
As there are thirteen moons or lunations in a year, it makes the year 364 days… 13 x 28 = 364, not 365.

So the question becomes: what do you do about the extra day if you have a year that is lunar based, not solar?

Well, the Mayans decided to call 25th July the Day Out of Time and used it to end their year and re-align their lunar year with the solar year.

And 25th July is also the day that Sirius rises, so the energy of those three stars is also up front and personal as well, making it a very potent day, energetically speaking.

Over time – pardon the pun! – it has become a day free of time…. timelessness … a day of reverence, renewed appreciation of the Divine within us and it brings some free time to renew our connection with the earth, the natural world, and all aspects of our environment, to remember that we really should be respectful of all life forms on the planet, not just our own. We are not the most important life form on planet earth. We never have been. We are just one among so, so many and all of them are equally important living beings.

It is a reminder that although our bright shiny modern world runs on a calendar put together by the Roman church about two thousand years ago, it is always appropriate and important for us to remember there are cycles of natural time as well, not to mention eternal time. but that is a whole other subject…

July 25th is a day without time, and it is also the day that a time portal opens because the Mayans were (and still are) known as the Lords of Time. So meditating with this aspect of them is always an interesting experience!! They see time in a completely different way to all of us.

And this amazing Mayan portal runs until 8th August when the next portal opens because this is a busy time of year! The next one is the Lion’s Gate, which is guarded by two lions – one holding the past and the other holding the future and when you intend to receive the download it the energy flows between them, manifesting in the present – very powerfully.

Everything is in flux from 25th July to 8th August and you need to be mindful of what you want to manifest when the perception of time returns to normal after the three-week window associated with the Lion’s Gate closes around August 29th.

And trust me when I say that normal is different for everyone now, so don’t be expecting your normal to be the same as anyone else’s!!! it won’t even be close!

Consensual reality is almost a thing of the past. Our reality is our own at the moment and the trick is finding people whose reality resonates at a frequency close to ours otherwise we have the frequency mismatch from hell to deal with! Trying to spend any amount of time with someone who views the world radically differently to us is not only hard to do, but it can also be quite painful too… in more ways than one!

So consider all this and run with what ever you are intuitively guided to do. There is no right and no wrong – there is only what feels absolutely right for you at this powerful time.

Lion is also a good ally to call in to help with everything that is going on, so feel free to do that and be grateful for any assistance or guidance they bring with them.

A lioness represents the need to build for tomorrow, so that is particularly helpful, and she always reminds us that what ever we do today will shape what happens in our future. It will be the groundwork that builds it… so she often asks us to look at exactly what we are doing, not to mention what we are actually building.

And together with all that, lion brings with him strength, assertiveness, and personal power, which will also help enormously. So ask them both to join you during the time portal and at the Lion’s Gate on 8th August and you should be fine!

The downloads of incoming energy happen at 08.08 or 20.08. Please make sure you are ready to receive if you want to download them consciously and make sure you are really, really, seriously grounded!

You might also benefit from asking one of your helpers or guides to re-calibrate your energy system after the download process is complete, so you end up vibrating at a frequency which is perfect for you after your timely upgrade.

And another thing to remember is the fact that on 25th July you really should be focussing on forgiveness, releasing what ever does not serve you any longer and peacefulness.

It is also the perfect time to revel in the freedom of being alive on the earthplane at this astonishing time, and the fact that from 25th July you have a special opportunity to experience a feeling of… well…. timelessness…

And you won’t even need a TARDIS!

Bright Blessings!




