Ready, Steady … GO!

With the arrival of Imbolc, you have finally reached the beginning of your outward cycle of growth; it is the time to turn away from looking inward and start looking outward again. All the seeds you planted during the dark time of the year have germinated, so now you need to nurture all your  nice, new green shoots… the first signs of everything you want to achieve this year.

And, I have the perfect crystal to kick start this whole process – pyrite. This amazing stone contains the energy of golden sunlight – just the thing for any of those new green shoots you may have waiting to turn into something completely wonderful!

A ridiculously easy way to access this stimulating energy is to hold a piece of pyrite in each hand, with the intention of drawing its energy into your system through the palm chakras. It will instantly re-balance you and it will give you an astonishing, not to mention refreshing burst of energy. It’s really good and incredibly quick as well. So, why don’t you give it a go? And, you will absorb more energy if you cleanse your palm chakras first… all sorts of dense energy can get stuck inside them!

Another way to use pyrite is to set the intention that you want to use the vibrations emitted by the stone to manifest your personal energy fully and completely on the earthplane. You won’t be able to help any of your green shoots grow unless you are truly here… fully in the NOW moment, and pyrite will enable you  to do this. If you only have one piece, use it in the base chakra and move it up to the sacral and then the solar plexus during your meditation. Let it stimulate you, your physical body and fill you with energy, so you are really, seriously ready to go and do absolutely anything!

If you are lucky enough to have lots of pyrites, you can hold a piece in each hand, place a piece on the solar plexus to energise you, and place another piece on the base chakra to ground you. This also anchors your aura and your subtle bodies to both the earth and your physical body and allows your spiritual self to function at optimum in the physical realm.

One of the best things about using pyrite is the fact that as soon as you pick it up, it transfers the high-frequency energy it emits directly into your physical body, and this will then activate your creativity in many, many ways. Handily, it will also stimulate the creative flow of ideas and concepts. It’s perfect really, and all you have to do is allow your pyrite to show you lots of new and exciting ways to embrace your innate abilities and your unique and limitless potential…. and you are good to go! This, after all, is always what will ultimately make a huge difference in your life. Owning that you are fabulous!

And, yes I really did say limitless – any limitation you have in your life is always self-imposed. You are only fooling yourself if you think someone else is doing it! So, maybe it’s time to just get over yourself and admit how great you really are, not to mention how much you can really achieve if you put your mind to it! And, pyrite is the stone you need to help do this.

One of the other things pyrite does to help you see. It is a bright, shiny stone, so its reflective surface will mirror back to you anything that you are trying to hide, anything that keeps you stuck in a less-than consciousness, rather than a splendid more-than consciousness, and once you have identified any blockages it means you can release them.

Pyrite will always let you see yourself as you truly are rather than how you perceive yourself to be. The energy of the stone strips away any illusions you have about yourself and presents you with the truth of who you really are. So, be prepared for this to happen if you start working with it and use anything you discover about yourself as a way to embody more of your Authentic Self.

An affirmation associated with pyrite is:

I succeed in all my endeavours.

If you want to work with the power of these words, set the intention that you want to resonate your solar plexus with them, and keep repeating the affirmation – out loud so the Universe knows you are serious about it – until you feel the chakra is completely full of these positive vibrations and then just let the energy work within the chakra, doing whatever it needs to do to help you succeed in ….everything!

And, pyrite, of course, will make the exercise more effective because it is a stone of action, will and vitality – all qualities which will fire you up to achieve absolutely anything. Its ability to allow you to tap into your potential will also help with this as well. Just hold the stone at the solar plexus while you work with your sound.

Another way to make this exercise work in a very powerful – and empowering – way is to meditate with the pyrite before you use your sound, with the intention of asking it to help you to see what is blocking you from succeeding, so you can release the energy from the chakra before you use the affirmation. It will make the resonance of the words work in astonishing ways inside the vortex.

So, with the energy of Imbolc supporting you – use energy of pyrite to grow and expand and, of course, succeed in everything!

Bright Blessings!





All this week I have been watching cars… not something I usually do while I am at work, but there are roadworks at the end of the street. There is also a road closure, but very few people are actually taking any notice of it. There are so many signs saying you cannot turn right at the end of the road it is quite ridiculous, but, astonishingly, drivers are still driving  straight up to the barrier, putting their indicators on and expecting to turn right… and they have been doing it repeatedly … for days.

It has become so bad that workmen are not actually working any more. They are lined up at the barriers to make sure that people don’t  ignore the signs and turn right…  and drive straight down into the big hole in the road, I assume. Some of the poor men have even had to take huge amounts of verbal abuse from people who are insisting they should be able to turn right, whether the road is closed or not. There have been times when I could hardly believe it and, scarily, times when it has been all too easy to believe since “me as the centre of the universe” is such a common attitude now. I seriously don’t like it at all!

But, I digress… the point of mentioning the roadworks is this – I want you to take a moment out of your busy day and check that you are not behaving like some of these daft drivers.

We have just come to the end of a 9 year and we spent most of the twelve stressful months clearing rubbish from our systems – thought patterns, behaviour patterns. You name it we found it, we worked with it and we darn well went ahead and cleared it… over and over again. Most of us worked so hard that by the time we came to this year we were completely exhausted!

But, now, of course, the trouble is this – we were probably  stuck in those old patterns for so long there is a chance that they have become our automatic responses to certain situations and we could be those drivers… just driving down that road and expecting to do the same thing as we always did when we get to the end.  We would have done or thought the same thing for years, always reacted the same way for years, always expected the world to react the same if we did the same thing… the trouble is…. none of that is true anymore.

So, please take the time to check that all your new ways of thinking and behaving are up and running and that you are not slipping back into any of the old, redundant ways. You seriously don’t need to do that anymore.  You are free to embrace totally new ways of being, thinking, behaving, and it really is time to make the most of the nice shiny new version of you that you created by doing  vast amounts of clearing work last year. You don’t want to give that old version any opportunities to raise its ugly head and sabotage you! Find new things to do and discover different ways of reacting, especially if repeating patterns are coming up for you.

One way of doing this is to use crystals to keep your brow chakra clear and, of course, your mind free from all those old, deeply embedded responses.

If you work on this energy centre, it will help you to remove fear as a default response to anything that appears in your life to challenge you, especially the fear of thinking and behaving in new, unfamiliar ways. It will help you trust that the world simply is not going to end just because you don’t do what you have always done for donkeys years. This in turn will then allow you to have a fabulous and truly abundant life…and who wouldn’t want that?

Also, the crystals will help you make a deeper, more appropriate connection to your intuition and the higher versions of yourself that can help you through this tricky transitional period. The stones will also help you tap into the knowledge held by the higher versions of yourself (higher self and your soul, depending on where you are on your journey) and access their wisdom and power, which, of course, is really yours anyway. You’ve just forgotten! It’s all there inside you. You just have to accept that and run with it really!

Amethyst would be a really good stone to use at the brow chakra. There are many countless reasons why you should do this and I could be typing forever if I tried to put them all in a blog. It’s an amazingly effective stone. But, I want to go with this advice – if you are drawn to using amethyst just: GO FOR IT!

Don’t worry about what the stone does. Just focus on whether or not it is the best thing for you to use. If it is, you will know, and choosing this way will help you start to make empowered choices about using crystals rather than depending on your mind to make the choice for you by looking at endless lists telling you exactly what it can do for you.

Amethyst is a wonderful crystal and it works.  Seriously, what else do you need to know? It’s really more about is – it the right intuitive choice for you when you want to do some work! Whatever happens, this lovely version of quartz will always bring intense spiritual growth whatever you do with it, and, surely, that is what we all want, isn’t it?

Another stone to consider using is sodalite. It will help you enormously if you want to do this kind of work. So, just do the same thing – feel around whether or not it is the right stone for you to use. It is already a brow chakra stone, so its vibrational frequency will work well in this energy centre. Just focus on finding out if it is the right one, if it will benefit you to work with it.

One way of doing this and starting to choose this way is to take a piece of amethyst and a piece of sodalite, line them up in front of you and set the intention that you want your eyes to be drawn to the one you need to use the most. Trust me, it will work every, single time!

And, of course, as always, you are the authority on your journey on the earthplane and, if you find you are drawn to another brow chakra crystal… run with it!! You always know the vibration you lack… always…. so your job is to allow yourself to be drawn to this vibration in crystalline form and use that particular stone with conscious intent to adjust your frequency and re-calibrate your system. It really is that simple!

So, please take a look at all your responses and make sure they really, truly are appropriate ones for the new you. Most of us did so much work last year that we deserve to be embracing a new, easier way this year!

But, it always comes down to a choice at the end of the day. So are you reacting in the old ways… or responding to situations … what is your:


i.e. the ability to respond to a situation and make empowered choices to deal with it rather than allowing yourself to be dis-empowered by it all.

Both amethyst and sodalite will be more than happy to help you what ever you decide to do! they are marvelous crystal allies.

Bright Blessings



Okay – there I was minding my own business and the Angels of Water decide they want to play. It was not exactly what I was expecting, but you never argue with angels when they turn up in front of you!! They are lovely angelics and they really deserve an entire blog of their own, but they were only there to make sure I found another angel who is also associated with the water element. They disappeared into the aethers once their job was done, bless them!

So who is this angel? It did not surprise me to discover that, as well as doing lots of other things, he is also the Angel of Thursday!

The Universe … and the angelics … have a perverse sense of humour!

Anyway – Sachiel, along with being an Angel of Water, is also the Angel of Wealth, Success and Prosperity. So, in a 3 year which is all about creative expression and manifestation, he seems like the perfect angel to make your new best friend!

However, despite all the things I read about him – and there was a lot- this was my very favourite description of what it was like when he arrived: Connecting with Sachael is like getting cleansed energetically and physically by a vibrant waterfall of love.

I mean, seriously, who wouldn’t want that? So, as soon as you get a few spare minutes – ask him to come and join you and allow him to let his energy flow straight from his heart to your heart.

You can do many things with Sachiel, just as you can with any angelic, but one of the most amazing things to do is actually chant his name and use the sound the clear the whole of your Four Body System.


So, as always, the thought you have before you make your sound will always determine what it does. So what do you want the vibration of Sachiel’s name to do? Clearing old, stagnant and redundant energy from the whole of the Four Body System always works for me, so I would always start there and then see if anything else needs to be done. Or, if you are aware of any negative energy stuck in a particular chakra, aim the sound there. Go with what feels right for you because you know how you feel and how much rubbish you need to clear!

His name is pronounced:


Just chant each part, elongating the sound you make and keep repeating it until you really feel the sound vibrating within you and around you in your energy system and subtle bodies.

Sachiel also supports you when you want to expand and grow in lots of new and exciting ways, so another way to use the sound of his name is to chant it with the intention of using the vibration to clear anything which is stopping you grow on all levels- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Works for me every time! So what have you got to lose? Not a lot really, but you have everything to gain!

Lastly, Sachiel loves to help people reconnect with their true authentic self, their soul and their purpose for incarnating on the earthplane at this time. So, you can do the same thing – chant his powerful name with the intention of using the vibration to clear anything which is stopping you doing this … again on all levels because we are very good at blocking this sort of thing.

There are lots of other things you can discover about Sachiel. He is a seriously nice angelic to work with, but as a sound healer, I always look at it from that angle and chanting the names of any angels is always an astonishing way to use their energy and your energy together to get a fabulous result.

Why not do yourself a favour and give it a go? And, remember, it’s not called singing healing. You don’t have to make a beautiful sound. You can just speak the three parts of his name if you are not keen to be heard, or risk chanting it in the more accepted way. It is just about allowing the syllables to come out of your mouth with the intention of helping you move forward on your journey.

Have fun with your sound and, of course, with Sachiel!

Bright Blessings!



Journeying with Sekhmet

Journeying with Sekhmet

Sekhmet is one of the oldest known Egyptian deities. Her name is derived from the Egyptian word Sekhem and is often translated as the Powerful One. She is simply astonishing and to work with her it is even more astonishing!

I will be doing more evenings with her. I have no idea what we will do. The only thing I can say for certain is I will be there and Sekhmet will be there. If you have worked with her before, you know how powerful this will be. If you haven’t, it will be an adventure. Whatever happens while we work with her, it will change you in profound ways.

7pm – 9pm  £10

4th February, 4th March, 1st April, 13th May, 3rd June, 1st July

For more details or to book a place at one of the sessions –