Lion’s Gate 2022


The Lion’s Gate Portal is activated by the numerology of 8/8, the Sun in Leo Season, and the rising of Sirius. This combination of energy opens a galactic portal that allows high vibrational energy, infused with the energy of Sirius, to flow onto the earthplane, allowing us to connect with it.

It downloads at 08.08 a.m. and 20.08 p.m.

You can do one download or both, but they are the same.

8 is also associated with DNA activation, abundance, power, and higher realms of consciousness, so 8/8 is an extremely potent time to clear your Four Body System so we are ready to receive the energy and the light codes contained within it.

The opening of the Lionsgate Portal can bring awakenings and lift your consciousness to a much higher level.

Also the number 8 represents infinity, and this means it also represents unlimited potential, so all you have to do before the downloads is decide what you want to do with it. Then once you have opened your energy system to allow the portal energy in (after grounding very firmly indeed!) you need to focus on the unlimited potential for success that 8 symbolises and set a clear intention so you get what you need at this time.

The incoming energy does many things, depending on your personal level of development and the light codes you receive. But the three things that are always highlighted are:

  • Heart Healing – the download will bring up any pain or woundings in the heart for clearance.

  • Stimulation of Higher Charkas – this will help you to tap into higher spiritual knowledge after the downloaded energy has integrated and you have recalibrated your energy system

  • Activates the brow chakra on a higher level – this will change you in many unpredictable ways. All you have to do is trust you are ready to deal with them.

A stone to help you during the download is pyrite. It will do three particularly useful things for you:

  • During the portal download it will allow you to draw the high-frequency energy into your body more easily and help you utilise it afterwards.

  • At the end of the portal download holding pyrite will bring the energy fully into the physical realm.

  • Sitting with the stone after the download will enable you to move forward on your spiritual journey and create a new and more meaningful life. It will deepen your connection to your authentic self and help you embrace your innate gifts and talents, not to mention help you reach your full potential in this lifetime.

One piece of pyrite will work nicely, but if you can hold a piece in each hand it will be better!

Bright Blessings
