Mantra: OM Nama Shivaya

  • Om – Before creation, there was a void where no vibration existed. Out of this void came the vibration known as the sound of creation – OM.
  • Namah- This literally translates as: to bow.
  • Shivaya- This is Shiva, but it also means the Inner Self.

The mantra means: I bow to the Inner Self.

So you can use an additional intention when you chant it, if you are drawn to do so – you can intend for the sound to connect you to your Inner Self or your Inner Guru on a new level. It is much better to form a deep and abiding connection to this part of you rather than always look for wisdom and knowledge form an outside source.

There is a visualisation you can add while chanting – as you repeat the mantra, you can visualize yourself bowing to your true Inner Self, honouring them.

To Chant the Mantra

Please ground firmly before you start to chant because it will take you upwards very, very quickly!!! Also, sit with your spine straight so the energy can move freely in your system

Pronounciation: OM   na ma   shee vi ee ah

Direct the sound to resonate: the front of the midbrain/eyes with the intention of connecting to universal consciousness

Set your intention, take a breath and make your sound – doing any version of the mantra that appeals to you.

If you are guided to so, intend for the sound to resonate the brow chakra or even the crown as the mantra is a connection to the universal consciousness.

But, in the end, just do whatever feels right for you when you start to chant.

You might like to try all three and see how they all feel and work with the one that resonates the most with you. It is said to bestow deep spiritual experiences

You can also find versions of the chant on youtube if you feel you want to chant along with someone else rather than just do it on your own. Just find a version that you like and give it a go.

If you would like further information, can I recommend this article:

The Energetic Field of Om Namah Shivaya by Rodney Birney MD


This is my favourite quote from it: “The chant Om Namah Shivaya is a love song, to ourselves. A love song we sing to our own deepest inner nature. In this song we recognize that we are the source, like a hologram, a piece of god that also represents the whole. In the Siddha yoga lineage (from which this chant comes) it is considered to be the king of all mantras. The intelligent field of conscious energy of which the universe is made, and concentrates into the dense form we know of as matter, is represented by the god Shiva. Shiva is the totality.”

Have fun!

Bright Blessings!





Equinox is the mid-point between summer and winter solstice, the point of full change from the outward cycle of growth in the light into the internal cycle of growth in the dark….

And both light and dark must be honoured in your life. If nothing else, you have to embrace the fact that without the dark, there would be no way to see the light.

And, of course, without the light there is no way to see the dark. Both are needed in our lives… at all times.

But some people just do not like the dark and think it is a bad thing. It just is… and it is the thoughts and judgements you have about the dark – in all its many forms – that make it good or bad. Without being held safely in the earth – in the dark – the seed never germinates and it cannot appear in the spring full of new life and new possibilities at the start of the next outward cycle of growth. We need the dark… so maybe it is time for you to start changing your attitude towards it.

Here is a meditation you can use to bring night and day into your energy system – the physical representations of light and dark. You can use a crystal if you want to – any base chakra stone, placed on this part of your energy system will be fine. Or if you want to change your perception of the dark, you can always place a stone at the brow chakra. The best stone would always be sodalite – the stone of inspiration.

  • Ground firmly, and, if you want, call in helpers and guides to support you as you work.
  • Find a rhythm with your breath. A good thing to do it breathe in for four, pause. Breathe out for six, pause. Making your out breath longer than your in breath is a physiological trigger for the body. It helps your body relax.
  • So now set the intention that you want to breathe in the energy of the night. Visualise the night, starting at dusk. See the way the light changes, gradually fading away from dusk to full night. Hear creatures leaving, or arriving if they embrace the night – badger is always a good totem for any night journey. You may want to call him in.
  • Whatever you do – feel the stillness and the peacefulness that always comes at the end of the day, though you are probably usually way too busy or way too tired to appreciate it. You may not even notice because electricity has taken away this precious time of day. There is no transition from dusk to night any more, no light fading into warm, welcoming darkness. The light changes in the blink of an eye from light to dark when you flick a switch. Your body has no time to prepare for the change. It is simply plunged from one into the other. Maybe it’s time for you to honour the dark and the fact that it is the appropriate time for your body to rest and recuperate. Embrace it – give your body what it needs at this time… breathe in the night.
  • Fill your body with this energy and, once your body is overflowing with this energy, start to breathe it in to the base chakra until that if full as well.
  • Stay in this energy for as long as you want to.
  • Now focus on the darkness in your base chakra… dark always turns to light. Night and day represent this. It is shown to you every single day. You probably never even think about it but it always happens. It has to! So now intend to turn the dark in your base chakra and your body into light. Do what the Earth does every single day, release the dark and let it transmute into light, let it become light. That’s what it does… every day… right in front of you!
  • Set the intention to release the darkness you have taken in as well as release any dark energy you have stored in your body and your chakra system. Do it on your out breath and let it float away – with ease and grace. Also watch how the dark turns to light and send this transformed energy out into the world as a blessing to any who are in need of a blessing at this time.
  • When all the dark energy has been released, it is time to breathe in the light… and breathe it into your crown chakra to balance your energy system after breathing into the base.
  • Visualise the day, starting at dawn and see the light gradually returning until it is blindingly bright. See the way the light changes, growing and growing. Hear creatures leaving, or arriving if they embrace the day. Feel the energy of new beginnings, new possibilities that always comes at sunrise, though, of course, you are probably still way too busy or way too tired to appreciate it, even before your busy day starts.
  • Just breathe the energy in, allowing it to replenish you on all levels. Let it fill you, flowing down to your solar plexus, which is the place where you hold the energy of fire… solar power and the energy of the sun live here because of that. Breathe it in and let it energise you, flowing to every part of your body.
  • After a while, let the endless cycle continue and see or sense the light fading again, bringing darkness and greet it happily, honour it for what it does in your life, for the comfort it can bring and let it go down into your base chakra as before.
  • Then repeat the process of breathing the darkness out once it has transformed into light as many times as you like.

If you discover any parts of your Four Body System that are holding darkness in a detrimental way, a way that limits you, or stunts your spiritual growth for any reason, pause in the cycle shown above and just breathe light in to the place where you found the blockage and breathe out the dark, the negativity. Just continue until you feel the blockage has cleared and go back to the cycle of breath allowing you to shift effortlessly between the light and the dark.

And don’t forget to honour all the things you judge as dark or bad in your life. They have made you what you are today.

Seriously, all the horrible experiences you have had throughout your many, many lifetimes (and that is not a typo – I really do mean lifetimes!) have allowed you to grow, to release a less than consciousness and embrace a more than consciousness. They have helped you to let go of hate and fear and embrace love – which is, after all, the greatest healing modality of all.

Without the dark, you simply would not be you. You would not have been able to discover all your gifts and talents, your strengths and, of course, your many weakness. We all have them!

And I want you to be very clear on this – embracing your vulnerabilities, not to mention all the things that make you feel vulnerable, is a powerful thing to do and it makes you a blessing to all on the earthplane. You show other people that it is a powerful thing to do, not a weak thing, and it allows them to do it as well. It enables them to grow and reach their full potential. This is a huge gift, and you are giving it away simply by moving forward on your journey. You hold the next level of wholeness for all the people behind you, allowing them access to it, and there will be someone ahead of you, doing exactly the same for you. How fab is that? Time to be proud and grateful…

So, find some time this weekend to welcome the light and the dark at equinox time, embracing both… and get ready to move fully into the inward cycle of growth ahead of us. At winter solstice you should be planting the seeds you want to germinate at springtime. What will that be for you… time to start thinking about it now! What do you want to magically appear in your life at Imbolc? Nothing will grow if you don’t plant that seed…

Bright Blessings





Equinox is almost here and the nearer we get, the more all the aspects of our life that are out of balance are being highlighted in a big way. The planet holds the energy of balance in a huge and very physical way when we have twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness and we cannot help but respond to this. The vibration of the quality of balance becomes so large and intense that it simply has to affect us in many, many different ways, depending on where we are on our journey towards wholeness. And we can take advantage of this by watching what comes up during the run up to the festival.

You can bring balance into your life in lots of ways. It’s different for everyone. We all lead very different lives, but if you want to use a crystal to help you with this quality and use its energy to discover where you are out of balance, where you benefit from more balance… or just to understand the quality in a new and deeper way and how your life would be if you embraced it on all levels…here are some recommendations:

CITRINE:  If you are out of balance due to an excess of negative energy in your life – the easiest and fastest way to deal with it is to use citrine, with the intention of using the high frequency vibration of the stone to transmute the negativity. It will clear absolutely anything. However, please be aware that you can clear as much rubbish as you like with this stone, but unless you investigate why you are generating it in the first place (ie what thought or behaviour patterns is triggering the negativity) and stop doing it – you will be using citrine forever and a day. Being responsible is the only way to bring lasting balance into your life and owning up to what you are doing to shoot yourself in the foot is the only real way to do it.

CALCITE:  To me Calcite is affectionately known as the feel the fear and do it anyway stone! It helps you move on by facing and overcoming your fear – orange calcite is enormously helpful if you have issues in your sacral area around self-love and self-respect. You can just use it in that chakra and let it work its magic. It is simply astonishing.

However, green calcite is seriously useful because when you sit with it, ask for its help and work with it with an open mind and an open heart, it will help you identify and release any old out-dated beliefs and ideas that are not working for you anymore. All you have to do then is decide how much you really want to get better and move on and start the release process in the most appropriate way for you.

It is ridiculously simply to work with green calcite. All you have to do is place the stone at the heart chakra and set the intention to breathe the balancing and calming energy in to your body through the chakra and just allow the soothing vibration fill the whole of your body, creating a safe space for you to work. Once you have attuned to the energy of the stone:

  • Ask your calcite to show you what is keeping you out of balance or you can choose a card to find this out and get a heads start, going straight the next part.
  • When you have an identified what thought or behaviour pattern you are working with, think about how it creates a pattern in your life and ask to be shown how this pattern affects you on all levels. Now consider and really, seriously own why it is no longer welcome in your life.
  • Now ask the calcite to flow to every part of your body which has stored negative energy related to this thought or behaviour pattern. It could be in many places and then see or sense the crystal’s energy flow all around the pattern, the places where it is stored and slowly dissolve it until absolutely nothing is left.
  • Now decide what thought or behaviour pattern you would like to put in the place of the old one and take a few moments to really visualise what your life will be like when you embrace this new way of thinking or behaving. See how it will change your life for the better.

Some blockages can be cleared in one session, other more deep-seated ones, may take several sessions with your lovely calcite. Just keep repeating the exercise until you feel you have cleared the energy and move on to the next thing you need to clear from your system. Please don’t try and do everything at once. You can use the technique as often as you like.

TURQUOISE: The keyword for this stone is wholeness which in effect is balance by any other name… if you are whole you are in a state of balance. So sit with the stone and ask it to show you what things in your life prevent you from being whole on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual… and then journey with your turquoise and see where it takes you. One of the many beneficial things it does (with a clear intention) is to allow you to see the true causes of happiness and unhappiness in your life, and it helps you to sort it all out.

CHRYSOCOLLA: This is one of my very favourite stones. It can do so many things it would need a blog all of its own. But in relation to balance … when you sit with it and ask for its help, it will take you into a deep state of meditation and relaxation and help you see or sense what you need to do to re-align the body, the mind and the emotions. Then when you have acted on the information received, this has the knock on affect of increasing your self-awareness and self-confidence. It also enhances your personal power. I mean, seriously, what is not to like about that? And – another useful hint for working with chrysocolla – its greatest potential for healing is at the sacral chakra whatever is going on in your life.

PETRIFIED WOOD: The key words for this stone are new beginnings… it’s lovely to work with and the best way is just to place it between your feet if you are sitting (or just below your feet if you are lying down) and ask it to help you. It will do this by gently grounding you and pulling any excess mental energy down from your head, moving it through your body and into the ground. It is extremely effective for clearing your mind and that brings balance because it is usually the thoughts inside your head that cause all the imbalances in your life. Once you have identified the thoughts that are upsetting you, the stone will help you find balance and stillness. Wonderful!

SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN: This stone is associated with balance because it contains both black and white – light and dark. Perfect for equinox! It will, when used with intention, balance the yin and yang energies in your physical body. It does this when you place it at your base chakra and also, when used here, it will help you change your thoughts from limiting to encouraging. Quite how it does this differs from person to person, depending on what thoughts need to be cleared and how limiting they are in the first place. But if you are determined to clear them and bring about this type of change, snowflake obsidian is the crystal for you! However, obsidian never takes any prisoners. It is a powerful stone and it will show you your dark side, highlighting very clearly what needs to be changed to bring balance into your life. It could be an intense clearing process with this stone, so if you do not feel up to it, start with one of the other more gentle stones to begin with.

Of course, all crystals will in some way or other bring you into balance because they are holistic healers. But the ones mentioned above are just good for working with in the equinox energy.

Good luck!

Bright Blessings!




Using Crystals to Clear your Mind

“If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.”

Louise Hay

How true is that statement?

The question is – do you want it to become true for you… on any level at all?

Crystals are an astonishing tool which you can use to help you look at the thoughts you have inside your head, especially the repetitive ones, not to mention the seriously negative ones.  No one is immune to this. We all have them. But what you need to realise and fully appreciate is the fact that they are harmful and you have to really own the idea that it is only you thinking them. No one ever forces you to have a thought, or to keep thinking it.. over and over again. It’s all down to you.

What you have to decide when you start to work on this level is – are you controlling your mind? Or is your mind controlling you? The answer is usually quite obvious when you start to look at what is really happening inside your head.

I would always start with fluorite which will calm you on all levels, as well as ground you, so you feel safe while you look at what you are doing to yourself. Really, in some cases – you are abusing yourself – mentally and emotionally by keeping some thoughts inside your head… and you need to stop!

One of the best crystals to work with when you do a life review like this is Lapis Lazuli. They key words for this crystal is self-knowledge… and that’s what you really need. If you know yourself, you will start to understand why you are thinking and behaving in certain ways. It will allow you to see the patterns you create in your life and learn to stop them repeating over and over again. It will also help you clear them because, as an added bonus, Lapis lazuli is also a deeply cleansing crystal.

One way of working with the stone is just to place it on the brown chakra and lay quietly while you observe what happens inside your head. Sometimes it’s a revelation when you work on such a conscious level with a powerful stone. But whatever you learn – even the bad stuff – is always information you can use to grow and expand into a new wonderful version of you!

When you have started to become aware of any thought or behaviour patterns which are not very helpful to you, you can ask the Lapis to clear the energy of the thoughts from your head… not to mention all the places it is stored in your physical body and subtle bodies. Then just lie quietly and let the stone work. Breathe the energy in through the brow chakra and let it spread out to fill the rest of your body. If you are drawn to place it on another chakra, or a specific part of your body, just go for it. Any stored negative energy you can clear from any part of your Four Body System will always be beneficial.

When you get the sense the Lapis has finished the cleansing process, you can also ask for the reasons (or root causes) of any of the thoughts that you found to slowly and gently rise to the surface of your mind, so you can start the process of healing and changing on a much deeper level. You can still use Lapis when you find out what needs to be done, but if you are drawn to use another crystal – just go for it!!! You will always know what is the very best thing to do for you.

Time to start actually believing that!

Clear Quartz brings clarity to the mind, so you might want to consider working with this stone and your Lapis.

Other crystals that you might find useful to work with – in any combination – are:

Citrine – this transmutes any negative energy it into positive energy and this stone is incredibly good at doing this!! This process will be enormously helpful to start the clearing process, but it will only change negative into positive. It will not actually help you stop generating the negativity if you do not take a long hard look at what you are doing to create it in the first place. It gives you a good place to start, though.

Aquamarine – this crystal emits the frequency of peace. So it is useful if you want to stay calm and relaxed while you work. This will, of course, ensure that any anxiety or tension generated when the negative thought patterns start to rise to the surface of your mind won’t be so challenging for you.

Malachite – at the solar plexus while you are working will be seriously helpful. It acts like a hoover (when used with intention) and it will suck out any negative emotional energy that surfaces in this chakra while you are working. It is much easier than having to deal with it!

One last crystal which is good to use for any type of clearing work is Black Tourmaline. Not the prettiest of stones, I’ll grant you, but it is both powerful and effective… and, really, everyone should have a piece!! Not only is it excellent for grounding – it can actually activate grounding between the base chakra and the centre of the earth when used with the right intention – but it is a protective stone, so it will help you feel safe and secure while you focus on releasing any negativity in your system. It will also keep you safe and secure – what more could you ask of a crystal?

Also, as it is a stone of purification, if you have a piece of Black Tourmaline, it is rather like having a sponge that will soak up all the negative energy it finds in your Four Body System! Specifically, though, it will clear the emotional body of negative thoughts, anxiety, anger and feelings of unworthiness. Used with this particular intention it is extremely powerful.

So, as you can see, Black Tourmaline is always handy to have around…. well, as long as you actually use it! Looking at it and admiring all the fabulous ways it can help you won’t be as useful to you! Though if you have it near you at night, it will help you sleep. It is truly wonderful at multi-tasking, this stone!

And, as a bonus, it can align all your chakras when you have finished working – as long as you ask, of course!

So, is it time for you to start looking for any limiting beliefs you might have lurking in the dark corners of your mind? I think so! If they are left there, they will only create a life that you don’t actually want, and, seriously, why would you want to do that?

If you are not used to working with crystals, you can use a Reiki II symbol to help you with this. The mental/emotional healing symbol will work in exactly the same way as the Lapis if drawn or visualized at the brow and used with the same intention.

HSZSN also works extremely well on the brow chakra when you are clearing your mind. It is, after all, far more than just a distant healing symbol.

Although there are many other healing energies available on the earthplane right now, and all of them are fabulous, in my opinion, Reiki is still the best tool for self-development on the planet, especially if you are only just starting out. Think about that…. and see if it appeals to you! It will certainly, without a doubt, help you on your journey towards wholeness!

But, in the end, whatever you decide to do – as long as you end up controlling your mind rather than just let it control you – is just great! Just go for the thing that works best for you and run with it!

Bright Blessings





I know I have written about labradorite before, but as we approach equinox and the energy of balance is heading towards us like the proverbial freight train, it is always handy to be reminded of something that can help you come into alignment with this particular quality and the frequency it holds.

Re-balancing is always important in autumn (and, of course, spring, when there is another equinox). It is the foundation for all the internal work we need to do as the dark times approach, so we are ready to do all our internal work over the winter. That is what will allow us to bounce back next spring. The time for outward growth is coming to an end at this time of year and we should start planting the seeds for what we want to grow in our lives during the following year.

If you use labradoite to keep your Four Body System clear, it will mean you are more likely to achieve balance… or less likely to resist once we are fully inside the energetic window created by twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness… true balance – on a physical level. So this is why the other three – mental, emotional and spiritual are compelled to change as well. Energy always seeks to balance itself. At the end of the day, it will always come back to physics!

So why not take advantage of this time of year to bring the quality of balance into your life in a very real and potent way? Mother Earth is providing the energy and holding it for us as a gift – wouldn’t it be rather rude if we refused it?

So how can labradorite help you:

  • If you place a piece at your crown chakra it will align the physical and energetic bodies… always helpful considering everything we’ve been through lately. We could all do with aligning our systems and this is such an easy way to do it.
  • If placed on the solar plexus with the intention of clearing and aligning the whole chakra system – that’s what it will do. You’ll certainly feel more balanced afterwards as well.
  • Wear or carry a piece to create an energy barrier to stop any low vibrational energy from other sources lowering your vibrational rate, especially if you have just cleansed and aligned yourself nicely after using the stone. It will just hold you safely inside the nice space you have created for yourself. Staying well clear of outside influences is always useful, especially if you are prone to pick up unwholesome energy from other people.
  • If you want to stabilise your system, place a piece between your feet to activate the earthstar chakra. You’ll feel much better afterwards!
  • Using it at the brow, crown and soul star chakras will always raise your vibration, making you feel far more comfortable if you are on an ascension journey. It will also bring transformation into your life… fabulous!
  • Wear or carry a piece and allow the vibration of the labradorite to fill your aura, protecting it from all those pesky lower vibrational energies and preventing energy leakage. It also stops others from tapping into and draining your personal energy. It also maintains your baseline energy level, stopping anyone who has trouble with the work/life balance from becoming completely depleted.
  • Used at the brow it can trigger spiritual expansion and allow you to connect with your helpers and guides more easily, as well as higher aspects of yourself.

Easy way to use Labradorite – hold a piece in each hand with a smokey quartz between your feet to anchor you firmly while the labradorite raises your vibrational rate and let both stones work for your highest and greatest good! Or if you only have one piece that will do just fine. Just see which hand the crystal wants to be in while you work with it… and it you don’t have a crystal – a piece of jewellery with the stone in will be just as effective.

If you place a piece under your pillow at night it will mean the energy of labradorite will be present in the whole of your Four Body System for longer periods of time each day – always beneficial.

If you want any more information on this remarkably useful and lovely stone – the other blog is here:


And, between now and equinox, even if you don’t do anything else, use labradorite in meditation and ask to become aware of all the things which are out of balance in your life, so you can use the prevailing energy to come back into balance again. The energy of any equinox is always strong and it will highlight anything which is unbalanced in your life… so why not get ahead of the game and start looking for them now and clear them, so it is less stressful when equinox finally arrives!
Bright Blessings


