Empowerment with Sekhmet

One of the main challenges we will all face this year is our attitude to power: do you embrace it; do you avoid it; do you fear it; do you use it wisely and well; do you mis-use it; are you a victim when someone else uses it…

The questions are, of course, endless, but situations will be arising in your life to make you consider a great many of them.

One of the best guides to help you with all this is Sekhmet. She is simply astonishing and, when you work with her, she will show you both the positive and negative ways power is manifesting in your life. But she will always be ready help you move towards embodying power safely, with the intention of harnessing it for the highest good of all. She will also teach you the only way to use it is with great compassion.

So, here is a meditation to get you started!

  • Focus on your breath and release anything which will stop you connecting with Sekhmet in a deep and meaningful way. Set the intention to breathe out your resistance to her and any issues you have around being powerful, letting it all float away on your out breath.
  • When you are ready, ask Sekhmet to join you and, when she arrives, thank her for coming, then take a moment to attune to her energy. You will be aware of it on some level as soon as she is standing in front of you.
  • Now ask her to fill you with her energy – it is a beautiful golden orange colour, if you are visual and can see it. If not, just trust it is there! It will be. Then be aware of her letting it flow to your crown chakra, where it forms a sphere.
  • This sphere radiates her light and power into your aura and your subtle bodies, cleansing them on a deep level before you go any further.
  • When you feel the cleansing is complete, use your in breath to pull the sphere down into your crown chakra and see or sense the bright light clearing the energy centre completely.
  • Now on your in breath, draw the energy down into your central channel, allowing it to clear it.
  • Now on your in breath, draw the energy down into your pelvis, and, as you continue breathing, allow this energy to fill this area in your body.
  • You can at this point, also set an additional intention hat anything disrupted by Sekhmet’s energy is released on your out breath, if you want to.
  • Whatever you do just keep breathing in and allow yourself to become aware of how you feel as the pelvic area fills with Sekhmet’s energy. You will feel stable, secure and completely centred in your body. You may even start to feel powerful as well!
  • Once your pelvis is completely full, you can disconnect, thank Sekhmet for sharing her energy, ground and return. But, here’s a thought – while she is with you, why not talk to her about your attitudes to power. It will always help!

So, all I can say is…. journey well with Sekhmet. Because, as you know, it is always your journey, no one else’s.

Bright Blessings!





Since change is heading our way like the proverbial freight train… all year really with Jupiter and Saturn  playing together until 21/12/20, and Jupiter and Pluto playing three times during the year…

So, accepting that things will never quite be the same is the only way forward for all of us. Resistance, as they say, is futile!

Happily the key word associated with lepidolite is acceptance. Its energy also facilitates calmness, and trust which happen after you have done the work and reached acceptance. So, it will help you with the whole of your growth process.

The most effective mantras to use when sitting with the stone are:

I AM accepting everything for my highest and greatest good.

or simply:

I accept.

If you find accepting change difficult, or if you don’t mind change but want to help it along, lepidolite is the stone for you.

Just take a look at some of the things it does:

  • It creates calming energy around the heart chakra and within the aura.
  • It allows you to cultivate an appreciation of the present moment rather than obsessing on the past or the future.
  • It makes you focus on what is really important in your life.
  • It supports transformation for the highest good.
  • It holds a calming and soothing energy, which is always useful. It also helps release stress.
  • It supports you while you work on acceptance… on all levels
  • It clears negativity by releasing old emotional thought and behaviour patterns which occur during any change process.
  • It helps you overcome anything that restricts you, that stops you from doing what you really want to do. But please remember that most limitations are self-imposed. You may also need to work on that!
  • Working with lepidolite’s energy allows you to understand that situations can either be perceived as problems or as opportunities to learn and grow.
  • It helps you find a strong emotional centre and allows you to resist being drawn into someone else’s drama healing.
  • It balances the emotions and, when used regularly, it can help you avoid extreme emotional shifts. It is particularly good for moods swings related to excessive worry or fear.

Meditations with Lepidolite

  • Hold a piece of lepidolite in your non-dominant hand. Use your breath to move the stone’s energy from your hand to your shoulder. With the in breath draw it up your arm and with the out breath push it from your shoulder out into the whole of your physical body. Then just let it flow wherever it is need. You can ask it to help you focus on any of the things mentioned in the list above.
  • Place it on your heart chakra with the intention of letting the soothing energy clear the chakra and then let the vibrations create a calm feeling in the centre of your chest. The stone’s energy will flow in, through and around the heart chakra and when you feel your heart is full of this lovely vibration, ask the stone to fill your aura and rest in it for a while.
  • Place it on your solar plexus and let the calming energy fill this chakra. Then when it has cleared any negativity stored in the chakra, ask the stone to clear any negative energy you may have stored in your Four Body system connected to the quality of acceptance – on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

You can also wear lepidolite or just have it somewhere near you to feel the benefit of this gentle but amazing stone. Don’t be fooled by it. Just because it isn’t hugely energetic doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful. It works in very subtle ways! But the results are always fabulous!

Bright Blessings!





Crystal Tip for January

With all the energetic shifts that happened at the end of last year and the ones that are happening at the beginning of this year, you need to be working with a crystal that will help you create something new and exciting once you have re-calibrated your system. I’d recommend chrysocolla.

The key words for this stone are: sacred sound.

It holds both the blue and the green rays so it is expression of the heart through the throat using the voice, which is perfect to bring news thing into existence. You have to speak your thoughts to make them real so they can anchor on the earthplane. And, if your words come straight from the heart they are always incredibly powerful. This lovely stone is absolutely perfect for doing this, especially since it also helps you adjust to situations that are constantly changing…. and there will be a massive amount of that this year!

Chrysocolla does many other wonderful things as well.

  • It will inspire you to start planting many seeds in your life to bring an abundance of new things to fruition.
  • When you use it, it will create a flow of positive energy to help you adapt to changes during any period of transformation.
  • It will help you learn new ways to communicate your heart’s true desires.
  • It helps you release negative thought patterns, which will also help because you can create your new things from a space not contaminated by all the thoughts, feelings and behaviour traits that have held you back in the past.
  • it helps you release of stress, anxiety and fear which will make manifesting anything much easier for you.
  • It’s greatest potential for healing is at the sacral chakra (though it can be used on all of them, especially the heart and throat), which is also useful for manifesting. It helps you realise you are worth it – worth loving, worth respecting, and you are certainly worth a fabulous new life!

You can wear chrysocolla, have it near you at work or at home, meditate with it. It doesn’t matter as long as the vibrational energy of the stone is someone near you and your energy field, though, it will be far more powerful if you sit with the stone and use your conscious intention to work with the energy.

  • You can place it in your non-dominant hand, and set the intention to breathe the energy in through the palm chakra, draw it up to the shoulder and then it can just spread out through the whole of your physical body.
  • You can use it at the sacral chakra to help you start to process of loving yourself, respecting yourself and increasing your opinion of yourself by helping you increase your self-worth and self-esteem.
  • You can use it on your heart to open to giving and receiving love in the most appropriate ways.
  • You can use it on your throat to help improve your self-expression.
  • You can use two pieces – one on the heart and the throat to encourage expressing yourself with love.

For those of you that like to know the qualities of crystals, chrysocolla holds the energy of all these things:

  • Tranquillity and Serenity
  • Wisdom
  • Intuition
  • Patience
  • Nurturing
  • Acceptance
  • Tolerance
  • Unconditional Love
  • Calmness
  • Honesty
  • Hope
  • Gentleness
  • Sensitivity

But, at the end of the day, despite all this information, it is your journey and your interaction with the energy coming from the crystal that is the most important thing.

When you work with it, you will have your own individual adventure and it is likely that it will be different from everyone else’s. Just hold on to the idea that you and the stone are just perfect together, even if you seem to be getting blessings that aren’t included in the list! These are only things that other people have discovered… you may discover something even more magical! Be open to this and don’t try and guide yourself towards only experiencing things that you have read about the stone.

Just go and find a piece of chrysocolla and sit with it for a while and see what happens. It will always help, in practically any situation. I just adore it!

Have fun!

Bright Blessings!


