Given that this is, ridiculously, the most stressful month of the entire year, here are some quick tips for using the very lovely shungite to make yourself feel a little better.

This completely astonishing stone works by absorbing and then eliminating negative energy from your physical body, aura, and even your surroundings. It is a de-toxifier and stabilizer.

It is also simply amazing and absolutely everyone should have a piece!

  • Place on the base chakra to bring the whole physical body back into alignment. It will also boost your energy levels.
  • Place on any part of your body which feels stressed and leave it there until you feel the tension releasing from the area and you can relax again.
  • Hold a piece in each hand to bring both sides of the body back into balance with each other. Handily this relieves stress and anxiety as well.

Hope this helps you to survive the silly season.

Bright Blessings!



Crystals to Use When You Want to Work with the Christ Consciousness Energy

Rose Quartz – this opens the heart which is always helpful when you start to work with this beautiful golden light. It is the highest frequency of unconditional love available to us on the earthplane and there is a lot of it around on the run up to 12:12. It only intensifies on the day.

Ruby – this is also a heart chakra stone, so it works in the same way as the rose quartz, but since it is also a base chakra stone it will support the physical body during the download process, especially if you are not used to working with high frequency energy. Your body may find it difficult to hold at first. It will allow you to remain comfortable during the download.

Aquamarine – this stone emits the frequency of peace, so it will allow you to be calm and peaceful during the download process.

Moonstone – as the stone of new beginnings working with this before the 12:12 portal will put you in the right energetic space to accept a new beginning after the downloads. That is always helpful … in so many ways!

Amethyst – used at the brow with the intention to clear any psychic debris will allow you to see more clearly and access your intuition on a much deeper level, so you can make the most of all this incoming energy.

Unakite – resonates with the frequency of love and compassion, so this is always a good place to start before you access the Christ Consciousness energy. Using it also helps you to release deep-seated emotional blockages in a slow and gentle way. It gradually clears the negative thought and behaviour patterns that has created them. This will mean the golden Christ Consciousness energy will flow into your system more easily. And, because it is pink and green, it represents the heart chakra in balance.

Shungite – is the very best grounding stone to use during this download process. It also does a massive amount of other beneficial things. But, if you don’t have any, just use the grounding stone of your choice. You need to remain stable when ever you work with any high frequency energy.

But, even after that lovely list of crystals, I would say that the very best stone to use is citrine because it radiates golden light. Some even say this golden light is the light of unity consciousness. You can choose what you believe! But, at the end of the day, this golden light radiating out of your citrine will stimulate the crown chakra, and align it with the seven lower chakras, which makes it much easier for any incoming energy to flow in, through and around you.

Its most amazing gift is the ability to transmute negative energy, turning it into positive energy, so it will clear any part of your Four Body System, or your chakra system.  It does not hold or accumulate negative energy. It dissipates, and grounds it, making it an extremely effective stone to use at any time.

All you have to do is set a very clear intention and let the stone radiate its energy into the place you want to cleanse. It gently dissolves energy blockages and it is particularly good at cleansing the aura of any negative emotional energy you may have generated or picked up during you daily life.

But, as always, if you are drawn to work with any other crystal, go for it. There really is no right or wrong crystal. Only the one you feel is the best one for you and the one which really resonates with what you want to achieve while you are working with it.

All crystals will help you, but the ones listed above work in specific ways which will be beneficial to working with the incoming energy of the portal. You choose what you feel is best for you!

Have fun with any stone you decide to play with! Or you could, of course, play with them all by building a mandala with all of them and sitting with the combined energy. It would be a fabulous experience!

If you want to do some work on the day of the download there are a few places left at the workshop on 12th December. It is £15 and starts at 7p.m. For more details or to book a place, just use the email address shown below.

Bright Blessings!



Preparing for the12:12 Portal with Citrine

Simple Meditations with Citrine

Base Chakra – to support your physical body and help it to hold high frequency energy before the download.

  • Place a citrine at your base chakra. This energy centre is directly related to your physical body and regulates stamina, vitality, and all your energy levels. Ask your crystal to transmute any negative energy stored in the vortex and fill it with its golden light. The recommendation is for fifteen minutes, but you will be guided to stop when the work has been done. If you are really tired, you can also place the citrine on each kidney, using the same intention to boost your energy levels. If you are very fatigued, you can do the same at the thyroid. All this work will mean your body is in tip top condition – energetically speaking at least – for the download on 12th

Crown Chakra – citrine activates this energy centre, so when you use it at the top of your head with this intention, it will strengthen your spiritual connection and allow you to connect more easily with higher dimensional energy. Both will be useful when the portal opens.

  • Lie down, with a citrine at the crown chakra and ground firmly. Then see or sense the golden light from the crystal cleansing the chakra. Then intend to connect to the higher realms and see or sense a similar golden light streaming down towards the chakra and pouring into the top of your head. When this flow has been established, intend that the golden light flows into the pineal and the pituitary glands, preparing them for the huge influx of light on 12th Continue this until you are guided to stop, disconnect from the stream of golden light, earth any excess energy then ground and return your awareness to your body, thanking your crystal.

Heart Chakra – to clear any emotional baggage. The 12:12 portal is about new beginnings, so set a clear intention that you want to clear any old emotional energy from your heart so you do not carry it forward into the nice shiny new beginning you create with the energy flowing through the portal.

  • Place a citrine at the heart chakra and set an intention for your breathwork while you hold the crystal there. On your in breath, you breathe in the cleansing golden light of the citrine, allowing it to transmute all the negative energy in the chakra. On the out breath, you release everything you no longer need to carry forward in your life. If there is anything specific you know has to go, name it so you are very clear that you want to release it – on all levels, especially a conscious level. And don’t forget to repeat for the back of the chakra.

Citrine Meditation – this is just good to do at any time! And, of course, you can adapt it – just use any crystal you like at the crown. It is your intention to breathe in the crystalline energy that gets the job done.

  • Lie down and place a citrine at the crown chakra. Set the intention that you would like the crystal to radiate its golden light down into your central channel and draw this energy in through the crown chakra on each in breath. It will fill the channel, gently cleansing it completely.
  • Now using your out breath, imagine you are pushing it out into each chakra and the golden light is transmuting any negative energy stored in your chakra system into positive energy. Continue until you feel this cleansing process is complete.
  • Now go back to breathing the golden light back into the central channel on your in breath.
  • Now on your out breath imagine you are pushing it out into your physical and etheric bodies, filling them completely with golden light.
  • When your physical body is full, allow it to flow out into the subtle bodies, cleansing the emotional body, then the mental body and, finally, the spiritual body. Continue until you feel this cleansing process is complete.
  • Disconnect from your citrine and thank it for helping you.
  • Earth any excess energy, ground and return your awareness to your body.

I hope you enjoy working with your citrine. I always do!

Bright Blessings!
