After the last blog, I thought this was a good and rather witty little title. It came to me while I was driving to work… however, the hematite deva, was not so impressed and quietly informed me while I sat in the traffic jam that crystals do not perform tricks… just miracles, from time to time!

I still liked the title, though, so I have kept it, after apologising profusely to every hematitie I possessed … which is a lot because it is an enormously useful crystal!

But, please bear in mind, your hematite (or any other crystal) is not performing a trick for you. They are helping you get through the chaos out there in a really useful and wonderful way. So make sure you send them love and gratitude after you have worked with them!

So, what do you do with three hematite tumblestones?

The short answer is – you build a triangle on the floor between your feet!

And, as always, you set your intention before you start working because your triangle can do two different things. This is because hematite’s main function (although it is usually recommended only as a grounding stone and this is only part of what it does) is to regulate light… and light in your body is just energy, so it can help you to maintain balance in many ways.

If you are tired and your energy is depleted it will pull earth energy up into your system and restore you and your energy levels and nurture your physical body.

If you have way too much energy in your system and it is causing a problem, it will download it straight into the ground and balance you in a completely different way.

So, the first thing you do is sit quietly and decide are you lacking energy? Or do you have an over abundance that needs dealing with so you can return to the perfect vibrational rate for you?

After the decision has been made, you set your intention to either upload into your energy system or download it out of your system through your feet chakras and then you simply build the triangle you need to do it.

To upload energy – construct a triangle using three hematites and have the apex pointing towards you. This will initiate a drawing up process and you will feel energy flowing into your system through both feet chakras. Just sit quietly until you feel you have replenished your store of energy and your vibration has returned to its normal rate.

To download an excess of energy – construct a triangle with your three hematites and have the apex pointing away you. This will initiate a downward flow of energy through your body and you will eventually feel it reach your legs, flow down to your feet and out through both feet chakras. Just sit quietly until you feel you have released any excess energy and your vibration has returned to its normal rate. It will calm you very quickly…. and it will clear energy in any form. You can have excess physical energy…. or mental and emotional energy.

You can either just set a general intention to release what ever needs to leave your system at the time you are working. Or, if you know you have been thinking too much, be specific and say you want excess mental energy to flow into the ground. Or, if you have been feeling too much, change the intention to release the excess emotional energy.

This is just a simple technique. You need to check in on yourself and see what you need to do to make it work effectively for you.

An additional crystal you can use if you want to draw excess mental energy out of your system is fluorite. Hold a piece in your hand or place it in the centre of your triangle and it will help the entire process. It will also keep you stable while you release the energy.

Have fun playing with this! And, it will help you remain stable and calm in all this madness!

Bright Blessings!
