Are You Ready for the 11/1 Portal?

11/1 Portal

1 resonates with the vibration of new beginnings – there is three on 11/1/24

This makes 11/1 the first manifestation day of the year, a time to claim your dream or desire, take the first step to achieving your goal, and to get serious about how to do it. You will also need to focus your awareness and put some energy into your manifestation process by imagining how it will change your life.

You will need to use the quality of creativity to enhance this process, but you do not need to know how it will happen. Just how you will feel when it does. You have to get your head right out of the way and do as little thinking as possible because it rarely helps.

And lastly, you need to be grateful for what ever is going to appear in your life after the manifestation.

Also this year 1/11/24 is the day of a new moon and it will be bringing with it energy to support any intention you are setting.

And, if you want some crystals to help you with all this – sit with red and yellow jasper. The red jasper will ground you in the NOW moment because that is the only place you can manifest anything at all and when you use it with yellow jasper their combined energy takes you to the place where is it ridiculously easy to believe anything is possible!

The other thing this new moon will provide is the energy you need to make a deeper, more meaningful connection to your Authentic Self.

So make sure you are good to go on 11th January, especially as the year is 2024 – which is the fabulous energy of 8.

Bright Blessings!


Crystal Tip for Navigating the Year Ahead

Since a Year 8 is always a bit of a roller coaster ride, gaining clarity about the way ahead can be useful and, although change happens very quickly and cannot always be anticipated, you can use crystals to help you see a little of the pathway ahead of you.

If you sit with carnelian and tiger’s eye and meditate on what will be unfolding for you in the next few months… or indeed the next few moments if things start to change ridiculously quickly … it will help you gain clarity about almost anything you focus on while you are working with them.

Carnelian, in particular, will help with any goals you want to set for the year because it enhances motivation and passion. It will help you work our exactly what you want, promoting understanding as well as clarity.

And when you use carnelian with tiger’s eye, one of the other benefits is the two stones create an energy that harmonises the sacral, boosting your creativity. It will also allow you to find fulfilment in this astonishing year, which is going to bring about massive change and comes with the potential for deep healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Journey well with these two crystal allies.

Bright Blessings!
