Calcite and Black Tourmaline

When you start looking for calcite, you will find there are many different colours to choose from, but all of them will help to remove any blockages in your Four Body System that prevent you from making a smooth transition into new ways of being. The colour you are drawn to will show you where your main blockage actually is – i.e. green is the heart, orange is the sacral. You get the idea.

So, start by seeing what colour you are drawn to and place the stone on the appropriate part of your body or energy system and allow the crystalline energy to flow from the stone into you to start the clearing process. And, trust that you will know how many times you will have to do this before you combine your calcite with black tourmaline. This stone does many wonderful things, but it is useful when you are working with calcite because it has the ability to break up energy blockages that cause stress and confusion. This will keep you calm while you continue the clearing process and bring clarity while you work, making it easier to see what needs to be done.

Working with these two stone together will help you move beyond limited ways of thinking so you can open yourself up to a greatly expanded concept of reality. And, tourmaline, in particular makes you aware that you really are a light being in a physical form. This knowing will then help you to move into unity consciousness and experience the physical and spiritual worlds as one.

To make the most of this exercise, I would recommend clear calcite when you work with black tourmaline, even if you have used a coloured stone to do the prep work. This crystal helps you to experience the fact that the spiritual plane is really and truly connected to the physical plane and you can access it at all times. The means you start to learn (or rather remember for most of us as we have all done this sort of thing before!) to bring a deeper, more profound spiritual understanding into your physical reality. This in turn will give you an expanded awareness of the challenges in your life, especially the problems you have been dealing with for a while – you know the ones – when you think of them you are filled with the unpleasant feeling that they will never be cleared and released at all – the old, deeply embedded thought and behaviour patterns that seem to have no beginning and no end, so you don’t really know where to start to clear them. These two stones are the perfect place to start.


  • Place the black tourmaline between your feet – this will ground your energy and stabilise your whole energetic system, keeping you comfortable while you work.
  • Now bring to mind what you were came up for you while you were working with the calcite on its own and set the intention to work with this energy, learn what you need from it, and then release it.
  • Give the tourmaline few minutes to work and then pick up your clear calcite and cradle it in both hands, gazing down into it. Really connect and allow yourself to almost fall down into the stone.
  • Now while gazing into your calcite. See or sense, or visualise that the things on the physical plane that have been holding you back are being solved while you sit with the two crystals on the spiritual place and hold the very clear intention that this energy then transfers to the physical plane and resolves the issues with ease and grace.
  • Thank your crystals when you have finished working, ground and return.

Bright Blessings!



Apophyllite and Taharial

Taharial is the angel associated with apophyllite (see previous post – His name means Purity of God because his energy is deeply cleansing – just like apophyllite. This is why they go together so well! And, when you work with them at the same time, both the angelic vibration from Taharial and the high frequency energy emitted by the crystal will fundamentally change your own vibrational rate, and they will do it very quickly. And, this potent combined energy will also take it up very, very quickly, so please make sure that you are firmly grounded before you start.

Your main intention, if you choose to work with this lovely angel and this amazing stone together, is to ensure that the incoming high frequencies from both of them are integrated with ease and grace into your Four Body System. You must also ask Taharial to stabilise your energy system at the end of your session at the most appropriate frequency for you. This is very important. Both these energies used together will bring about a deep, deep cleansing and you need to re-calibrate afterwards to make sure the whole system runs properly. Also, re-calibration will then allow you to maintain these new higher levels of vibration that you have achieved far more easily.

Apophyllite is a powerful transmitter of Divine White Light which you can access by sitting with the stone and holding the clear intention to connect on this level with the its energy. This goes well with Taharial because he teaches you how to connect with Divine White Light and how to radiate it in all circumstances.

Of course, radiating this powerful light will not change what is happening around you, especially if it is negative. It is not supposed to. You are only ever responsible for changing yourself, but what it will do is raise your vibrational rate so you are less affected by it. If you are vibrating at a high frequency and you learn how to maintain it at all times, the lower vibrational rates around you cannot touch you. It’s physics at the end of the day, and it will always work because of that.

Also, as an added bonus, radiating this light will create more balance in your life because you are not engaging with any of the rubbish happening in the world around you. You are choosing to rise above it and this in turn will shield you from the less pleasant frequencies everyone else is emitting. It will make you far more comfortable in a very real and tangible way.

So – why not give it a go. But, if working with both the angelic and crystalline frequencies together is a bit overwhelming, work with one and use your intuition to see which one you need at the time you decide to do a bit of work. On the bright side, used at the brow apophyllite will enhance your connection to your intuition, so it should make the process of choosing the most appropriate thing a whole lot easier.  It’s a win win scenario really, so why not go for it?

Bright Blessings!




The 11:11 portal this year is a Triple Master Portal because not only is it the usual 11:11 portal but:

11:11 + 2+0+1+8 = 11

So, since 11:11 itself is a number activation sequence, designed to help you remember who you truly are and all you have ever been, adding an extra 11 amplifies all of this. The portal opens on 11th November, allowing high frequency energy to download into your system, bringing Light Codes and angelic Fire Codes, and it does not close until 11/1/19. So this gives you an enormous amount of time to work with this energy to raise your vibratory rate.

It is often described as a gateway to your highest potential, so it is extremely useful to start releasing (not to mention continue releasing throughout the whole of this three month period) anything which blocks you from reaching this. It is a huge opportunity to let go of the limitations you have placed around yourself and your life – usually without even knowing you have done it.

This particular portal also brings with it an energy and a feeling of completion of all the work we have done during the year. It’s been a tough year for most of us and this three month period is a time for us to release anything you no longer require.

We all know what those things are. They are different for everyone, but if something has to go – seriously, it’s time to stop resisting. That will only make it worse. Just find the best way to let the thing go – whether it’s a person, a place, a job, a thought pattern, an emotional response. Just get rid of it and, after you’ve done it, you will know, with every fibre of your being, that something new will soon be coming to fill that space in your life in 2019. Give it a huge space to manifest in your life rather than a small one because you are still determined to hold on to your baggage!

This portal, like all others, brings an energy you can use to raise your vibration and upgrade the whole of your energy system. But, this process will be more intense than usual since it is 11:11+11. So, after the portal initially opens and the first wave of energy hits your system, please make sure you are really, really grounded and that you allow time for re-calibration afterwards. Ask for help from the angelics if you are not sure how to do this yourself. They always stand ready to help at times like this.

Also, be aware that the energy coming through the portal this year carries the qualities and resonance of love, compassion and creativity – a potent mix, bringing with it the ability to create and manifest with love and compassion. I rather like that idea! And, it will all be coming in waves, so be ready to ride them… and each of these waves will have its own unique colour and sound, together with a set of Light Codes, transmitted in an angelic Language of Light. This will make the whole experience very powerful, so please – handle with care!!!

A crystal which will help you transit through all this with ease and grace is apophyllite because this crystal already holds a high frequency of light and you can use it to raise your vibration before the energy of the portal hits. This will mean there is less of a frequency mis-match when the portal energy arrives between you and the incoming energy. This will make it a lot more comfortable for you.

Apophyllite will also be useful because the vibrational energy of the crystal will (when used with intent) bring you back into alignment with the Earth, which will always help with grounding, earthing excess energy after the downloads, and it will help keep you stable during the re-calibration process as well. It’s perfect for this sort of event!

You can also use it to help you get rid of your baggage before the portal opens because one of the things apophyllite does is to absorb negative thought patterns, where ever they are stored in your Four Body System. And, as a bonus, it can clear emotional trauma as well. It has a powerful cleansing effect on everything really. So, it is a seriously useful stone and it works well when you are in the middle of releasing negative energy because it relaxes and calms you as soon as you start holding it.

You will find that apophyllite is ridiculously easy to use. All you have to do is hold it (after setting an intention for your work with the stone) and then you just sit with it for twenty minutes. Really, it is that simple! And you will feel it working as soon as you settle down with it. It’s incredible. It’s also a bit like being supercharged with high frequency light, so please make sure you are properly grounded before you start.

You can just hold it in your hand, but one of the best places to use it, especially for system cleansing, is the sacral chakra. It’s a bit like using a hoover, though, so prepare yourself! Place the flat part against your body so the point is facing away from you and then set your intention to release anything which no longer serves your highest and greatest good. Then breathe the energy of the crystal into the chakra and breathe out any negative energy stuck in your system. You’ll love it!

Because apophyllite emits high frequency light, it will work with any chakra, but it resonates best with the brow – clearing blocks associated with inner vision and perceiving the subtle realms, and it also clears the crown, soma (or angel) and soul star chakras as well. And, if you keep at least the brow and crown chakras cleared and functioning at optimum during any portal, it will mean the whole download process is much easier for you, not to mention a lot more comfortable. The portal energy doesn’t have to push your rubbish out of the way to get into your system.

So, find twenty minutes in your day (or less because this crystal works fast!), and start your adventure with apophyllite. I guarantee you’ll love it!


Sunday 11th November 2.00 – 4.30  £30

11th November this year is a Triple Energy Master Portal. 11:11 and 2018 = 11. So we will be working with the incoming energy, preparing for the upgrade and re-calibration afterwards.

Sunday 9th December 2.00 – 4.30 £30

The 12/12 Portal will be a huge energetic shunt upwards, so we will be preparing for the incoming energy, the upgrade and finding ways to ensure re-calibration occurs afterwards with ease and grace.

For more details or to book a place – email:

One last thing – if you are sensitive, please be mindful that this 11:11 portal opens on the hundredth anniversary of the end of WW1, so at the initial time of the opening at 11:11 a.m. there will be … for want of a better way to describe it …. an enormous emotional charge and there will be lots of ancestors around.

You may want to let the actual 11:11 moment pass and connect to the portal later. It’s here for three months, so you are not going to miss it. And, it will give you a chance to remember our honoured and beloved dead and all they did for us in the war to end all wars. If only that was true….

Bright Blessings!
