The Healing Heart

Well, usually the portal in February is not too bad. The really powerful ones don’t start until 8/8 when the Lion’s Gate opens and Sirius rises, but the one on 2/2/22 – because of the number of 2s in the date – was very impressive! And it was only the first of four activations this month.

The others will be on:




So make sure you are ready and grounded and allow the changes the happen with ease and grace. It would also help to set the intention that after the download you would like your energy to settle at the most appropriate level for you. You’ll be a lot more comfortable!

There is no stopping any of the activations really and they will clear lots of old, old blockages, giving you a chance for the new beginning you have been waiting for, free from old, repetitive thought and behaviour patterns that have been plaguing you for years, sometimes even lifetimes.

But it is important to remember that you have to be willing to let them go…

The activations will have a distinctly different effect on you, but they will all target the emotional body in some way, so be ready to clear the emotion rubbish that comes up. There are many ways to do this… reiki, crystals, angelic light, sound, planetary rays… the list is endless. But it is likely that the same thing will not necessarily clear you out every time. You will need to use discernment and choose exactly what you need to do to clear yourself out after each activation which will happen at 02.02 AM and 14.02 PM on the days above.

The download of high frequency energy will enter your system through the crown, flow down the central channel and expand out through the whole of the Four Body System, clearing any blockages you may have connected to your emotions. And in some cases it just literally dissolves it!

All you have to do is watch what comes up after each activation. It will be rising to the surface, sometimes after a very long time, for release and the energetic shift that occurs afterwards may bring revelations with it about why you have been locked in these patterns for such a long time. It will all be information that you can use to clear yourself out on a deep and profound level and it will also give you greater access to your emotions. I know that can be a scary thought if you have been putting them in a box and locking them away because they are painful, but it is time now to release them… and free yourself from the prison you have made for yourself.

It is time to be free… on all levels.

Black tourmaline will always help to dissolve any negativity that comes up for clearance.

Flourite will help to remain you grounded, and its key phrase is order out of chaos, so it will be perfect to use. It also helps clear mental energy, which will be enormously useful because let’s face it you can’t experience an emotion without having thoughts about it!

Green Aventurine is a beautiful, gentle stone which will help you remain calm, and it also encourages new growth, which will be a fabulous energy for help you with a fresh, new start.

Rhodocrosite is known as the rescue remedy of the crystalline world, so if things get difficult, sit with it, and allow its pink and yellow energy to soothe your heart and your solar plexus.

Just do whatever feels as if it is the right thing to do for you and be gentle with yourself, giving yourself time to adjust and recalibrate after each shift. These activations will be opening your heart in astonishing ways, and you need to be ready…. and, of course, willing to let this expansion occur.

But, at the end of the day, this is your journey, and you can choose to resist, or ignore, or only clear a little. But, if I were you, I’d clear as much as you can because this is a huge opportunity with four activations to make a real difference in your life and move forward without all your old emotional baggage. It is exhausting carrying it around with you… in some cases it’s rather like having a huge ball and chain attached to your ankle and it is time to get rid of it!

Take very good care of yourself this month!

Bright Blessings!
