Your Self

During these strange times taking care of yourself should be your top priority.

It’s not being selfish. It’s being sensible. It’s being responsible. And to be perfectly honest, why on earth shouldn’t you be paying yourself the same kind attention as you are probably giving to everyone else.

A self-care routine is vital for your survival right now, so you need to start thinking about it and all the other things that are attached to the word self with a hyphen.







You can use any extra word really, so take a minute and see if there are any different ones that you might need to add to your own list.

One of the alternatives that I think is particularly necessary at the moment is self-kindness.

So your thought for the day is:

What way you can exercise self-kindness today?

And, if you think you can’t do it, or worse than that – you shouldn’t do it, please ask yourself why and do something about it.

You really are worth it.

Time to start remembering that!

Bright Blessings!




Crystal Tip during these Chaotic Times


The best way to describe rhodochrosite is to say that it is the crystalline equivalent of rescue remedy. It helps with shock, trauma, and other unpleasant emotional states… as well as doing lots of other lovely things like all the crystal allies. But since we are in a strange, unfamiliar space most of the time at the moment and we are all feeling… well, way too much really and since most of it is constantly triggering fear and the fight or flight syndrome, this beautiful pink stone will be an extremely useful thing to have close to hand.

The first thing it does is calm you down when you sit with it and gradually it will remind you to breathe because when you are shocked or in distress the breathing process freezes on the in breath and it’s almost like you forget there is an out breath. So this stone will take you to a safe place, enabling you to start breathing properly again and this in turn will help you to relax.  And if you do this with conscious intent it will work more quickly and efficiently.

If rhodochrosite only did this, it would be a fabulous stone to carry with you at all times, but it does far more. It is one of the best stones for emotional healing and, in the same way that aquamarine emits the frequency of peace, this stone emits the frequency of love, though it will always push you towards loving yourself first before you start loving anyone else. After all, if you don’t know how to love yourself, how can you possibly love anyone else?

And the frequency it emits is so tender. It is just lovely and it soothes the heart, bringing an intense feeling of inner peace. And, isn’t that something we all need right now? So if you are feeling discombobulated on a daily basis, do use this stone to calm yourself and take yourself into a much nice place, and if you have any aquamarine, combine the two stones. You will be amazed at the difference it will make to you.

Mind you, like all crystals rhodochrosite is an holistic healer and it won’t just deal with any symptoms that are presenting themselves for your attention. It will always help you discover what is causing them and, since it is an emotional healing stone, it may well bring up things that you need to look at and release. But because of its beautiful energy it will hold you safely while you do this.

And if you want to enhance the clearing process while you are working with your trusty rhodochrosite, use a piece of lapis lazuli because this is the stone of self-discovery. It will be enormously useful, especially since it also dissolves negativity, so as soon as anything comes up you can ask the lapis to clear it out straight away.

Although rhodochrosite is a pink stone and most people use it only for the heart, it also works powerfully on the solar plexus, so feel free to use it on this chakra as well. If you have two pieces, it can be beneficial to do both chakras at the same time, but if you only have one… doing them separately is just fine.

I would also recommend the space between these two chakras. It will clear any blockages in this area, allowing the heart and the solar plexus to function better together. You need a clear and vibrant solar plexus to love fully because the heart chakra is the giving and receiving of love and how do you expect to do this if you have no power and no personal will to engage emotionally with anyone. You always need both of these chakras working and exchanging energy at all times and, don’t forget, the flow goes both ways. Once the heart is talking to the solar plexus in a more meaningful way, the love from the heart goes down and that means that when you exercise your personal will and use your power, it will be done in a gentle loving way.

Rhodochrosite is an astonishing stone when used during meditation, mainly because it will enable you to relax and it will expand your consciousness, allowing you to journey to many places … safely, too. And one of the best places to use the stone is at the brow chakra, especially if you want to journey to find out what is really troubling you. You can always move the stone to the heart or solar plexus during your quiet time if you are guided to do so. You’ll know when you are working with it. it will tell you… well, as long as you are listening!

Another place to work with the stone is in your non-dominant hand. This is the hand that receives energy more easily, so sit and using your breath and your intent, breathe its gentle vibration in through the palm chakra and up your arm to the shoulder. Then, on the out breath, push it out into the rest of the body.

You can also use rhodochrosite to make a deep and abiding connection to many of the gentle facets of the Divine Mother. It resonates with Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Isis and Mary Magdalene and, through working with them and your stone, you will enhance your compassion, your inner peace and your tolerance.

It will also enhance your connection to the higher aspects of yourself – your higher self or your soul, depending on which level you are currently at in your spiritual journey. And, this lovely stone will also bring more spiritual awareness into the physical body, so it can manifest on the earthplane.

And last, but certainly not least, it is associated with many angelics – the list is far too long to mention, but my recommendations – and please remember they are mine, so they don’t have to be yours!! – are: Haniel, Chamuel and Ariel. Just sit with the stone, allow yourself to relax, let your crystal fill you with its loving energy and ask the angelic to join you.

There is one other angelic on the list that I have never worked with personally, but as the name leapt out at me I will share it because of the situation we are all in at the moment. If you are worried about becoming ill, rhodochrosite also resonates with Mumiel who is the Angel of Health. Is that not just perfect?

The Universe always provides what we need… one way or another!

So go and get a piece of rhodochrosite and see how it can help you come back to yourself and keep you there, despite what is happening around us.

Bright Blessings!
