Azreal – the Angel of Comfort.

I have been waiting for a sign that it was time to write about this particular archangel for ages and it has come today, so it means someone out there is in desperate need of connecting with Azreal – the Angel of Comfort. The angelic light he emits is a healing light and he uses it to comfort and guide people who are experiencing any kind of loss. So that just about covers everyone on the planet since we are all feeling a sense of loss about something in our lives.

Azrael is also known as the Angel of Death, but that doesn’t mean physical death … just the end of something that no longer suits you or is holding you back in some way. He brings an ending that allows you to move on to a new beginning, which is what we all need right now really. His job is to help us put our lives back together.

Another name associated with Azrael is The Angel of Transition because he helps us look at what is happening around us, to explore every aspect of it until we see what is really happening and we can gain insight into the whole experience. He allows us to see the real reasons for the changes occurring and how they apply to us. And he will also provide practical advice to help us move fearlessly forward into our new beginning.

Here are some of the many reasons you might want to spend some time with this archangel:

  • When we are grieving for a person, a situation, an ending before we can even see or even imagine any kind of new beginning, he will fill the void in our hearts with a sense of compassion, reassurance, and comfort.
  • His angelic light is filled with love, wisdom, and comfort. Who doesn’t need that?
  • His aura is a creamy vanilla yellow and the energy it emits is full of kindness and comfort. All we have to do it sit with him, absorb it, and allow it to help us on every level – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
  • He helps us accept change and ease through it, so he will be enormously useful at this time since change happens … well constantly at the moment!
  • He helps us deal with stressful situations.
  • He embodies comfort and patience, and we all need a bucketful of both those qualities quite a lot of the time, given what is happening at the moment.
  • He helps with depression and other illnesses which affect our mental and emotional health.
  • The chakra he resonates with the most is the heart chakra, and we all need help with that from time to time. He is ready and waiting to offer his assistance. We just have to ask for anything we might need to keep our hearts open.
  • He helps us go with the flow instead of resisting it.

You can connect with Azrael in the same way you would any other angelic. He will be there waiting for you, and if you have suffered the loss of a loved one during the pandemic, rest assured that he will have been there at the end of their life, helping them transition to a new one because that is also part of his job. And he will be there for you to help you come to terms with what happened. All you have to do is ask him into your life.

Azrael is associated with three crystals – amethyst, yellow calcite, and purple fluorite. So you can simply sit with one of them and ask him to join you and just start your journey with him that way. Or if you feel you need a bit more than that – you can use an amethyst to heal your heart while he is with you, offering his love and support.

Amethyst Meditation

When used with conscious intent at the heart, amethyst acts like a hoover, pulling things out of your heart space, quickly and easily. It also does this miraculous cleansing without the need for you to connect with any of the emotional rubbish you have been collecting in there. You do not need to re-live the heartbreak or agonise over it. You’ve already done it once, so why would you ever want to do it again? Your lovely, powerful amethyst can just take it away, ensuring you never have to see it or deal with it again. You can of course, re-generate it, if you have more thoughts about the person or situation, but while the amethyst is working, you will be completely safe and if you don’t resist the removal process, you will be able to let everything go without re-experiencing the pain that caused the blockage. Just keep the whole of your attention focused on letting go and not what you are letting go of and all will be well!

  • Ground firmly.
  • Relax, focus on your breath and ask Azreal to join you at this point if you would like him to offer his support. Thank him for coming and take a moment to attune to his loving, comforting energy before you start working with the crystal.
  • When you are ready, place a cleansed amethyst over your heart chakra and ask your stone to remove anything that you no longer need from your heart space, with ease and grace.
  • Also set the very clear intention that you do not want to re-experience any of the negative energy associated with the blockages that will be removed during your healing session with your stone.
  • Now just let your amethyst work and leave it on your heart chakra until you get the sense that it has removed everything you are ready to release at the time you are working with your stone.
  • Now change your intention and take a moment to check in with your heart and see what it needs to fill the empty space left behind after the amethyst has pulled lots of rubbish out of it. You can either ask the amethyst to bless you with its lovely violet energy, or you can ask Azreal to fill your heart with his healing light… or you can choose any other energy you are familiar with. It doesn’t matter as long as the hole is filled with positive energy, replacing all the negative vibrations that have been in there.
  • When you feel your heart if full of beautiful new vibrations, remove the amethyst sending thoughts of love and gratitude towards it for all the help it has given you.
  • Now do the same for Azrael. Thank him for supporting you and if it feels appropriate, ask him if there is anything you need to know going forward that will ensure that your nicely cleansed heart space remains that way …. for as long as possible.
  • Ground firmly and return your attention to the room and cleanse your amethyst.

Journey well with this archangel and I assure you, you will feel much better for it.

Bright Blessings!
