Well, after the portals, eclipses, light code downloads, powerful new and full moons, together with the energy shifts that went with them, what we all need now is to relax and have some down time before the energy window for the Equinox in September opens. It won’t be long!

And, as moonstone is the stone of new beginnings, it will help you have a nice new beginning after all the rubbish you have cleared from your system.

There is no way you can actually be the same person you were even a few months ago, and the really good thing about moonstone is that it is extremely helpful for anyone who adapting to change, especially change related to the structures within your life – on all levels. There is a good chance that most of the things that have been supporting you – in many cases for years – have indeed changed dramatically recently. Let this lovely stone help you recalibrate your energy system, so you can cope more easily. It has a balancing energy and we all need to come back into balance… especially with the next shift being Equinox, which always brings you back into balance. We might as well start preparing for that shift right now!

So, one of the best ways to use moonstone to relax is to construct a body layout with the crystals.

There are several ways you can do this… and, of course, you can lay the stones anywhere you like. There is no rule that says you have to use them this way… or any other way! You can always wait for your own guidance. But this will at least give you a place to start.

All you do is place the stones and allow yourself to relax… and, the allowing is the most important things you can do! We often don’t relax because we don’t let ourselves do it! How daft is that?

Also, as this crystal is associated with the moon, you can also imagine you are lying in the moonlight and let this soothing energy fill your body, along with the gentle energy of the stone to enhance the relaxing effect. After only a short while you should feel it. You should feel very calm.

Relaxing Layout 5 moonstones

This layout is to restore equilibrium… and, who doesn’t need that at the moment? It is also helpful if you want to tap into your intuition more easily.

There are two versions of this layout:

  • one stone above your head, one on either side of your body beside each hand and each foot.
  • one stone above your head, one on either side of the body at the shoulder and the hip

Chakra Layout – 7 moonstones

  • one on each chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra – when you work with moonstone here in meditation, it will help you to identify any old emotional patterning that no longer serves your highest and greatest good, so you can clear it from your system. I would do this with moonstones around me as well to make sure the energy field is also cleared of the same energetic patterning. That way you get rid of a lot more rubbish (see below).

Energy Field Cleansing – as moonstone cleanses negativity from the aura and the subtle anatomy, just lie down and place any amount of crystals around your physical body with the intention of doing this. Lay down and let the crystals work.

The energy of moonstone combines well with many stones, so you can, of course, choose to place additional stones on or around your body if you feel drawn to do this. My recommendation would always be labradorlite because it is a deeply cleansing stone. It is also a stone which helps with transitions in your life, so it will work well with the new beginnings of moonstone. The labradorite becomes the stepping stone carrying you from the old to the new of the moonstone. Always handy!

However, moonstone energy also combines well with – sunstone. Amber, golden labradorite, moldavite, jet, amethyst, and garnet.

Whatever you decide to do, it you are drawn to work with moonstone – it will always help!

Have fun!

Bright blessings!





Ong So Hung

This sound is so simple, but incredibly powerful, mainly because when you chant it, it helps you really appreciate your innate connection to …..well, just about everything!

Also, while chanting the words it allows you to acknowledge your own creative power, your unique Divinity and your connection to all conscious beings – so that includes: plants, animals, crystals and, of course, all those very lovely light beings! When you relax into the sound and the connections it forms around you – it can be quite a profound experience. You can also find it gets rather crowded around you when you start to become aware of all the beings who are with you and quietly supporting you… all day every day!

All you really have to do is set a very clear intention of what you want the sound you are making to actually do… sound + intent = healing or result. Thank you, Jonathan Goldman!

It is also wise to remember it is called sound healing, not singing healing.

You absolutely do not have to have a perfect voice, or even a nice voice to make the most of your individual sound.

It’s quite simple. All you have to do is – take a breath, set your intention and open your mouth, letting your sound out. Even bad sound is still sound… and every sound you make is, in fact, sacred sound. It is an expression of your heart, through your throat and voice, whenever you make sound. You know that really, even if it hasn’t occurred to you on a conscious level before. You only have to listen to your voice when you are happy, sad, angry, frustrated. Your voice is different every time and the energy that generates the sound is always coming from your heart, even the bad stuff. It’s still there – stuck in your heart waiting to be expressed. Sound can help you do this in a safe way.

If you’re not always comfortable expressing anything like this… chant while holding a piece of chrysocolla. Helpfully, it contains both the blue and green rays which will help you express the heart chakra through the throat chakra with ease and grace. It is a lovely stone and it always ready to help. Its key words are – sacred sound. So, go and get a piece and start making sound.

So, why Ong So Hung when there are loads of mantras and seed sounds and even vowels which soothe the heart? Well, to be honest, I just like it and it’s my blog! But you can use many sounds:




SHANTI – this is absolutely lovely! As is – OM SHANTI SHNATI SHANTI

SO HUM (OR HUNG) – this is SO relaxing you may well just nod off!

These are just a few examples, but words you use are not as important as the thought you have before you open your mouth. That always determines what your sound does.

So, let’s explain Ong So Hung

Ong means – the creative consciousness

So Hung means – I AM that.

So when you chant this mantra you are basically saying – I AM the creative consciousness. Many people think of it as communicating on a very deep level that you are, in fact, in every cell in your physical body, the universal creative consciousness. That’s a thought and a half, isn’t it? Go with it!!

As with any mantra, repeating it, gives it more power. This is because the more you chant it, the more the mantra resonates inside you and outside you. It gets into your physical body and your subtle bodies and your aura. And, you eventually come into resonance with the sound of these immensely powerful words. You start to vibrate at the same frequency as them, so your vibrational rate rises every time you chant the words until it is elevated to a much higher level of awareness and connection. Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want that?

There are all sorts of articles on this particular mantra and you may find that there are instructions for how many times you need to chant it or for how many minutes or which mudra you need to use while chanting. You can go with that if it appeals to you, but the way I was trained – well, it goes straight back to your intention. The thoughts you have determine what your sound does, no matter how long or how many times you chant them, or what position are you are holding your hands in.

But that is in my little world. If yours is different, feel free to go with what is comfortable and meaningful to you. Everything works magnificently with sound! So just chant the mantra and set the intention that you want it to clear your heart and then open after the release process is complete – always at the most appropriate level for you at the time you are making your sound. It can be both healing and soothing… tremendously so in some cases.

But, whatever your sound does, you will always feel better after making it. Some people experience feelings of great compassion, warmth and love using the mantra. Others report feeling both vulnerable and courageous at the same time. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter… it’s your sound, your journey and your healing and release process, so everything is great.

When you first start using the mantra – or any sound in your heart – you may bring up feelings which have been trapped there for some time…. sadness, grief, disappointment, sorrow. This is normal because the mantra opens your heart, allowing you to access everything you have buried in there… and we all generally have a lot! All you have to do is acknowledge the feelings and allow your sound to soothe them. Some people even allow the sound to guide them through the feelings. You’ll know what to do if this happens to you.

A good thing to do if something sad comes up is to adapt your intention to something like – each time I make my sound I release…….. and it floats painlessly away on my breath with ease and grace. This will enable you to clear the uncomfortable feelings much faster.

At the end of the day, Ong Sohung brings an exquisite peacefulness to your heart. It soothes the heart and it brings an amazing feeling of being connected to the Divine…. whatever you perceive that to be. It also connects you to your own Divinity. It is quite lovely.

And, an added bonus if you really don’t like using your voice – you can chant it silently. Fabulously, silent sound still works…. as long as you have set your intention before you start repeating the mantra inside your head.


So, there really is just no excuse for not using sound. So, why not just give in gracefully and give it a go! If all else fails, just go to youtube and find someone who has recorded the chant and chant along with them if that makes it easier for you!

Have fun!

Bright Blessings
