Trouble with Illusions?

If you can’t tell what is real and what is not anymore, it may be time to have a chat with Archangel Jophiel who personifies wisdom and enlightenment. And, once you start resonating with those two qualities, spotting what is real and what is an illusion always becomes a whole lot easier.

As we move towards the end of what has been a bizarre year for most of us, we are still being forced to look at our lives and see what helps us express our Authentic Self on all levels and what does not. And, I have to say, the best angelic to support us on this often painful journey is Jophiel.

If you sit quietly and meditate with him, he will help you overcome the need to create a world of illusion. He will help you create a world that is real and true and one that resonates with the new Authentic Self that you have been busy re-connecting with all year. And in the stillness that follows any meditation with him you will find all the answers you need to move forward into 2021…. hopefully with ease and grace. Or at least a lot more ease and grace than this year!

Jophiel’s angelic ray is yellow and it is the Ray of Illumination, so the easiest thing to do when you work with him is ask him to send the yellow light to your crown chakra and then you can use your breath to move it into your energy system. On your in breath set the intention to draw it down into your central channel, filling it completely, and then you have several options for your out breath:

  • Push it out through the chakras, cleaning them and placing the vibration of illumination in all of them. It will make it very easy to tune in to what you have inside each centre and see whether or not the thought or behaviour patterns are still working for you.
  • Push it out to fill the physical and etheric bodies and then it will flow out into the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Again, it will make it very easy to tune in to what you have inside each subtle body and see whether or not anything needs to be removed like crystallised thought forms or stagnant emotional energy.
  • Then all you have to do is ask Jophiel to show you the best way to deal with anything you need to purge from your system.

The other thing you can do while you sit with Jophiel is ask him questions:

  • Ask him to show you what illusions you are creating in your life and how you are reacting to them
  • Ask him to show you how to see through these thought and behaviour patterns because they will be the main things that causing the illusions in your life. Once you discover what is behind them, and what created them, you can start to identify what keeps triggering them in your life.
  • Ask him to show you the best way to deal with the problems your self-created illusions are causing in your life. so you can move on

One of the other things Jophiel brings when you work with him is the Sword of Wisdom, so rather than just using energy to clear stuff out of your stystem, this symbol will allow you to work with an image. Some people find this easier, so if you do feel free to run with this.

Jophiel is often depicted with his flaming sword. He uses it to guard the Tree of Life, but he is more than happy to use it to help you as well! It symbolises his ability to cut through the illusions you have created in your life, mainly through your thoughts and sometimes your feelings, and the flames that clinging to the sword will illuminate them and help you to deal with them. Or you can, of course, just ask him to use the sword to literally cut through them, severing your attachment to them. However, if you choose the severing option, do remember that unless you work with Jophiel on tracing what caused all the troublesome thoughts and feelings, you could well re-create them. Just disengaging from them never works.

One last thing you can do with Jophiel and his yellow ray is to fill your crown chakra with this high frequency energy and, while it is there, ask Jophiel to show you the truth about the phrase that resonates with this chakra.

It is: I AM

The energy in your crown chakra is just that I AM … not: I am parent, I am friend, I am healer… there are no labels here. Just the energy of the real you, the version of you which holds your true potential. It is not limited in any way by the energy of the label you have taken on… or sometimes taken as your whole reality.

You are just I AM and, when you embody this phrase in this chakra, it means you have the freedom to become all you were truly meant to be in this lifetime. You can become parent, friend, healer by moving into that particular vibrational state when you need to, but when you embody I AM in your crown chakra, you learn how to step out of all these personas and return to the being your true self. It always worth spending some time working on this.

But once you start working with Jophiel it will become clear what you need to do with him. He is, after all, gifting you with wisdom and clarity and illumination and quite often innovation. So as long as you do not resist seeing what you need to do to change your life… you will see it all really, really clearly and this will enable you to work really, really efficiently and clear all the blockages that have been hanging around inside you for years…sometimes even lifetimes.

Just trust yourself when you start sitting with this lovely angel and he can help you do so much!

Bright Blessings!




Archangel Suriel

Qualities: Healing and Transition

Crystal: Ametrine

Other angelics that Suriel works with:

Raphael when there is a lot of physical healing work to be done as well as the internal work. Also he works with Uriel, Metatron, Ariel and Saraquel, so feel free to call on any of these angels when you start a healing journey with him.

The healing Suriel brings usually happens on three distinct levels and you have to complete one before you can move on to another. He works this way because although he is an Angel of Healing one of his other titles is The Angel of Death.

But please: DON’T PANIC!

This doesn’t mean Suriel only comes when you are dying. The death he is associated with is more of an ending … a releasing… a final letting go of everything that is holding you back. Death is after all only about transition, release and healing at very deep levels of conscious awareness and this can only happen when you take a long, hard look at yourself and all the things on your life, so you can decide what you have to get rid of.

You will find that it is always your self-limiting beliefs – all of them. The things you believe about yourself, your gifts, your talents, the people around you, your journey through life, the world you inhabit. And, since all limitations are always… and I really do mean always … self-inflicted, the only person who can do anything them is you. And the other thing you have to remember is although people say you need to get rid of these thoughts and behaviour patterns, you can’t. You have to work at changing them into something more positive and beneficial.

When you start working with Suriel with a very clear conscious intent – the first level of your journey with him is learning to accept who you truly are and what you can do in this lifetime, letting go of the excuses, the misconceptions, the fear… and everything else you tell yourself to keep yourself small and unnoticed because sticking your head above the parapets is after all a darn scary thing to do. But since living your life in fear is no way to live at all, why not start asking Suriel to help you find another way to embrace… well life, the universe and everything.

Then you can move on to the second level of your healing process because until you know who you are you can’t possibly take a look at your life and see what else you are carrying, what burdens are dragging you down that are not even yours … all those things that have been said you to so many times that you have just taken on someone else’s truth and reality as your own. And, then even more foolishly, you have started to run with it… and just kept running with it without ever questioning it. It has been yours for so long you simply cannot even contemplate living without it.

It’s is things like hearing someone say you are….

Please feel free to insert your own word if you have one. But for this blog I’m just going to use the word stupid because like any horrible, thoughtless comment, if it is said enough times, you will start believing it and you will never push yourself out of that nice comfort zone. You will believe you are stupid and that will be that. You won’t be bothered by any other pesky, challenging thoughts like – is that true and can I not be stupid today? Can I be something else entirely?

But here’s another thought to contemplate… what if the person who is telling you are stupid is wrong? In fact, they probably are, so you really need to start questioning what other people say about you and change your thoughts about yourself! It is only their opinion of you. It doesn’t have to be yours! You need to be looking at yourself and believe what is true for you, not someone else. You need to see how wonderful you are and Suriel is the best angelic to help you do this.

So what you really have to ask yourself at this stage is: do you have someone else’s thoughts repeating inside your head making you feel as if you are not good enough compared to everyone else? And if you do, it is time to get rid of them and start thinking new thoughts about yourself!

There is a wonderful quote from Louise Hay that says: “You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”

It’s a radical thought – but a good one. So, why not try thinking it for a while! And when you finally accept that this is something that you can do, it will be time to move on to the third level of your journey with Suriel.

This will begin when you have cleared out all the rubbish you have been dragging along behind you like the proverbial ball and chain. And you will probably be filled with a great sense of relief until you realise what is coming next! Most people think it is a biggie and something they will find difficult to do. But once you get to this point – what have you got to lose? You might as well give it a go!

It is just facing the truth about yourself and accepting the fact that you are whole, complete, and absolutely perfect. You really are all those things, but for some strange reason most of us have a seriously hard time believing it… time to change that.. permanently! All you have to do is let Suriel help you.

Suriel is so good at this kind of internal healing work because he has the wonderful ability to manifest anything from … well, absolutely nothing. But he won’t do the work for you. He will insist that you do the work with him, but he will always be happy to show you exactly how you can do this.

In your quiet time with Suriel, he will teach you ways to focus your mind and harness your creativity, allowing you to find many different ways to transform your life and everything in it. He will also help you recognise your limitations, so you can move past them, turning them into incredible assets.

So why not decide to work with him and give yourself permission to change on deep levels? This whole chaotic year has been a roller coaster ride, showing us all that this is what we need to do …. change and step forward into a whole new life… and Suriel’s gift to you will be to show you how to create a life beyond your wildest imaginings. I mean, seriously, who wouldn’t want that?

So exactly how can Suriel do to help you with everything you’ve read so far? Well, the short answer is lots of things and everything… as long as you find the time to sit with him and have a little chat. He can:

  • Help you recognize what is yours and what you have accepted as reality from someone else, not to mention what you are carrying for someone else belongs to someone else. He will bring to you the gift of discernment so you can see what is yours and what is not.
  • Help you with deep healing work, doing it one layer at a time to make it extremely effective.
  • Helps you understand on multiple levels that everything you need to know, all the things you need to be aware of are already inside you. You don’t have to learn them. You have to allow yourself to remember them and remember how to be the most authentic version of yourself, standing in the truth of who you truly are, using that as your strength and guidance.
  • Help you make the leap between where you are where you want to be… or rather need to be. We don’t always want to be there, do we!
  • Help you feel the presence of love in your life and make sure you start loving yourself… warts and all! He will keep reminding you that you are perfect!! Not to mention worthy of loving and being loved in return.

There is one other angelic who may turn up if you do decide to work with Suriel and that is Surya, his Archeia. She is the feminine aspect of this powerful light being.

If you ask her to come and work with you and Suriel, her gift will be the quality of awakening which is an extremely useful thing if you need to become aware of all the things you have buried because you don’t want to deal with them, or the things you have been carrying for so long that you only see them as yours, not someone else’s. Welcome her as you would welcome him and make sure you are open to doing great things together!

But, despite everything I’ve written about, one of my favourite things about Suriel is that he is an angel who is associated with elemental or primordial powers and this means he can help you feel the balance and beauty of the universe and remind you that you are an integral part of it. That is such a lovely thing to be aware of and it makes you feel connected to everything. It is, in many ways, absolutely perfect, so thank you Suriel!

So is it time to start not only calling yourself fabulous but believing it too?

Bright Blessings!
