we can really take on board the fact that we are …. well, love! And nothing but love! And that everything around us is exactly the same… just love! The frequency of the energy wave is designed to dissolve any blockages we have in and around our hearts, so it will be useful if we start clearing now so the energy doesn’t have so much to do when it arrives and we will be far less likely to be discombobulated by it when it downloads into our systems.

It is also going to affect your mental body and your thought processes, helping you accept the truth of the fact that we are love… never easy when you are in a 3D world, surrounded by people who are vibrating at a 3D level and you are vibrating at a completely different frequency!  But, this energy should help, so the more space you have in your Four Body System, the better it will be.

So, why amethyst if the incoming energy wave is designed to clear the heart? This crystal is usually recommended as a brow and crown chakra stone. But, it works incredibly effectively at the heart chakra as well.

One of the many things amethyst does in the heart chakra is to stimulate your heartspace, helping you to open yourself up to give and receive love and do this in more appropriate ways for you. It also helps you understand more fully what you need and desire and it will help you act on this deep inner knowing … again in appropriate ways.

Lastly – and this can apply to the brow and the crown as well as the heart, though the wisdom of this starts in the heart before it rises up to the higher chakras – amethyst will encourage you to release anything that is holding you back so you can fully embrace your spiritual destiny….

Well, they say spiritual destiny. Since you are a spiritual being any destiny you chose to embrace is your spiritual destiny really! And, at the moment the only thing we really truly have to do is come face to face with our Authentic Selves and embrace them, embodying them fully on the earthplane at this time.

So, back to why amethyst… or rather … how can we use amethyst at the heart? Well, it is ridiculously simple. All you do is focus your intent and place a piece of amethyst on your heart. Yes – it really is just that easy.

Most other stones used at the heart make you see what you have hidden away or, quite frankly, just buried so you don’t have to deal with it anymore. We’ve all … been there, done that on more than one occasion, there is usually a lot of stuff in that chakra! Anyway, heart stones more often than not, make you aware of all your rubbish. They make you see it in great detail and, quite often, they make you re-experience it and it can be quite horrible. I mean the reason you buried the darn stuff in the first place was because it was painful and you wanted to avoid dealing with it! So the gift of amethyst is – when used with the right intention – it just acts as a hoover and pulls the stuff out without you having to feel the pain all over again. Once was enough, surely!

So, sit quietly with your amethyst and ask it to help you clear anything which you no longer need on any level – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – and if you are already aware of the blockage you need to clear – name it, so the stone can get to work straight away once you ask it to start removing energy from the chakra. Clear intentions always get clear results….

But, also add that you when you find what needs to be cleared (if you haven’t already named it) that you are made fully aware of the lesson you need to learn associated with the blockage otherwise you will only create it all over again at a later date. You can do this exercise without knowing specifically what needs to be released, though.

Once you have done this, place the stone over your heart and ask it to help you tune in to heartspace and connect with what you have stored away in your heart on a much deeper level than the conscious level. Amethyst is seriously good at this, which is why it also resonates with the higher chakras because the brow and crown are also connected to the way you access your deep inner knowing and your own innate wisdom. So if you are guided to place the stone on either of these two chakras while you are working – go for it! It will help enormously.

Then, when you feel ready, ask your amethyst to start pulling out any negative energy which is currently stuck in your heart. It will then magically become a hoover and just dragging stuff you don’t need any more out. It’s astonishing and extremely effective, and all you have to do is be fully present while the crystal works, co-creating your healing experience with it.

You will know when the release has finished and you can either thank the stone and cleanse it and put it away, or you can start all over again and remove something else. The choice is yours. You know what you need to do to become whole again. So just run with it!

The other bonus you get when working with amethyst is that it dissolves negative energy in your energy field when you are holding it, replacing it with its own high frequency vibration and this in turn acts like shield. It is like having a fabulous bubble of violet spiritual light all around you while you work with your stone. It holds you safely in a clean environment, making it easier to relax and go with the whole releasing experience.

Lastly, when you work with amethyst, it will gift you with calmness and clarity, so it is the perfect stone to use at the moment when we are completely surrounded by confusion, not to mention absolute chaos! It will also, at a more subtle level, clear the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies, and link them to the spiritual body. Both of these things will help you enormously, so if I were you I’d be talking to a piece of amethyst straight away!

Have fun!

Bright Blessings!



I thought it might be a good idea to suggest that we all start making friends with The Angels of Gratitude before we reach the Solstice and everything else which is due to happen once all the energy shifts start on 21st. It’s going to be a busy summer – energetically speaking!

And, let’s be honest, considering everything that’s been going on up until now… I think we really ought to start by being enormously grateful for the fact that we’ve actually made it this far, not to mention grateful that we will make it through the summer, unscathed. That would be quite useful as well!

All the excitement isn’t due to stop until after the Lion’s Gate window closes at the end of August. But, by then we are almost in the Autumn Equinox window, so we won’t have much time to recover, let alone recalibrate! All the more reason to start talking to these lovely angelics right now… and any others you are guided to work with, of course!

There is a whole bunch of angels who are collectively known as The Angels of Gratitude and you can call on any one of them (or all of them if you like!) at any time. They will, like every other angelic, come immediately. All they are waiting for is an invitation to join you! But there are also some gratitude angels who are singled out by their names, so you can ask either of them for help and support, if you feel drawn to work with them.


This is the angel who inspires gratitude and thanksgiving – which actually means the expression of gratitude. He will also help you to grow closer to all the angelics, so he is good to know! But, best of all, he will help fill your heart and mind with serenity and help you to love your life on all levels. So seriously, sit quietly as soon as you can, ask him to join you, thank him for coming, take a moment to attune to his energy and start chatting!!!

Ooniemme (Oon-ee-em)

This is the angel who is responsible for helping you experience the actual feeling of gratitude – the real feeling, not just the energy of grateful words forming inside your head. He engages your heart, and allows your heart to resonate with the energy of gratitude so we can radiate it in all directions. This in turn means we then start attracting more and more things to be grateful for… for once it is a win win senario for all of us! And once you start resonating at the frequency of gratitude, your awareness expands and it opens you up to receive even more blessings. How fab is that!

Thank you Ooniemme!

I even found an affirmation to use with this angelic:

I AM forever grateful for the blessings I receive. I count my blessings every day.

But I am sure you could make one up for yourself which resonates with you. Go for it! It is seriously time to start acknowledging all the things you are grateful for, not to mention telling others about the blessings you have received.

Ask Ooniemme to fill you with the feeling of gratitude and then you must set the clear intention for it to expand your awareness on all levels, so you are then open to receive…. well everything really!

And keep being grateful, even if it is only for little things in your life like, parking places, green lights, kindness … anyone who helps you with anything and that includes helpers and guides… and pets… please don’t forget your furry friends!

Another thing you can do is ask Ooniemme to help shift your mood and raise your vibration if you feel stuck… and who hasn’t felt a little stuck over the last few months? He can do this really easily because gratitude is the feeling which will shift you out of any low vibration energy. It is immensely powerful and allowing yourself to feel gratitude will empower you in many different ways. Even in a horrible situation you can find something to be grateful for and it is the start of a process which will eventually change your mind about whatever you are experiencing in your life, opening you to other possibilities.

Start now! Shifting into gratitude is the perfect way to begin seeing your life in a completely different way.

Bright blessings!




Using selenite will help you in many, many different ways. There is already a huge amount of information out there, but here are a few things you can do with this remarkable stone, which is perfect for anyone on any kind of spiritual journey. Working with it will enable you to bring light down from the higher realms into the physical body, and this in turn will always create personal transformation.

Selenite Aura Cleansing Technique.

It is easy to do and take less than a minute – perfect for most of us!

Hold your crystal and take a moment to attune to the energy. Also set the intention that you would like it to cleanse your aura. Then starting at the top of your head, comb the crystal – gently – down the front of your body. Repeat at each side and then do the front again, with the intention that you are doing the back. If you feel any particular spot feels stuck, leave the crystal there for a moment, allowing more high frequency light from the stone to penetrate the aura at this point and clear the blockage. Ground firmly at the end and thank your crystal.

Chakra Cleansing with Selenite

  • Place the selenite at your base chakra, connect with the energy and using your breath set the intention to draw the energy up into your central channel, filling it completely.
  • Now add an additional intention that on your out breath, you send the selenite energy out from the central channel into all the physical body chakras and this energy dissolves any blockages in the vortices.
  • If you feel any particular chakra needs extra work, focus on it separately for as long as you need to.
  • Disconnect from the selenite, thank your crystal, release any excess energy, ground and return.

You can use the energy of selenite to stabilise and balance your energy while you work, or to enhance the energy of the room you are working in!

  • Place a piece of selenite in front of you if you are sitting during meditation
  • Place over your chest if you are lying down
  • Place on each side of your body if you are using other crystals on your body.
  • Place selenite by the door to prevent negative energy from entering the house/room.
  • Place selenite in a room to create and maintain a constant flow of calming, positive energy. It will also keep the vibration of the room high. This is particularly beneficial for a room where meditation or healing takes place.


Due to the high frequency of the selenite vibration, it resonates with the angelic realm. It also enhances a connection to all angelics. However, some like the vibration more than others! It will enhance your connection if you want to work with: Auriel, Gabriel, Metatron, Chamuel, Uriel, Sandalphon, Seraphiel, Tzaphkiel, Raziel and Raguel.

To enhance this connection, you can combine selenite with clear apophyllite, celestite or angel phantom quartz when you are working with any angelic.

Enjoy being surrounded by the light of this lovely stone!

Bright Blessings
