What are you Focusing on Today?

In this strange time, why don’t you take a minute to see exactly what your mind is focused on. There is a good chance that some of the time it could well be fear… fear of the future, fear of being ill, fear of losing everything, fear of…

Well, you name it and someone somewhere is probably afraid of it right now. And since fear can sometimes be…





What can you do about it? It doesn’t matter if it is a real fear or an imaginary one. The result inside you is exactly the same so the only thing you can do is find a way to change your mind because you can’t just stop being afraid if you are afraid. It doesn’t work that way. Or at least try and fill your mind with something less stressful occasioanlly.

So, what can you do to change the thoughts that are whizzing round inside your head and exhausting you most of the time?

One way if to focus on the word that is the exact opposite of fear and that is love. There are only two real emotional states … love and fear… and every other emotion is just a different aspect of those two emotional states. So, if you want to get rid of fear you need to start focusing on the only thing that can get rid of it. And, that is love.

 So, below is an exercise designed to help you focus on a word to the exclusion of everything else and it is an excellent place to start. If nothing else, at least while you are doing it there won’t be any space in your mind for a fearful thought…. unless, of course, you let it creep in. And if you do, you have to start asking yourself why, quickly followed by what you intend to do about it because, ultimately, you are responsible for any emotional state you are stuck in. No one else makes you feel anything. You decide what goes on inside your head. Another person cannot make you think and thought and have an emotional response to it and if you ever say someone made you feel a certain way… well, all you are doing is fooling yourself.  Your thoughts are just that…. Your thoughts, so maybe it’s time to take a little responsibility for that and try and make a change to help you out of the rabbit hole most of us keep disappearing down on a fairly regular basis at the moment. There is always a way out… you just have to make an effort to find it from time to time.

So, below is the exercise. If it resonates with you, give it a go. And, if you aren’t drawn to the word love… find another one. It doesn’t really matter what word you end up using. It’s just a way to clear your head of all the thoughts you don’t want… a re-education if you like! When you do something like this you are just teaching your mind that you no longer like the thoughts you are having and you want to choose something else.

Gratitude would be a good word to choose, but you’ll know the word for you, so just run with it when you find it!

  • Relax and focus on your breath

  • Take your awareness into your body and intend that you are fully present there.

  • The word you are focusing on is: love.

  • Repeat the word out loud and feel the resonance in your physical body. See if there are any places in your body that resist the vibration of this beautiful, but powerful word. If you find any, set the intention that you want the word to resonate in that spot until the resistance has gone and then continue with the exercise.

  • Now place your awareness in your chakras and each layer of the aura that is associated with them and feel the resonance there when you speak the word. Look for the resistance again and repeat the word until it goes.

  • Now place your awareness in your Four Body System and feel the resonance in each body – emotional, mental and spiritual – when you speak the word. Look for the resistance again and repeat the word until it goes.

  • Now create a mental image of the letters that make up the word and focus on that. Concentrate on every letter in this word, on every syllable. Listen to them and look at them. Utter every sound in this word; at first slowly and quietly and gradually increase the intensity. Feel the letters – L, O, V, E.

  • Now move your awareness to your heart space and intend that you are fully present there.

  • Now place the image of the words in your heart space. If you are not visual intend that when you speak the words or the individual letters they resonate in your heart space. Be aware of how the energy changes your heart space and of how it starts to radiate outwards.

  • Now sit silently in the energy you have created in your heart space.

  • Ground firmly and return your awareness to your surroundings.

I hope this helps clear your mind of any thoughts that do not serve your highest and greatest good!

Bright Blessings!





When you use the words I AM you embody the quality you add to the sentence. So if you say I AM angry, you will start to vibrate at the frequency of the word angry.

Sit quietly, say the words, and see the difference it makes. It won’t be a nice one. So if you want to shift into a more pleasant vibration, you need to use another more pleasant word. Repeat the exercise and say I AM relaxed or peaceful and see how that makes you feel.

Below is an exercise to help you make the most of embodying what ever you want. So before you start your day sit quietly and see what you really want to feel for the day.

If you need any help, call in helpers and guides because, believe it or not, most people actually find it hard to think of nice things for themselves. It comes as a bit of a shock, but it’s time to start putting yourself first for a little while. So pick the word you want to embody and if you have a specific goal you want to achieve today make sure you include that intention as well.

Breath and Affirmation Exercise

This will be a four-part breath exercise: breathe in, pause, breathe out, pause.

If you can make the out breath longer than the in breath it will make it much easier for your body to relax. An elongated out breath sends a physical signal to the body that you are safe and it is safe to relax.

You will need two I AM statements – one for the physical body and one for the energy bodies. Have them both ready before you start but be prepared to change the second one (or even keep the first one) after you have shifted the vibrational rate of your physical body doing the first three sets of breathwork.

If you are not used to breathing in this way and repeating your I AM statement twice feels too long or uncomfortable in any way – just do it once and work your way up to twice! Your intention will always get you there!

Ground firmly before you begin.

  1. Breathe in and silently repeat your I AM statement twice
  2. Pause by holding your breath and silently repeat your I AM statement twice
  3. Breathe out and silently repeat your I AM statement twice
  4. Hold your breath and silently repeat your I AM statement twice
  5. Repeat three times

Sit in the sonic field you have created for as long as you like.

Now see if you need to continue with your original I AM statement or use another one for your subtle bodies.

Repeat points 1 – 5 for each subtle body, adding the intention that you want the sound of your I AM statement (Repeated silently or out loud – it doesn’t matter) to resonate the particular subtle body you want to target with your sound.

*The etheric body

* The emotional body

* The mental body

* The spiritual body

* Sit in the sonic field you have created for as long as you like then ground and return your awareness to your surroundings.

I hope this exercise improves your day!

Bright Blessings!


