Do You Want to Ease Through Change Rather than Struggle Through it?

Well, if the answer to that question is yes – there are two crystal layouts that can help you enormously.

I could explain all the details about the crystals, what they do and how they work together. But, since crystal therapy is more about experiencing the energy and watching it work than just reading about it, I am going to give you the two layouts and your job will be to try both of them, sense what happens on an energetic level while you are working and then, when you need to ease through a change that is happening in your life, you will intuitively know which one is best for you.. and do it!

Layout One

Throat Chakra – blue lace agate

Crown or brow – amethyst

Layout two

Solar plexus and heart – rose quartz

Feet – smoky quartz

One other thing you can do is smoky quartz at your feet and the three physical body chakras – base, sacral and solar plexus. The gentle energy will help if you get stressed by change… and we have it by the bucket load at the moment!

Bright Blessings!
