Well, I think December must be a sort of take your pick month for the angelics. When I started checking who it was there were loads of names. Some were associated with the month and some were associated with people born at specific times during the month.

I have to say, it all made me smile… as if any angelic would limit themselves to offering support and guidance during only one month or one week. They are, happily, available to us at all times, no matter what has been written about them on Google!! So maybe it is time to take your pick of the angels associated with this month. Just see which one resonates with you and spend a little time with them to see what they can do to help you on your journey towards wholeness.

Or, here’s a radical thought – pick any angel whether they are associated with December or not! You’ll know if another is calling to you or trying desperately to attract your attention! Make an empowered choice not to be limited by the information available to you in books, articles or on the internet. Go with your own deep inner knowing!

But, just in case you want to play with a December angel. Here is some information –


This is my personal favourite for December. I like him a lot (though some people see him as a her. It doesn’t really matter because all angels are both him and her!) and he is responsible for the earthstar chakra. So it is his job to keep you stable and secure on the earthplane. That is always handy at this time of year! He also helps you create a secure link between heaven and earth, so you can hold high frequency energy more easily as a blessing to those who are in need of it at this time… which is just about everyone really!

Another thing he is very good at is helping you to tap into the power of the Divine…. what ever you perceive that to be and he certainly helps you learn to trust in yourself, your skills and your gifts and talents. He is a grand angel and he likes to help you achieve all your dreams.


Hanael is an angel of joy (like Haniel, though they are two different angels) and pleasure. He likes to bring beauty into your life as well as harmony and peace, and all of those qualities a can be extremely useful at this time of year! So it is always worth finding a few moments to get to know this angel!

The Seven Guardian Angels of December. These are the angelics who look after people who are born at specific times in December. But, trust me, they will help anyone! The date you were born does not matter in the slightest to any of the angelics!!

DANIEL– November 28 to December 02. I like the idea of Daniel, mainly because he is the Angel of Eloquence. What a fabulous title! He is obviously linked to communication and inspiration and he will always help when you are having difficulty making yourself heard or understood. He will also encourage you to speak the truth. Lastly, as most angelics multi-task, he is the Angel of Mercy and Comfort too, and being comforted by an angel is a wonderful feeling. Try it!

HAHASIAH– December 03 to 07 – this angel is the Angel of The Universal Medicine, so he is one of the many, many healing angels. His gift is to help you see and understand the root cause of any illness, so you can clear it from the whole of your Four Body System.  He will help you release all the blockages associated with the physical symptoms rather than just helping you deal with them. They will always return unless you clear everything, including the mental, emotional and spiritual components of the physical problem. It is never just a physical problem!

IMAMIAH – December 08 to 12 – This angelic is the Angel of Errors, so he helps you see them, acknowledge them, understand them and take responsibility for them before he helps you sort them out… otherwise you’re not really sorting them out, are you? You’re just finding another way to bury them or giving yourself an opportunity to repeat them at a later date! How daft is that! It will be easier to let Imamiah help you get rid of them one and for all and, handily, the qualities associated with him are courage, strength and vigor which will be just what you need to do this! He will help you set yourself free from just about anything that is holding you back, spiritually or physically, and that includes your own negative feelings because we are usually our own worst enemy!

NANAEL – December 13 to 16 – This angelic is the Angel of Spiritual Communication and his job is to help you grow and expand on a spiritual level. What this actually means to you depends on where you are on your spiritual journey, but any help is always good! He will also help you learn to appreciate privacy and peace and quiet – what a gift at this completely mad time of year!

NITHAEL– December 17 to 21 – I like this one because he is the Angel of Eternal Youth. Not only does he wake up your lovely inner child, so you are filled with energy, beauty and youth, he will also help you work with and clear any problems associated with your childhood.

MEBAHIAH – December 22 to 26 – This angel has a title and a half. It is the Angel of Intellectual Lucidity. That is quite a mouthful, but basically, if you work with him, he will help you gain knowledge. This is usually specifically associated with understanding your surroundings, so you can perceive everything about any difficult situations you find yourself in and you can see the lesson they hold for you. This usually means you won’t get stuck in horrible places for a long, long time.

POYEL – December 27 to 31 – This angelic is the Angel of Support and Fortune and, fabulously, he will bring fortune and abundance in to your life, so he is a particularly good angel to work with at the end of the year. It means you can take this energy with you into the new year in January. He is absolutely perfect really, bless him! He will offer support in difficult situations and he will fill you with hope, positive thoughts and optimism. Again, this is wonderful for the end of one cycle of growth in 2018 and the start of a new one in 2019. So, since he rules over fame and fortune and grants absolutely everything, he is perhaps the most perfect angel to journey with at the end of this particular month! But, most of all, with Poyel, I like the fact that he will bring so much abundance that you will just have to pass it on.

So, you have an abundance of angels to choose from this month. Pick one or try all of them!! It will be a blessing what ever you decide to do.

Bright Blessings!
