The energy of the planet Mars is not always about war and warriors and fighting, though it can be.

It is also about the power of personal will and your intent to use it.

It is the energy that encourages you to act. Sometimes it can even compel you to act, to do something to bring about change in your life.

What you do with the energy is entirely up to you, but it will always want you to get out there and make things happen which is what makes it so perfect for these changing times when we should be busy laying the foundations for what is to come… for the new life we want to lead when the chaos finally stops and a staggering different “normal” arrives, so attuning to the vibration of this particular planet will help you enormously. It will help you make a choice, run with it and manifest it.

Because of the colour of Mars, red candles and red stones will help you connect to the planet, but you don’t need them. Your intention will be more than enough. It always is, whatever you. But the joy of working with a planet is the fact that have been aware of its frequency since the moment of your conception. It has always been there, high in the sky, whether you can see it or not, but you have not made the choice to make a conscious connection with it, or use it in any way, so why not do it now?

You can read lots of articles on Mars and what its energy means, how you ought to use it, what ritual you need to perform…the list is endless because everyone works with these things in different ways, ways appropriate to them. But at the end of the day, its energy is just like any other energy that you choose to work with. Your intention will bring it in to your system and allow you to use it in a specific way. So all I can really tell you is how it has worked for me and then you can have an exciting time discovering all the ways it can work for you. There is no wrong choice here – only your choice!

Some of the stones recommended are: agate, obsidian, red aventurine, bloodstone, carnelian, flint, garnet, hematite, red jasper, ruby, and sardonyx. How you use them with the Mars energy is up to you, but crystals will always help you focus your awareness when you meditate with them, so it is perfect for any work with an energy that is connected with your personal will and power. It makes connecting with them much easier. And the crystals can also cleanse you of any blockages connected with these two things before you start working with the energy of the planet, which will be immensely useful. And, if all else fails, just choose a crystal and ask it how it wants to help you with the work you want to do.

To connect with the energy of Mars – ground firmly, take your awareness to your crown chakra and intend to connect with the vibration coming from the planet. When you start to sense the vibration, use your breath to draw it in through the crown chakra, pulling it in to the central channel and down to the base chakra. Then on your out breath, push it all the way down to the earthstar chakra six inches below your feet. Do this for as long as you need to.

Another thing you can do is use your breath to draw it directly into the base chakra. The energy of Mars is also linked to survival and since this quality is held in the base chakra the vibration from the planet will strengthen it and this in turn will help your body. I have used it this way for people who are struggling with anything from tiredness to complete exhaustion and filling the base chakra has, without exception, helped them. In different ways, of course, but it has always been beneficial.

Lastly, another way to utilise this vibration is to just fill yourself up with the energy of Mars. Draw it in to your central channel on your in breath and on your out breath push it out to fill your body and then you can sit in its strong, vibrant vibration and connect to any higher aspect of yourself you are guided to work with, asking them to show you how you should be using your personal will and your personal power. Just let the information come to you in the most appropriate way and meditate on it while you are sitting in the energy of this extremely helpful planet.

It may seem a bit odd to work with this kind of energy at first, but once you get over the weirdness and focus your intent on the planet’s powerful vibration, you’ll love it! And you will start to look forward to using it to create positive and powerful changes in your life.

And if you do decide to run with this last exercise, don’t forget that you can also use the energy in your solar plexus which holds everything connected to your power and will and the ways you will or will not use them. So just fill your body as shown above and then change the intention for your breath work and draw it into the chakra on your in breath and use your out breath to forcefully push out anything that is limiting or restricting your will or your power or even both. And keep doing it until you start to feel your solar plexus clearing and expanding and your power growing.

And, if you do work with the energy of Mars, I trust you will find it as useful as I have always done.

And don’t forget one of the most obvious ways to connect with the planet … look at it. Check on Google where it is in the sky and look up. Or you can simply look at a picture. It will be like opening a door to the energy with your eyes!

Bright Blessings!
