Moonstone Meditation

Well, with all the water about at the moment it made me think about what this is reflecting back to us… most things in our lives can double as a mirror if you think about them in a different way. So, what is this flood water doing?

Water represents the emotions and right now it is in full spate, so there is every chance that your emotions will be reflecting this as well. You may well feel as if you are all over the place and your emotions are completely out of control some days. So, it is the perfect time to see exactly which one are rising to the surface to be dealt with.

There are, of course, loads and loads of crystals that can help you with this sort inner exploration, but I have chosen white and black moonstone because they work well together, and they are very effective. They will allow you see to see exactly what is going on. Also, moonstone is the stone of new beginnings, so after you have worked with them and started to see what you need to do about the emotions you are currently facing, it is the perfect stone to shift you into a different energy so you can actually do something about them.

White and black moonstone are so good together because the white stone is light in the darkness while the black stone brings your darkness into the light and black moonstone is particularly helpful for those who have spent a lot of time focussing on their light side rather than looking into their dark side to see how they can deal with it. It’s no good burying all the things you don’t like about yourself. The energy is still there, and it will eventually pop up into the light, forcing you to deal with it, usually when you really don’t want to. It’s better to make an empowered choice to deal with it and get it over with, so it’s gone from you and your energy system.

So, what do you do?

  • Hold the black moonstone in non-dominant hand and your white moonstone in your dominant hand.
  • Sit with both stones for a few moments and allow yourself to come into attunement with their combined energy. Moonstone holds a soothing, balancing energy, so intend that this flows in through your palm chakras and fills you, so you are in a calm space to deal with anything that come up.
  • Now set the intention that you would like to become aware of any emotions that you need to deal with at this time and see what comes up. If nothing does, just continue to absorb the energy of the stones; it will always help! But, if something does bubble up to the surface of your mind, allow yourself to connect with all the thoughts and emotions and allow yourself to experience them in a very real way. Embrace them rather than trying to push them away. Let them fill you and then let them float away.
  • Once this process has started, set the intention to breathe out any old, stagnant emotional energy and, with each in breath, draw more energy from the moonstones into your mind and body to fill up the spaces left after you have released the other less pleasant stuff.
  • And, just keep doing this until you feel you have done everything you need to do for that session. It may take more than one to clear everything… we are after all, very good at storing rubbish all over our Four Body System!
  • At the end, thank your crystals and ground firmly, bringing yourself back into the space where you are working.

Other things to do with this meditation:

  • You can call in helpers and guides before you start to support you while you work. They can also be useful if you need any additional information about the emotions that come up. They can help you understand why particular thoughts and feelings are there in the first place and what you need to learn from them. You can also ask them about your new beginning after the work has been done in case you need help with that.
  • You can use black moonstone after the release work on the sacral chakra and let the vibrations of the stone flow into this energy centre. It will help you discover all sorts of new and usually unexpected ideas. It is all part of the new beginnings process!
  • You can use white moonstone after the release work. It has nurturing, supportive and intuitive energy, so you can place it on any chakra you want. Just allow its calming energy to flow wherever you are guided to use it.
  • You can also use moonstone if you feel unsettled after the meditation because it soothes emotional instability and stress so it will help you stablise after you have worked with the two stones together.
  • Finally, if you don’t feel ready to face anything, just sit with the white moonstone and ask it to help you and prepare you to do the work that needs to be done. it will be more than happy to do this for you!

So, it’s time for you to dash off, find your moonstones and make them your new best friends for a while!

Bright Blessings!





Healing with a Willow Tree

Because the willow is associated with Imbolc and the coming of spring, working with this beautiful tree at this time of year will allow us to gain many new insights into what is happening in your life. This is because its qualities include dreaming, intuition and deep, deep emotions and it is connected to the element of water. The willow tree will bless you with the energy of flexibility and the energy of the water element it holds shows you how to flow… or how you are not flowing.

If you look at a willow tree, it is abundantly clear what it brings into your life. It can bend in the most astonishing ways, but it won’t break, so it is the perfect visual representation of the fact that it is always so much better to surrender to what is happening and go with it rather than fight against it. It is a very smart tree!

Another thing a willow can do is not only survive in challenging conditions but thrive… so if you are stressed out at the moment, take a few minutes to talk to a willow tree and see how it can help you.

A broken branch will also grow wherever it falls, so this tells you to just keep growing wherever you end up being planted!!

If you sit with this lovely graceful tree or meditate with it, it will put you in touch with your feelings and help you deal with them. Its energy encourages the expression of deeply buried feelings, easing any sadness through tears and, if necessary, grieving. It will help you move through all the pain you are holding anywhere in your Four Body System and release it. It is a blessing in so many, many ways!

One way you can use a willow tree is to visualise it and take a really good look at the image. The look of the tree will give you all sorts of information about yourself.

What do the following things look like…

The roots – this shows what is nourishing you. Are they strong? Are they long or short? Are there any roots there at all?

The trunk – this gives you an idea of what sort of state you are in at the time of the meditation. Is it healthy? Is it thick or thin? Does it have many branches?

The branches – this shows how you are reaching out into the world – Are there lots of branches? Do they look healthy with lots of leaves? Do they move in the wind or are they stagnant?

The leaves – this shows you how you are growing and expanding. Are there any leaves? Do they look healthy?

Also, the roots and the branches connect you to the Great Above and the Great Below … the Earth and Source… or any other reference you are more familiar with. So, look again and see what the image of your willow tree tells you about these connections.

And, please always remember that the questions are only my questions. If you think of something else or realise that the parts of the tree mentioned above mean something else to you – go with your deep intuitive knowing, not mine. This is your journey and you need to be using all your innate wisdom as you learn to return to wholeness.

Then, when you have looked, ask the willow tree to help you understand what you have seen, how you can restore balance to all areas of your life by learning to express what you feel. It is a bridge to all the things you store in your unconscious and it gives you access to them so this will enable you to understand why you think and behave in certain ways… and, happily, working with the tree once you have this knowledge will help you change all those conditioned responses.

This year will be a year of changes, so learning to work with the energy of a willow tree will help you in ways you cannot possibly imagine, and it will allow you to become more flexible. It will give you the ability to adapt to the changes rather than be constantly challenged by them. It allows you to move smoothly and swiftly from confusion into clarity – and, let’s be honest, who doesn’t want that!

I could go on writing stuff about this magical tree. It does lots of wonderful things, but that will only give you knowledge. It won’t give you wisdom, which is how you apply knowledge in your life… you need to work with the energy of a willow tree in meditation. Or if you can, go and sit under one and absorb its energy. But, if you do this, always remember to thank the tree and give something back as a blessing for the help it has given to you.

May the lovely willow tree bless you and bring magic back into your life!

Bright blessings!
