Chrysocolla and the Venus Retrograde

Rediscover your Heart’s True Desire

I don’t usually highlight planets in retrograde, but there is just something about this one. It is connected with many things, but the most important, considering which planet is in retrograde at the moment are:

Love and Relationships

Self-Worth and valuing your inner resources

Your values and your heart’s desires

Venus went into retrograde on 5th October and will continue until November 16th, so this gives you a huge window of opportunity to address anything which comes up to be dealt with.  It will probably be thoughts or situations linked to what you really want in your life, what you value in your life, who you love, who loves you and what your core values really are. And, of course, the biggie for Venus – what is your true heart’s desire?

It is a special time that will allow you to use the current energy to examine your life and purge yourself of any toxic relationships you may have, not to mention toxic thoughts, especially ones associated with self-doubt. And, since it may already be feeling as if there is a huge and blindingly bright spot light on all these areas in your life – what can you do to connect with the information that comes up and deal with it in the best way for you?

Well, although there are many crystals which deal with all these things, I would recommend chrysocolla because above all else this stone can actually help you discover your heart’s true desires and then it will help to communicate them. It holds the green ray of the heart and the blue ray of the throat, allowing you to express your heart through your throat. It is perfect.

Chrysocolla will also clear blockages from the heart chakra and re-balance the energy centre, and this is the thing which really allows you truly understand your own needs (and emotions) clearly and on a much deeper level.  And, as well as this, it allows you to see and clear any emotions that are stuck inside your head, which may have been stopping you from being able to think clearly.

It is such a lovely stone and, although it is blue and green, it has a powerful effect in the lower three chakras and it can be used on any of them if you are drawn to using it there. But one of the other useful things it does within the chakra system is to link the heart and throat chakras with the base chakra, which is why it helps you speak about your needs and desires. It brings this energy up from the base to the heart before rising to the throat for release, so everything is released with love. It will open your throat chakra and allow you to speak truthfully about what you want and need in all areas of your life and it will do this through heartfelt loving communication.

Another thing about chrysocolla is that it has a soothing and calming energy which makes it the perfect thing to use if any anxiety or stress rises to the surface of your mind while you are contemplating all the things that a Venus retrograde can stir up. It works on all chakras, so you can just place your trusty crystal on the chakra which is generating the negative energy and sit with it until the blockage clears through. It is particularly helpful at the solar plexus to help you let go of guilt and fear.

However, chrysocolla’s greatest potential for healing is at the sacral chakra, so I would always start holding it there and, when any blockages in that energy centre have been released, allow yourself to be guided to move it to other places in the charka system to continue your clearing process.

This whole retrograde period will give you many, many chances to overcome your fears, shift your perspective about yourself and examine all your relationships and I really would go and get some chrysocolla to help you with this if you don’t already have some. As well as doing all the things mentioned above, it will help you connect to your inner wisdom and your inner strength, and it will enable you to remain calm when things in your life change, especially if the changes are unexpected.

The easiest way to allow chrysocolla’s energy into your system is to hold it in your non-dominant hand and set the intention to breathe the energy of the stone in through the palm chakra, then allow it to flow up the arm to the shoulder and into your physical body. It will then go where ever you direct it with your healing intention. You can also enhance this process after a while by adding an intention to release the energy of any blockages in your system on your out breath. Or you can place the stone on the heart or sacral and breathe the energy in from there. Do whatever feels right for you when you work with the stone.

After working with chrysocolla for a while and clearing some of your old emotional rubbish from various parts of your energy system, I would place the stone on your heart chakra and sit or lie with it in place for some time, asking the stone to help you connect with your heart’s desire, so you can see or sense what this really, truly is. I know it’s not something we are used to focussing on. Some people are not even comfortable doing it, which is a huge shame. But, chrysocolla will definitely help you see exactly what is hidden inside your heart and it will help you express what you find buried deep inside it.

Additional Useful Information

Chrysocolla can also be used with other stones for stress relief: Lithium Quartz, Larimar, Lepidolite, Amazonite or Kunzite.

For enhancing your throat chakra use chrysocolla with: Lapis Lazuli, Ajoite, Amazonite, Aquamarine, Aqua Aura Quartz and Larimar.

You can also use chrysocolla with other copper based stones to enhance its healing effect and the energy of both stones: Dioptase, Shattuckite, Cuprite, Turquoise, Quantum Quattro, Covellite, Ajoite, Azurite, and Malachite.

I hope you have a good Venus retrograde!

Bright Blessings!
