Connecting with Quan Yin

With stress levels soaring and so much fear and uncertainty all around us, perhaps now is a good time to think about connecting with Quan Yin. Her qualities of love and compassion would be perfect to combat the negativity that is almost rampant on the earthplane.

Any time you can spend with this lovely goddess will help you enormously, so here is a meditation to get you started. Feel free to adapt it in any way that suits you and makes your experience more real for you.

To be honest, you don’t even need the moon or a moonstone. Quan Yin will come as soon as you call her name, but I like them, so I always add them in when I’m working.

  • Hold your moonstone in your non-dominant hand and ask it to work with you, enhancing everything you do during your meditation… and remember to thank it for doing this as well!
  • Now relax and focus on your breath, setting a intention that you want to release any tension in your body on each out breath. Then, make your out breath long and slow and imagine the tension is just floating away on your breath.
  • Now imagine there is a vibrant full moon above you and connect to its energy. Be aware of it on all levels and breathe in its bright while and silver light. With each in breath, draw it into your heart chakra.
  • Now see or sense this bright moonlight flowing through your heart chakra into your central channel where it can move up and down from your heart, bringing everything into alignment….and keep breathing until you feel this alignment.
  • Now glance down at your moonstone and connect with it on a deeper level. Then set the intention that you want to breathe the energy of the crystal into your body. Feel it filling your lungs as you breathe it in and flowing everywhere.
  • And, as you breathe out, let go of any remaining tension and stress you are holding in your body.
  • Now be aware that the energy of the moonstone is moving. As it has calmed your body, it is going to calm your mind as well. So, allow it to flow up from your lungs to your mind and feel the gentle, soothing energy of the stone start to affect your thoughts, slowing them until you feel completely calm.
  • Now as you sit with the energy of the moonstone filling your mind and your body, it is time to connect with Quan Yin. All you have to do is call her name and she will come. She always does. So when she arrives, thank her for joining you, take a moment to attune to her beautiful energy and just sit in her energy. You don’t need to do anything else unless, of course, you want to. All you have to do is rest, held safely in her love and compassion and you can stay there for as long as you like.
  • If it feels appropriate, though, do talk to her and listen to the wisdom of her reply with an open heart and an open mind.
  • When you feel your work with her has finished, thank Quan Yin and your moonstone, return your awareness to your surroundings, ground and return.

So, I hope spending time with Quan Yin is beneficial to you … on all levels.

And, of course, don’t forget you can adapt this…you can ask any helper or guide to join you using the same meditation. So if you feel you need to spend time with anyone else, just go for it! It’s  all about what will help you get through this chaos!

Bright Blessings!




Ancestors – The Unseen Family

Well, while we have all been separated from the families we know and love recently, do take a moment to remember the members of your family line, who have been with you during lock down. They are always there… always loving you… always supporting you and maybe is it time to acknowledge them and send some gratitude their way for all the unseen help they will have been giving you during this stressful time. Just because you cannot see the ancestors, or in many cases cannot even feel them, it does not mean they are not there for you in all sorts of unexpected ways. They are always looking out for you.

Here is a small ritual you can do to connect with them. But before you do it, take a moment to think about any ancestral patterns you are aware of, especially ones that may have come up during lock down. You may well be experiencing someone else’s fear or frustration as well as your own… or any other negative emotion.

We have a lot of rubbish stored in out ancestral line, so why not take this opportunity to clear it. If you think about it, it is only in modern times that we have been able to move out of the fear of scarcity, of having no way to support ourselves, of being separated from our loved ones. There are hundreds of thousands of people who will have felt these things and we carry the imprint of it in our bodies and our minds. There will also be people who have suffered and felt intense grief over the loss of loved ones. All this is there within us… so see what comes up into your awareness for clearing and work with it. It will help you, those who have come before you and, of course, anyone who comes after you. If you clear it from your line, your descendants do not have to carry.

Also, think about the gifts in your life, all the things you have to be grateful for, so you can connect with that energy towards the end of the ritual.

And, if you are stuck at home and don’t have any candles… improvise! You can use two crystals or even two stones from your garden as your point of focus. Or even photos of people in your family – past for the energy that needs clearing and present for the gifts.

Candles are just nice, but you can work without them! You just have to be a little creative! If you use crystals or stones, all you have to do is clean them at the end.

  • Sit quietly and set your intention to connect to the ancestors and, when you see or sense a group of them have arrived, thank them for coming, taking a moment to attune to their energy. And, although you will already have thought about what you want to clear, ask if any of the ancestors have anything they want to add to your list. They may need something cleared that has not occurred to you. Listen with an open mind and an open heart.
  • Now light the first candle.
  • Now think about the negative qualities that came up into your conscious mind for clearing and be aware of how you are carrying them as old, ancestral patterns. Set a very clear intention that you would like to release the energy where ever it is stored in your Four Body System and focus on the negativity.
  • Now ask the ancestors to surround the thought form you have created with the love they have for you, the love they have always felt for you, forming a sphere with all the negativity safely contained within it. Then light the first candle and using your intention, project the sphere into the flame.
  • Watch the candle burn for a few minutes and visualise the qualities burning away from both you and all the ancestors who are carrying it in your family line.
  • Leave the candle to burn down completely.
  • Now visualise the positive qualities and gifts that came to mind before you started the ritual. Be grateful for every single one of them and allow yourself to see that despite everything that is happening around you, you are still blessed and while your mind is full of this positive energy, re-connect with the ancestors who helped you release the negativity, the ancestors who have been with you every single moment during this chaos, loving you, supporting you, caring for you, and say: Ancestors, thank you for all the gifts in my life … list them …  I light this candle in celebration of my life and all the help and support you have given me, even when I have not been aware of it.
  • Light the candle and watch it burn for a few minutes, visualising all the gifts and blessings that are in your life and quietly thank the ancestors for their part in keeping them flowing in your direction.
  • Now ask if there are any ancestors who want to come forward with a message. Again listen with an open mind and an open heart and thank them for sharing their wisdom with you.
  • Lastly, thank the whole group of people who came and supported you while you worked, ground firmly and return your awareness to your surroundings.

It’s just a simple little ritual that can be done over and over again and it will give you a real sense of connection to people who have been in your family. Granted, it’s not the same as actually being with the people you are missing, but ancestors are still part of that family.

Time to consciously remember that and welcome them back into your life at this time. It is always a joy and a blessing!

Bright Blessings!
