How Much Rubbish Do You have in Your Life?

Well, I signed on to my blog a few days ago to find over 4500 spam messages. I could hardly believe it, and it took me ages to clear them. Then I signed on the next day and there was over 1200 new spam messages. It was a relief to sign on today and find there were only 208, so I didn’t have to waste too much time deleting them. But it did get me thinking about how much rubbish I might have in my life because, let’s face it, 4500 spam messages meant the universe was being very serious about getting me to look at how much rubbish was around me.

If you think of the spam messages as representing the stuff that is out there in the aether… well, it can come in so many different forms, but the most likely ones which may be appearing in your system at the moment are:

  1. Thoughts, emotions, or energy directed at you by someone else… knowingly or unknowingly.
  2. Thoughts, emotions, or energy being generated by you that then sticks in your system.
  3. Thoughts, emotions, or energy that is just out there courtesy of the pandemic and, as sensitives, we are just picking it all up like a big sponge. And it will overwhelm you if you don’t do anything about clearing it out of your system because so much of it is being generated every single day,

So, bearing all this in mind, I set to work looking for rubbish and, since 4500 was such a huge number, I was quite sure that it meant that there was also a huge amount of stuff in my environment, in my energy field, in my subtle bodies, not to mention my physical body, and it would all have to go. So I dutifully sat down to look for it and found there were things I no longer needed, things I was reluctant to release, things I was carrying for other people, things I didn’t realise I was carrying for other people, things other people thought they would sneakily place into my energy field so they would not have to carry it themselves… you know the list and all the other things that you could probably add to it from your own life and it was made abundantly clear to me that since I was given such a clear message I had to pass it on.

So this is me doing what I’m told and passing it on!

So if you end up reading this, you need to ask yourself – what do these spam messages represent in your life? It might be one big thing… or like me, it could be lots of little things that eventually mean you are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of them heading in your general direction.

Look carefully until you find everything that needs to be cleared and use all the tools in your toolbox to get rid of them. You have to do this whether you want to do the work or not. Not doing it is definitely not an option at the moment because so many sensitives are living so close to overwhelm; and it’s not very pleasant. Because of the mess the world is in, we are constantly being bombarded by negativity in multiple and powerful forms. And it is happening daily… sometimes even hourly … so we need to make sure it does not get stuck anywhere in our system since it is not good for us at all!

If you would like a recommendation:

  1. If you have a Reiki II attunement – get serious about using your symbols.
  2. If you are familiar with the Violet Flame of Transmutation – use that.
  3. Ask any angelic for help.
  4. Ask a friend to do some clearing work for you if you don’t feel able to do it yourself. And be ready to do the same for anyone who asks for your help.
  5. Use black tourmaline.

Black tourmaline is unbelievably good at clearing negativity – in any form. Just holding it will start to dissolve the energy, leaving you feeling a whole lot better.

It will also allow your body to release tension, anxiety, stress, and fear… all of which are around us and within us in massive amounts. It will ease any negative energy out of your system and start to clear it from your environment as well. It is just such a hugely useful stone to have… go and get some if you don’t have any!

You can wear it, meditate with it, place it in any room you use, and it will work tirelessly for you, dissolving any negativity it finds. And, if you place it next to your bed at night with a piece of selenite, both of the stones will help you sleep.

One way of using black tourmaline and selenite together is to hold your black tourmaline in your dominant (out going hand) and the selenite in your non-dominant hand (in coming hand) and use your breath to change your vibratory rate in a real and significant way.

  • Sit and set the intention that you would like your black tourmaline to start dissolving any negativity in your Four Body System that you are ready and willing to release while you are working with your stones and let it get to work.
  • After a few minutes when you feel energy shifting in and around you, set the intention that on your outbreath you want to breathe out all the negativity, releasing it down your arm and out through your dominant hand.
  • When you have done this for a few minutes, add the intention that you want to start breathing in the lovely bright white light of selenite in on every in breath and pull the vibration of the stone up your non-dominant hand to your shoulder and once it gets there it will just flow wherever it needs to go, replacing all the negativity you are releasing down your other arm and hand.
  • Just sit with the stones until you feel you have cleared everything you need to clear during the session, thank your stones, ground, and bring your awareness back to your surroundings.

I hope all this helps and I hope now I’ve given in and written this that I don’t get another 4500 spam messages on my blog!

Bright Blessings!

