There are many articles written about OM. If you want to discover anything else about the sound or the symbol, feel free to go straight to Google and investigate! What I want to do is give you a way to use the sound or the image to help you keep your energy system up and running and, to be perfectly honest, squeaky clean!

Symbols have their own resonant frequency. That is to say they have a vibration which is unique to them and you can use it to clear your aura and your chakras whenever you want.

If you want to draw OM: find an image on Google and start with the part that looks suspiciously like the number 3, add the bit at the right hand side of it. Then move to the two small pieces above it.

Then what do you do? First you hold the intention that you want the energy of the symbol (or the sound) to clear the place where you draw or visualise it or send your sound.

  • You can draw or visualise the symbol in your aura to clean it. One symbol will do. You don’t have to draw one in each of the seven layers, though, if you feel you need to do this, go right ahead and do it. You will always know best!
  • You can draw or visualise the symbol in each chakra – and don’t forget to do the back vortex as well as the one in the front from the brow to the sacral. Or if you are just working with a single blocked chakra – just do that one rather than all seven. This is a very user friendly symbol!
  • The above will also work in each individual subtle body as well just by changing your intention.
  • You can draw or visualise the symbol in the crown chakra and intend that with each in breath, you draw its powerful and unique vibration down into the central channel (the tube of energy that surrounds the spine and links the crown chakra to the base chakra) and on the out breath imagine pushing it out through the chakras.

You can do any of the exercises shown above using the sound of OM.

All you have to do is set the intention that you want the sound you make to go to the places you want to cleanse i.e. aura or chakras and start chanting.

With the crown chakra exercise, you set the intention that you want to fill your crown chakra with the sound of OM, so it can flow into the central channel and out through the chakras. Then just start chanting again! Or, if you are self-conscious about making sound or find OM difficult to chant… find a CD with the sound on (or go to youtube and find someone who is chanting it) and using your in breath, draw the vibration in to the place you want to cleanse. The frequency is the same whether it is you chanting it or someone else! It is your intention that does the work!

As always, the only thing that limits what you can do with the symbol or the sound is what you think you can do with it. Start imagining fabulous ways to use it right away. It is powerful and it will always be beneficial when you use it, whatever you decide to do with it. And, remember, although I find that these exercises are particularly helpful, you might well discover that something else entirely works for you. If it does… just GO FOR IT!

One last thing – you can combine the sound OM with many other sounds. The one I like the best is shanti (pronounced shan – tee). It means peace. It works this way at its most simple and fundamental level… OM is the sound of creation. Shanti means peace… so what do you think you create if you combine these two sounds?

It is a lovely sound to use to relax. You create a truly beautiful and peaceful space and, as a bonus, the OM will also clean all the low vibrational energy stuck in your energy system out as well. It’s what I consider a win-win situation.

You can either chant:

OM shanti, shanti, shanti.


OM shanti OM

Try using one of the chants at your crown chakra and breathing it down that central channel and out into the chakras. I guarantee you’ll love having that energy in your system!

Have fun with this!

Bright Blessings!




Lions Gate Meditation

If you have never heard of this energetic portal, it happens every year. You’ll find out all you need to know in last year’s post. You can find it on:

As always, the energy that flows through the Lion’s Gate portal specifically targets the brow chakra, so here is a meditation to do with Sekhmet, who is the Egyptian goddess associated with this event.

The qualities she activates at this time in this chakra are:

  • Knowledge
  • Discernment
  • Wisdom
  • Imagination
  • Intuition

Choose one of these qualities to work with while you are with Sekhmet. If you are drawn to more than one, work on them separately to get the full benefit of the activation process.

  • Relax and focus on your breath.
  • Ground very firmly.
  • Now ask Sekhmet to join you. Thank her for coming and take a moment to attune to her energy. You may perceive it as a golden orange, but whether you perceive it or not, trust that it is there and she will use it to help you.
  • Now ask Sekhmet to fill your brow chakra with her energy and, once the chakra is full, this golden orange light will flow out to fill your entire head. This represents the light of consciousness which will allow you to make a much deeper connection to your own inner wisdom and your intuition. Just let the energy flow into your head and do this.
  • Now let Sekhmet’s energy expand, filling all the dark corners of your mind. Let it flow freely into your head, illuminating all the things you do to block the quality you have chosen, keeping it from manifesting in your life on all levels. Do not judge them, just notice them so you bring the information back to waking consciousness and you can notice when the same thought or behaviour pattern appears. This will allow you to stop it and chose a different response. It will allow you to make an empowered choice about your response, rather than a disempowering one. If you feel any resistance to this process, just ask Sekhmet to help you release the negative energy with ease and grace.
  • Now see or sense the beautiful golden orange light fill your eyes, ears, nose and mouth and cover your entire face and skull.
  • Now allow Sekhmet’s energy to run through every nerve ending in your brain and flow out to your body through every branch of the nervous system. This will relax you and bring a deep sense of balance and well-being.
  • All that is left to do now is to sit with Sekhmet, and allow her energy to keep flowing in, through and around you, so you can become aware of what else it contains. There may be words, thoughts, feelings, images. If they repeat themselves they will hold a message for you. If you need help interpreting it, ask Sekhmet.
  • Thank Sekhment, disconnect from her energy, ground and return.

Have fun with Mother Sekhmet!

Bright Blessings!
