Working with Labradorite

Here are a few of the reasons that you will benefit from working with Labradorite before you get to 2023… and after you reach it!

All you have to do is sit with the stone, attune to its energy, gaze at it, and allow the answers to what ever you are searching for to float up into your mind.

You may not see much at first but keep persevering. If nothing else, as you sit with the stone, you will feel its powerful energy and benefit from that in many ways,

Also, when you see the flashes of colour in the stone, it will remind of the most important thing…. magic is real! It’s right there in your Labradorite … and, of course, the magic in your stone is always a reflection of the magic in you!

Below are twelve examples of what you can choose to meditate on while you are sitting quietly with your Labradorite.

You can look at the list and choose one or you can just allow a number to pop into your head. This will often be the best intuitive choice because you are not engaging your mind by looking at points and deciding which ones is the best one for you.

Labradorite –

  1. Expands the awareness of the heart and mind.
  2. Stimulates intuition and heightens it
  3. Helps you develop spiritually and emotionally
  4. Brings light into your life.
  5. Raises consciousness
  6. Connects you with universal energies.
  7. Helps you understand your relationship with yourself.
  8. Helps if you want to re-invent yourself.
  9. Allows you to discover hidden aspects of yourself.
  10. Helps you to become more confident and empowered
  11. Encourages self-discovery on all levels
  12. As it is the Stone of Transition, it will always help you move through any changes in your life

Of course, these are only a few examples because Labradorite does many other things. You may discover loads of other ways for it to help you. Just go with what you find or what comes to you and journey well with this exquisitely beautiful crystal ally.

Bright Blessings!
