Crystal Tip for October

All you need for this exercise is two cleansed clear quartz points.

Set your intention to use the energy of the quartz to clear out your body, removing any old, stagnant energy, so the space can be filled with the vibrant energy of your clear quartz.

If you are right-handed, place one under your left foot, point towards you, to draw energy in and place the other under your right foot, point away from you, to draw energy out through the foot chakra and push it away from you.

If you are left-handed, do it the other way round.

Ground firmly.

Now sit quietly and using your in breath, draw the energy of your quartz into your body through your left foot chakra and intend it goes all the way up the left side of your body, filling it completely. Then use your in breath to push the energy down the right side of your body so it can leave your body through the right foot and the point will direct it away from you.

Continue for ten minutes, imagining a continuous stream of energy going round your body clearing both sides and anything you no longer need can be released, pushed out by the flow of the clear quartz. Then thank your quartz and return your awareness to your surroundings.

This exercise is usually done with clear quartz, but you can do it with smoky quartz points for additional benefits. This variety of quartz allows you to attune to the light ensuring that you are not consumed by the darkness which seems to be everywhere at the moment. So while it flows through you, directed by your breath, just open to its energy and let it do lots of other stuff.

Smoky quartz relieves stress, fear and anger and helps with fatigue. It also helps you to understand exactly what needs to be released so you can move on, as well as clearing the mind of old, unwanted and unhelpful thoughts. It just dissolves them … if you let it of course because although the crystal can get rid of the thought, you can always think it again and your mind will fill with all the negative energy associated with it.

It also clears and activates the base and solar plexus chakras, which helps with all of the above.

So all you have to do is choose which quartz you want to work with and go for it, always remembering to thank your two crystals after they have done a sterling job on your behalf.

Bright Blessings!
