Using Clear Quartz for Focus and Guidance

Clear quartz is a master healer which means you can use it for almost anything. It is very powerful and versatile, and it will enhance your inner vision, increase your mental clarity, and connect you to your intuition at a much deeper level. And when you work with it, especially during meditation, it will raise your vibrational rate to the highest possible level at the time you are using it. This means it will take you out of any uncomfortable place you are stuck in and allow you to find a way out by looking at it from a completely different point of view, not to mention a much higher level.


Just sit with your clear quartz in your non-dominant hand and ask the crystal to allow the energy field it generates to get larger and larger. It will be like watching a bubble form around your crystal and it will grow bigger and bigger until it feels as if you are sitting inside it with the crystal. Then, as you sit inside this energetic bubble of quartz energy, the high frequency vibrations will clear any negative energy you have in your Four Body System. This in turn will help you to remain focused on whatever you need to do after you have finished working with your crystal.

When you feel the crystal has cleared all the lower vibrational energy from your system, thank it and ask it to return its energy field to its usual size and sit quietly while it gets smaller and smaller. And when it is just around your quartz again, disconnect and return your awareness to your surroundings.


If you want, you can sit inside your crystal’s energy field (as described above) or you can sit with your crystal in your hand or on your brow chakra. You will know what you need to do when you start working.

Just sit quietly with your crystal and attune to its energy, allowing it to clear away any negativity in your Four Body System and, when you feel this has been done, take a moment to think about what is troubling you, the problem you can’t solve. Then ask your quartz to help you see what is really happening and to give you the clarity you need to resolve the situation. Or you may need to ask what is stopping you from resolving it because there is always a chance that you may not want to see what you have to do on some level.

Or, lastly, you can ask your crystal to connect you to your intuition at a much deeper level, so you can be guided towards the best solution to the problem.

And then all you have to do is let the magic happen!

I hope you journey well with your clear quartz!

Bright Blessings!


Cleansing Your Mind with Clear Quartz

As most people seem to spend way too much time thinking these days, it is often useful to take a little time to clear your mind of all the excess mental energy you have generated. Not only will it reduce your stress levels, it will also give your body much needed a chance to rest and recuperate.

It is a very simple technique…. all you have to do is sit quietly and hold any kind of clear quartz against your forehead with the clear intention that you would like the crystalline energy from the quartz to replace the excess mental energy that is stuck inside your head, though, if you use a terminated crystal, please make sure that the tip is pointed up to ensure the energy doesn’t go down into your body. You want it gone, not hanging around somewhere else!

Then using your intention and your breath – breathe out any energy you don’t need any more and breathe in the bright white light from your quartz, letting it fill your head.

And you can do this for as long as you feel you need to. Or indeed as long as you want to since it is such a lovely relaxing exercise.

You can also use this technique to help you deal with pain in your body. Just place the quartz against the troublesome area and do the same – intending to breath out the pain and breath the exquisite crystalline energy to support your body and help it heal itself.

One last thing – since clear quartz emits white light which contains the full spectrum of light, it can be used on any chakra. But it resonates particularly well with the crown chakra, so you can use it in this chakra to help you understand your place in the world and, if you keep using it, it will help you make a much deeper and more profound connection to the universe as well. It is an astonishing feeling when it happens, so why not give it a go!

I hope you journey well with your clear quartz.

Bright Blessings!


Cahetel Angel of Divine Blessing

As the Angel of Divine Blessing, Cahetel is someone you want to be calling on regularly because at the moment we could all use some blessings! Some days we could probably use a shed load of them really, so is it time for you to make this angels acquaintance? All you have to do is ask and, like all the others, he will come!

One of the ways to open to receive his blessings – whether they are divine or not – is to use an affirmation. There are two below possibilities below, but if you don’t resonate with either of the statements, make up one that feels right for you!

Just write your statement on a piece of paper, put it somewhere you will see it from time to time during your day and just read it when you see it, so you start to resonate with the energy of the words. And when you have said them enough times and you start to vibrate at their frequency, you will start to attract things that vibrate on that frequency too… like love, success and blessings!

I have love, success and abundance in my life


I am receiving love, success and abundance

If you use an affirmation when you are working with Cahetel, it will ensure blessings arrive in your life. And if you already have them but don’t recognise them, he will help you see all the ways you are truly blessed, which is a huge thing. It will change your attitude to yourself and your life for the better. And it will help you to become grateful too.

You can also use Cahetel’s name as a mantra and one of the many things the sound of his name does is to neutralise negative energy, so chanting it will clear energetic blockages from your Four Body System, filling you on every level – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – with powerful vibrations. It is particularly useful for helping you deal with stress. The sound of the name will dissolve it and you will feel as if the pressure caused by the stressors in your life is being released. And the sense of relief will be quite profound.

So all you have to do to benefit from this form of sound healing is to chant Cahetel’s name with the intention of filling yourself with the fabulous vibration of the word. And it won’t be long before you start to feel the difference in your body, your auric sheath and your subtle bodies and you will be filled with balanced and positive energy.

The way to pronounce Cahetel’s is:


And when you have used the sound for yourself, don’t forget you can also chant Cahetel’s name to fill the world around you with the same balanced and positive energy.

I hope you enjoy working with this lovely angel.

Bright Blessings!
