Well, it seems we are stuck in the middle of a massive spiritual awakening – which, of course, is good, but also challenging. The transitional period, when we move between one vibrational rate and another, is becoming quite painful for some people, mainly because change is usually difficult, especially if we resist it. But change and transformation is no longer coming. It is well and truly here and it’s time to get on with it and let everything go.

The trouble is – how exactly do we do this when we are already worn out, stressed up to our eyeballs and sometimes completely overwhelmed by what we have to do to simply get through the day? So much is coming up for clearance that most days there comes a point when we simply do not know which way to turn anymore and exhaustion and confusion seem to be the only two states we are inhabiting. We are so tired… of absolutely everything!

So, what can we do? Besides dig a big hole, drop down into it and hide until it’s all over…. I mean seriously, some days that does seem like a really good idea! But, it will only help for a little while and, eventually, we will have to drag ourselves out and face what we were trying our very best to avoid and, while we were hiding, it will have got bigger, uglier and harder to deal with. So, it’s always better to just get on with it!

My advice? Take a deep dive into your heart chakra. It’s where we keep most of our rubbish and it is the linkage point between the lower chakras of the physical body (and the very troubling physical world) and the upper chakras of the spiritual realm and our connections to the best help available to us on the earthplane – the higher aspects of ourselves and our helpers and guides. If energy is flowing smoothly in the heart chakra, everything is better…. on every single level.

You can. Of course, work with the energy in your heart chakra in many different ways – the choice is always yours! All of them will be effective, but help is always useful, and some days we need it! And, the feeling of being supported as we move forward into the chaos of transition should never be underestimated. That helps all on its own.

You are free to choose any light being from your support group to help you, but at this particular time, I’d recommend Chamuel, mainly because he works specifically on the pink ray of unconditional love, so it resonates perfectly with the part of the energy system you are working with. All you have to do is ask him to join you when you are sitting quietly and open to receive his energy, letting it flow into your system.

You can read so much about the angelics. There are hundreds of websites, but that is just information absorbed by your mind. Nothing beats just sitting in the energy generated by one of these kind, compassionate beings. After all, at the end of the day – you learn by doing, not by reading books or articles. There always comes a time when you have to take the knowledge you have gained by reading and researching and allow it to turn into wisdom. This is done by taking what you learned and actually using it! Wisdom is the way knowledge applied to all the situations in your life – this is the only way you will grow and expand and shift out of the stuck energy that seems to be everywhere at the moment!

One of the most simple ways is to ask Chamuel to join you. Thank him for coming and take a moment to attune to his energy. It won’t take more than a moment! Then all you have to do is ask him to send his pink ray from his heart to your heart and watch this exquisite frequency flow from his heart chakra, across the gap between the two of you and it will spiral into the vortex in the centre of your chest. Then you have to consider what intention you want to enhance this experience. You’ll know, so just go for it! And, you can make the whole thing even more effective by setting an additional intention for your breath – on the in breath draw Chamuel’s pink ray in to your heart and on the out breath release any negative energy it has dislodged to clear your system. Then you just keep going for as long as you like, remembering to disconnected at the end and thank Chamuel for his help.

Another way to use Chamuel’s pink ray is to ask him to channel it into your crown chakra and down into your central channel – this is the prana tube that surrounds the spine and connects all the chakras. You wait until the channel is completely full of this lovely pink energy and then you add an intention for your breath – on the in breath drawn it into the channel, and on the out breath push it out of the channel into the physical body. Then when the physical body is full, intend that it flows out into the emotional body, the mental body and the spiritual body, filling every part of you with the energy of unconditional love. And, since love is the greatest healing modality of all … well, you can figure out the rest for yourself really! You just keep going for as long as you like, and, as before, remember to disconnect at the end and thank Chamuel for his help.

Also, at the end of every session with Chamuel, it is best to ask him to stabilize the whole of your energy system at the most appropriate vibrational rate for you at the time you do the work. You’ll feel much better for it! And, always remember to ground as well!

Chamuel has a group of angelics around him called, unsurprisingly, the Angels of Love. This is a legion of angels who also work with the pink angelic ray and report to Chamuel. These angels, happily for us, specialize in making our lives run more smoothly. This can be enormously helpful in times such as these, so feel free to ask Chamuel to assign one (or more) to you, so they can be with you at all times… for as long as you need them. It will enable you to move though this hugely transformational period with a lot more ease and grace!

One way you can interact with these angelics is to call them in (as you would call Chamuel in) and ask for enough of them to form a circle around you. It is like being completely surrounded by love! You feel safe. You feel secure, and you feel as if you are the most special person in the entire universe!! Just allow the angels to fill the space around you with their energy and sit it in. They will hold it inside the circle for as long as you want, allowing you to feel loved and completely supported. It is especially nice at the end of a long, hard day! I’d even get them to form a circle around your bed at night so you can absorb this wonderful energy while you sleep and wake feeling much, much better in the morning!

Working with Chamuel and his angels reminds us that love is around us at all times. We just lose sight of it when things get difficult. Our vibrational rate is lowered by all the things happening around us and we lose contact with this particular frequency. But, it is so beneficial to us, we really should always take the time to reconnect and these angels are the quickest and easiest way to do it.  So, spend some time with them and allow them remind you that all is well, despite everything you are currently experiencing on the earthplane! Let them to help rise above all the rubbish and bring your awareness back from your head, settling it firmly in your heart where it belongs… where you will know on a very deep level that you are not alone in this, even though, some days, it may feel it!

So, the choice becomes yours – struggle on or ask someone who loves you to join you for a while and help you feel much, much better. I know which one I want… every single time!

Bright Blessings!


Crystal Tip for April

We seem to be going through a huge energetic shift at the moment, so grounding is becoming more and more important. Also, grounding repeatedly, even when you think you have done it is becoming more and more necessary. So, even if you think you are connected to the Earth because you completed your usual routine, do check from time to time during the day to make sure you are still safe and secure.

And, to enable you to ensure your connection is stable and you are deeply rooted in the Earth, you may find that clearing the energetic pathways between your base chakra and your feet chakras will help.

Some people ground by extending their prana tube (or central channel) from the base chakra and they visualise it going down into the earth. This does work extremely well, but it only grounds energy. It is better to actually include your physical body in your grounding exercises to enhance the whole of your connection to the Earth – on all levels. And this will work more efficiently if you clear the energy pathway from your base chakra to your feet chakras before you start.

After all, you can visualise all the roots you like coming out of your feet and going down into the earth, but if the system above your feet is blocked, there won’t be much energy actually flowing down into your roots to ground you! Cleaning this section of your system will allow the energy from the base chakra to flow without being interrupted by any blockages you have between there and your feet. Most of us have something, especially in the knees. The knee is connected to fear of moving forward and flexibility and quite a few people are having trouble with both these things at the moment.

So, how do you do this? You will need a double terminated clear quartz – this will have a point at both ends. It is the most efficient and effective way to do this exercise because the stone will draw any negative energy its finds in your legs into its crystalline matrix through both points. It will then transmute it within the matrix and send the positive energy straight back out again to fill the space left by the blockage that has just been cleared. Clever stuff really!

However, if you only have a single terminated quartz, it will still work, but probably not a quickly and you must always ensure the point is facing down to your feet while you are working. This directs the energy in the direction you need it to go – straight down into the Earth. If you are working with a double terminated, you should also have the crystal lying vertically along your leg, so it does the same thing.

You start by cleansing your base chakra, so your energy is ready to flow through it and run down the system into the ground. There are many ways to do this and you know the best way for you, so run with it! If you don’t, you can ask a helper or guide to do it for you, you can use SHK if you are attuned to Reiki,  or you can use a base chakra stone, placing it on the chakra with the clear intention that you want to cleanse the vortex completely with the crystalline energy. When you feel the chakra cleanse is complete you can move on to the rest of the exercise.

The next thing to do is to focus your intention for the exercise.  All quartz is empowered by thought forms – that is to say, the thought you direct – lovingly and gratefully please – towards your crystal will encourage it to do the work with you. It is always a co-creation when you work with a crystal, with both of you working together towards a common goal. You should ask your crystal to help you clear the energetic pathway between your base chakra and your feet chakras so you can enhance your ability to ground firmly in the Earth.

And, then you start to work with your crystal, doing one leg at a time, putting the crystal all along your leg in the following places.

Leave the crystal on each position for as long as you need to clear any blockages you find there.

  • The top of the thigh between the base chakra and the thigh chakra
  • The lower part of the thigh between the thigh chakra and the knee chakra
  • The knee (in the middle of the knee cap) to clear both the knee itself and the knee chakra
  • The middle of the shin
  • The ankle – with the crystal directed down from the ankle bone towards the foot chakra in the middle of the arch of the foot.
  • Under the foot to clear and activate the foot chakra
  • Repeat with the other leg
  • Thank your crystal and intend to ground and see how much easier it is to do now the energy pathway is clear.

I hope that helps you! It always helps me!

Bright Blessings!
