Tree Agate

Tree Agate

Growth and Renewal and Living in the NOW

Well, after a blog on a tree, I guess I really should have known that tree agate would start talking to me! I have a lovely piece on display in my work room and I use it to connect with the ancestors, but, like all crystals, it does do many other amazing things!

It is also known as dendritic agate and the dendrites are the inclusions you can see in the main body of the white stone and since they look a bit like foliage, the stone became known as tree agate.

It will be particularly useful for everyone at the moment because its energy brings many gifts with it, including stability and calmness and it makes you feel more peaceful by stabilising the energy in your emotional body.

Its gentle soothing energy also encourages self-love, which is always a good thing since we are all so very good at loving everyone else and we often forget we need to be loved too! So if that is a description of you, get some tree agate immediately!

It also calms the mind after a crisis … or any other kind of chaotic energy you might encounter in this mad, mad world we seem to be living in!

It strengthens the etheric body too and this in turn will stabilise the physical body, bringing many of the internal systems into balance. So the knock-on effect of this will, of course, enhance your health and well-being.

But the big thing this stone does is to allow you to attune to the earth, giving you a deep connection to its powerful healing vibrations and it does the same for everything in the natural world. You can connect far more easily too all sorts of things including all the lovely nature spirits. It is associated with dryads – the energetic beings who live in trees, as well.

The chakras associated with tree agate are the base and the heart. Its energy forms a connection between the two centres. They work well together because whenever the heart grows and expands, it is incredibly beneficial to the physical body. The change from fear to love in the heart chakra means the physical body can also change and become stronger and far more resilient. What better reminder that love is the greatest healing modality of all?

How to use tree agate.

To get the most from your co-creation of healing and wholeness with your trusty tree agate, daily meditation is often best, if your schedule allows this, of course. If not, just sitting with it for however long you can spare will always help. And twenty minutes is the preferred amount of time. But, again, if you only have five minutes … just go for it! Just because there is a set of instructions for working with this stone it does not mean you have to follow it. Use your own wisdom and intuition. It will always be best!

So, sit with your stone – for as long as you can – and just ask it to help you co-create the best healing experience for you at the time you decide to work with it. Hold it in the palm of your non-dominant hand and set the intention to breathe the energy in through to palm chakra, up your arm and from there let the energy flow into the whole of your physical body.  If you have two, use both hands and breathe in twice as much! And if you do this while sitting with a tree… well… I leave you to experience that wonderful thing on your own. No words could possibly describe it anyway!

You can also hold it at the base and the heart, intending to breathe its energy into the chakras to clear any blockages in them. Use your out breath to push it out of the charka system.

Another way to utilise the energy of tree agate and practise using your intuition is to sit quietly with your stone for a few minutes and ask it to allow a number between 1 and 25 to float into your consciousness. Then take a look and see what the list says. It is a fool proof way of taking your head out of the decision-making process when you want to do any kind of healing meditation. It stops you thinking about what you need and allows you to be drawn to what you actually need to work on when you journey with your lovely stone.

  1. New Beginnings
  2. Physical Healing
  3. Emotional Healing
  4. Mental Healing
  5. Nurturing
  6. Relaxation
  7. Trust
  8. Truth
  9. Wisdom
  10. Calmness
  11. Patience
  12. Growth and Expansion
  13. Stress Relief
  14. Grounding
  15. Claiming Wholeness
  16. Balance
  17. Connection with the Ancestors
  18. Inner Vision and Insight
  19. Inspiration
  20. Living in the Present Moment
  21. Joy
  22. Spiritual Awakening
  23. Compassion
  24. Self-discipline
  25. Self-expression

So go and journey well with your tree agate and if you want to use an additional crystal smoky quartz works particularly well with this stone.

Tree agate is also very similar to moss agate and you can use both of them together too.

Bright Blessings!



Sequoia Trees

Sequoia Trees


Vision, Perspective; Healing, Wellness, Protection, Growth, Durability, Longevity

Sequoia Colours

Red Bark

Energy, Strength, Health, Power, Renewal and Determination

Green Branches

Growth, Hope, Compassion, Transformation and Rejuvenation

Well, I think the best way to start a blog on sequoia trees is to say that Metatron says they have been on the planet for over 144 million years. And, if Metatron says it, it has to be true!

But doesn’t that thought just bend your brain right out of shape…?

144 million years!

And, thankfully, they are still here, still helping, still proving healing and energetic support, still holding ancient wisdom for us to tap in to…. despite the fact that most of the human race has been treating them absolutely appallingly for years and years. They could teach us so much about how to live on the planet and get along with the rest of the beings who share this lovely world with us, but hardly anyone takes the time to listen to them! How sad is that?

They are astonishingly powerful spiritual allies, and all you have to do is connect with them to benefit from everything they hold and willingly provide for our continued spiritual development at this time.

You don’t have to actually be standing next to one. You can intend to visit one of the trees or use a photograph of one. It’s the energetic connection that is important, not the physical one, though a physical one is completely amazing, so if you have a sequoia in a local garden near you…. just GO!!! Sitting under it or standing beside it can help you enormously … on multiple levels.

The energy this beautiful tree emits balances and energises your aura and the main chakra system. It also heals the body profoundly on a physical level and stabilises the mental and emotional bodies. So why not sit quietly and intend to make a connection with this tree ally and see what is does for you… it will all be good!

On a spiritual level the sequoia will bring clarity to the brow chakra and enhance your inner vision, allowing you to see thing a lot more clearly…. and don’t we all need a bit of that at the moment? There is just so much illusion out there anything that helps us see the truth, not to mention the heart of the matter, will be really helpful!

It also helps you prioritise things in your life and start to resolve issues that have been coming up for clearing while so many planets have been in retrograde. And it strengthens your resolve as well as enhances your will, which will make so many things so much better!

I could go on for ages because there is just SO much to say about this astonishing tree. If you feel you need more facts, just look them up. But really the only thing you need to do is connect with their energy. You will always feel better for doing it!

And please remember to always send love and gratitude to these magnificent beings if you work with them. They need it… in less than 200 years we have destroyed all by 77 ancient groves. How stupid and senseless are we when they are nothing but beneficial to us and everything else around them? They are conscious, intelligent beings, filled with the most loving energy, and they all have the most unique and exquisite energy fields, which they willingly share to help us heal and grow and expand.

Some of the sequoia trees are specialised conduits of Divine energy and if you find one of these… treasure it and their connection to Source. And the collective energy of a grove of these truly special, highly aware beings… well, quite simply, there is nothing like it. So if you get a chance to visit one… don’t think about it. Just do it! Or intend to connect during meditation.

If you feel you need something to help you make that connection, red and greens crystals will help because those are the two colours associated with the sequoia tree. So you can sit with jasper, mookaite or ruby in zoisite while you take your inner journey with this tree ally.

But please do make the time to make that journey. You will not regret it, not even for a second!

Bright Blessings!
