Letting Go

After the full moon and its energy of closure we have a pause before the new moon and its energy of new beginnings, so between now and the new moon it is a good time to look at what you want to get rid of in your life.

So, with all that in mind, here is something you can do if you want to take letting go a little more seriously.

Choose a clear quartz point to help you, but please remember to ask if it wants to do this. If you sit with it and get the impression it doesn’t, please honour that and choose another piece to work with.

Then programme it to absorb what is written on the piece of paper (explained below) store it, amplify it and then transmit it out into your environment for seven days. If you haven’t done this before just think that particular thought very clearly and direct it at the crystal.

Self-Help with a Clear Quartz

  • Write down three things that you really want gone from your life… whether it is something you need to release or something you need to step away from.
  • Then write down three things you can do to achieve your goal of getting rid of these situations, people, thoughts, feelings, or even a troubling memory. And make sure you can really do them rather than writing down something you cannot achieve and setting yourself up for a nice bit of self-sabotage!
  • Then programme your clear quartz (as above) it and ask it to take radiate the best energy to manifest everything you have written on your list. Place it on the paper and leave it there for seven days.
  • During the seven days go back and look at your list, re-affirming that you want to achieve everything on it.
  • At the end of seven days, thank your crystal, clean your instructions out of it and put your list in a drawer somewhere. If you look at it in a couple of months you will be amazed at what you have done!

Hope this small, simple exercise helps you in fabulous, unexpected ways!

Bright Blessings!




Brigid’s Flame

“Fire in the head…to quicken us.
Fire in the cauldron…to heal us.
Fire in the forge of the heart…to temper us.”

I have no idea where this came from, but I keep it on a document that I open every day at work to remind me about it… and the benefit of receiving the many different blessings from Brigid’s flame.

You can, of course, connect with Brigid and ask her to put the energy of her flame anywhere, but these three places are always the best.

· The head  – brow chakra – for inspiration and help connecting with your inner wisdom and your intuition.

·The cauldron – sacral chakra – for creativity and to help you learn to love yourself

·The heart – heart chakra – for healing on a very deep level.

Brigid also has a lovely cloak and, if you ask, she will place it around you. It is for protection, but I never ask for that. I just rest within the energy, held safely and securely and it just feels lovely.

And, lastly, there is Brigid’s well… deep and profound healing occurs here. Just visualise it and either drink from it or immerse yourself fully in the water, staying there as long as you like.

But, what ever you do, always send love and gratitude to Brigid for all her help.

Bright Blessings!


