Using Citrine for the 12 12 Portal

One of the affirmations you can use while working with Citrine is:

I AM filled with positive energy and I have a positive outlook on my life so I can grow and succeed in the things I choose to do.

So, as the 12 12 portal is the Portal of Conscious Awareness and the incoming energy allows you to see what is holding you back, citrine is the perfect stone to help you purge any negativity you find in your Four Body System.

Sit with your stone and ask it to show you what you need to do to turn any negativity in your life into positive energy. Use the stone’s energy to purge it and then download the energy of the 12 12 portal, filling yourself with the angelic light that is flowing through this cosmic doorway today. It will enhance the cleaning process and, when you feel everything has been dealt with, sit with your stone again, attune to its vibrant, positive vibrations and repeat the affirmation until you start to vibrate with the frequency of the words.

But if you don’t resonate with the words, just change them to ones that are more suited to you and what is happening in your life.

Happy Portal Day – 12 12 is about rest, re-calibration and wholeness after the previous eleven double date days in the year.

Bright Blessings!


Fancy a Sonic Massage?

This is a way of using music as a sound healing tool.

It is simple, fast, and very effective, so please read on…

The sound you use for this exercise will be captured by the outer ear. It will then be funnelled into the middle ear where it will vibrate some very small bones. These bones amplify the sound and pass it on to the inner ear. This part of the ear is called the cochlea, and it is lined with small hairs which are all tuned to a different frequency. So the sound locates the hairs that match its frequency, making them vibrate, and the cochlea then coverts the mechanical energy of all the vibrations into electrical energy which it is then transmitted it to the brain.

It’s completely astonishing, and you can use this explanation to enhance your sonic experience by imagining the sound from your piece of music is doing all this.

Sonic Massage Exercise

  • Choose the piece of music you want to work with, making sure it is a piece you really like to listen to, and set your intention. This will ensure that, when you hear the sound, it has the desired effect.
  • Lay down, settle into a comfortable position, and take a moment to prepare to focus on the music you have chosen.
  • Then all you have to do is listen to it, imagining the sound waves moving through your ears as described above.
  • And then imagine all those little electrical impulses are waves of sonic energy, moving through your ears into your head, flooding it with relaxing warmth.
  • And, as you continue to listen, feel your head relaxing, your brow softening, your jaw letting go of tension and allow yourself to start breathing in time with the music. Allow yourself to become the music.
  • And, with each deep, relaxing breath, be aware of the way the sound is starting to vibrate, gently massaging your neck, shoulders, arms. Then, with a nothing more than a focused thought, direct it down to all thirty-three vertebrae in your spine.
  • After a while, breathe all the energy your piece of music is generating into the lower half of your body. Start by filling your pelvis and let it spread out, eventually flowing down your legs to your thighs, knees, calves and ankles.
  • Then, direct all the relaxing pulses of sonic energy to the soles of your feet and let them vibrate back up through your body.
  • Lastly, leave your body behind and just focus on the music. Surrender to the beat and tone and the flow of the notes becoming fully aware of the way the music is filling your head. It will feel as if the sonic energy from the sound is flooding into your mind, clearing it of everything. Every thought. Every feeling. And it will leave you feeling calm and unbelievably relaxed.
  • Continue for as long as you want to, but when you are finished make sure you come fully back into your body, and ground firmly as your awareness narrows back to your surroundings.

Hope you enjoy doing it!

Bright Blessings!


Time to Start Thinking New Thoughts?

Before You Speak – THINK

T – is it True?

H – is it Helpful?

I – is it Inspiring?

N – is it Necessary?

K – is it Kind?

Author Unknown

I don’t know who made this up, but since Mercury is in Scorpio now until 10/10/23 and one of the things that is up front and personal during this time is language, it is the perfect time to think about what you are saying on a much deeper level. All words are power… literally because they vibrate and they affect everything else that is vibrating. So that, of course, includes us.

So is it time to learn a new language, a new way to express yourself?

If nothing else, it is certainly a time to learn how to express your own personal truth in more authentic ways.

So… contemplate all this and see if you need to make any changes to what you say and how you say it…

And don’t forget that this will include your thoughts as well because you form the words inside your head, and they will still be vibrating. And sometimes they can be more powerful because you often think the same thought over and over again and the energy is never released through your mouth. It just stays inside your head, the vibration changing you on multiple levels… though, I have to say, the only thoughts we usually think repeatedly are negative ones… so what do you think that is doing to you on a vibrational level?

Always consider what you are thinking as well as what you are saying because words are so powerful and important, and it is you who decides what ones you use. No one makes you say anything. so it is time to really remember that they can be creative or destructive because their vibration is inside you… sometimes all the time.

And all those questions… please remember they apply to what you say about yourself as to what you say about anyone else. We are often crueller to ourselves than anyone else. So surely it is time for it to stop.

Bright Blessings!




Do You Need to Groan?

Yes you did read the title of this blog correctly. It is about groaning and that is because sound healing isn’t singing healing. You don’t have to make a pretty or melodious sound to clear rubbish out of your system. It is sound healing, so really any sound will do as long as you make a very clear intention before you make it.

And groaning is a hugely useful sound. In fact it is the perfect sound to express frustration and anger … and since there is a lot of that going around at the moment… why not use one of the sounds you instinctively make when you are stuck in those emotional states more effectively?

Groaning – when you do it unconsciously or without an intention – is quite simply an attempt to release the pressure of a blockage. It doesn’t matter if it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. The emotional energy is stuck in your system somewhere, and conscious use of the sound of your groan can and will shift it.

If it’s not much energy, one long heart-felt noise might get rid of it, but if you have been stuck in a horrible place for some time, it may take more repetitions. You’ll know when it’s gone, so just keep doing it until you get the feeling you’re okay… or at least a whole lot better if you can’t shift it all at one time.

So all you have to do is set your intention to release … whatever you want really… and groan. It really is that simple. But if it is a tough blockage or a large one you can add another sound.

AW (as in awe) is an astonishingly good way to express and release this type of negative emotion and you get this when you start to realise it is present in words which describe stressful states like: wrought, overwrought, distraught, awful. So, once again, it is another perfect sound to get the job done.

And don’t forget the biggie for the AW sound. It is in the word ought…so take a moment to consider just how many times do you say I ought to do something… and how many times do you feel frustrated or angry when you had to do the thing you don’t really want to do?

And just saying this word will cause a tightness inside you, particularly around the solar plexus area because that is the seat of your emotions. Try it and see… it’s true!

And the same tightness will also be caused by doing things you feel you ought to do. It is often said when you do things in this frame of mind you are doing them with a sense of duty without love… how true is that?

So, not only is it probably time for you to start using sound to help you release these uncomfortable emotional states perhaps you ought to consider how many times you use the phrase “I ought to…” and stop using it!

And groaning will always help.

And it will also work if you don’t have any anger or frustration to release because you will still have a certain amount of tension in your mind and your body from day-to-day living in this mad world. The vibration of the groan of the sound AW will shake it loose, allowing you to feel a lot more comfortable.

So how do you use these sounds?

If you are going to groan.. just set the intention that you want to release any blockages from the solar plexus area of your body (naming anything specific if you want to) and… GROAN! And repeat until the area is cleared.

If you are going to use the AW sound, you start with the sound R. This sound stimulates the solar plexus area, making the whole release process a lot easier and, to make it more powerful, you make the R sound by adding an E to it – so the sound you actually make is ERRRR.

It is not a pretty sound. It’s not meant to be, but it is effective which is what really counts. And the deeper you can make the sound the more powerful it is, but don’t strain your voice doing it. You need to feel comfortable.

So you start by setting your intention and make the ERRRR sound for at least five seconds, keeping your jaw loose and your throat open, and then start sliding into the AW sound. And keep repeating until you feel you have cleared the solar plexus area.

There is one other thing you can do to make the release process more effective and this is to clench your fists with the intention that the fists represent the tension in your body, so when you unclench them it then represents the release of the tension they represent.

So if you want to add this to your release:

  • Set your intention for your sound and your hands.
  • Clench your hands into fists and place them against your body just under the diaphragm.
  • Make the ERRR sound for as long as you need to and then slide into the AW sound and continue for as long as you need to.
  • Then as your sound fades into silence, unclench your fists and move them away from your belly, letting your arms hang loosely at your sides.
  • Then focus on your breath for a minute or two, ground and return your awareness to your surroundings.

Bright Blessings!


Crystal Tip for September

Citrine is a wonderful stone because its main job is to turn negative energy to positive energy, so it is incredibly effective as a cleansing stone for the chakras.  You can use it on any of them individually or if you want to make sure you are bright and shiny… start by placing your crystal at the base, let it work and then move it up to the sacral, working your way all the way up to the crown. The result is lovely.

But, if you don’t have time to do all seven chakras and you have two pieces of Citrine, place one at the base and one at the crown with a clear intention of clearing the whole system and just let your stones work. You’ll know when it’s done. You’ll feel much better.

You can also place one Citrine on the sacral and one at the brow to make a clearer, stronger connection to your intuition.

Have fun with the lovely crystal.

Bright Blessing!


Needing a Little Clarity?

In these chaotic and confusing times a little clarity about what is happening in your life and discovering the best way to move ahead is always useful.

And if that sentence resonates with you, perhaps it is time for you to get a piece of fluorite and let it help you!

The key words for flourite are: order to chaos; and there are not enough words to describe how useful this can be if you are struggling at the moment, as many people are, even deeply spiritual ones! And this lovely stone will be able to bring peace and harmony to your life by clearing your head and calming you down… and on so many different levels too. And who doesn’t need that some days?

It also enhances your ability to meditate, increases your psychic development, brings spiritual peace. And, last but certainly not least, if you want a sense of order in your life, the only thing you really have to do is place a piece of this crystal in your environment.

Flourite comes in many different colours, but one of the most useful pieces to have in your crystal toolbox is the fluorite from China – Chinese or rainbow flourite. This variety of has three distinct bands of colour, giving you three colour rays to work with: violet, green and white. And because of its three colours, it is able to help you to heal on three levels: spiritual, emotional, and mental.

So whatever issues you are facing, rainbow fluoritewill help you become mentally aware of what is happening to you on every level and then, as you continue to work with it, it will begin to help you work through the everything you need to process in order to complete your healing. All you have to do is be open enough to work with it and accept everything you discover while you are meditating with it.

But back to clarity – fluorite will bring this quality back into your life by clearing all the rubbish out of your cluttered mind and that in turn makes seeing the way forward a lot easier. Everything becomes clearer once you silence your mind, stopping all the unhelpful, repetitive thoughts and fluorite is designed to do this in the most effective way.

One way to clear your mind is to place a piece of fluorite on the floor between your feet and ask it to pull all the excess mental energy out of your head. It will be tugged down through your body and flow out of your feet into the ground, making you feel a whole lot better really quickly. All you have to do is set a clear intention and then sit quietly, focusing on your breath while the stone starts working. The sense of relief when it is finished is sometimes quite profound, too.

And since it really is that simple, why not give it a go?

So if you do want to bring a little clarity into your life, fluorite will help there as well. Blue or violet fluorite are particularly good for this, but if you don’t have them any colour will do. Then, all you have to do is set a clear intention and let the crystal start working while you gently rub it in small clockwise circles on the brow chakra for about two minutes… focusing really clearly on what you want to achieve by doing it.

Then, after you have finished, you will find that it is suddenly so much easier to see the way ahead .. or focus on any goal you want to achieve. And this exercise will work even more effectively if you pull all your unwanted thoughts out of your head before you do it… and it’s not as if it is hard to sit with a piece of fluorite between your feet!!! Just make sure you cleanse it before you then use it on your brow, though otherwise you will put all your rubbish back inside your head when you use it at the brown chakra!

May fluorite bless you in every way on your journey.

Bright Blessings!


Kyanite and Quartz Meditation

  • Kyanite – to calm and centre you and once you resonate fully with this crystal’s lovely vibration it will allow you to take energy into your system more easily. It will keep you receptive and it will ground any spiritual energy that is draw towards you.
  • Quartz – if you set the intention to draw spiritual energy towards you your quartz will ensure this is done for you.


  • Hold the quartz in one hand and the kyanite in the other and set the intention you want to receive the most appropriate energy for you at the time you are working with your two crystals.
  • Focus on the kyanite first, breathing its soothing energy in through your palm chakra on your in breath. And keep doing this until you come into resonance with the stone and feel calm and relaxed.
  • Now turn your awareness to your quartz and thank it for drawing the most appropriate spiritual energy towards you. Then open to receive this energy through your palm chakra. It will flow into the quartz and then into you. Allow it to go wherever it needs to go and keep breathing until you feel it is time to stop.
  • Let the energy settle, then put your quartz down and hold your kyanite vertically in front of you, asking it to align your chakras after the incoming energy has shifted your vibrational rate upwards.
  • When you feel this is done, ask your kyanite to align your subtle bodies.
  • When you feel this is done, thank both your crystals, ground and return your awareness to your surroundings.

This is a lovely meditation with two lovely crystals and if you want to use it to help with the 8/8 download process, just set a more specific intention and ask the quartz to draw the most appropriate light code packets into your system.

And if you don’t have any kyanite, just choose another crystal that calms and relaxes you. It won’t do the alignment process at the end of the meditation, but the rest will still work.

Bright Blessings!


Clearing your Heart with Sound

This is a simple exercise you can use to do some radical… be kind to yourself!

  • Relax by taking some slow deep breaths in through the nose and set the intention that you want to let go of the energy of all the ways you have mistreated yourself, all the times you have been unloving or unkind to yourself.
  • Now let it all float away when you release a gentle SSSSSS on the outbreath
  • Repeat 5 times.
  • Now send love to your heart and sense it filling it with this energy, replacing the negativity you released on your breath.

I hope this practise blesses you and your heart!

Bright Blessings!


Heart Sound Exercise

Over the next week and going forward to the Lion’s Gate portal on 8/8, the energy will be… discombobulating, to say the least.

So here is an exercise to help settle everything down. You can do it as often as you want.

  • Sit quietly and focus on your breath.
  • Set the intention that you want your sound to spiral out of your heart chakra and flow into all the other chakras. You can do this individually, or if you do not have enough time, you can intend that it reaches them all simultaneously.
  • Focus on your heart chakra and when you are ready tone the vowel sound AH.
  • Tone for as long as you are guided to do so with the intention of clearing your chakras.
  • Let the energy settle and then when you are ready tone again with the intention of aligning the chakras.
  • Let the energy settle and then when you are ready tone again with the intention of activating the chakras at the most appropriate level for you at the time you are working with them.
  • Let the energy settle and take a moment to tune into your body. If you get the sense any parts need help or support, set the intention that your heart sound – the vowel AH – is a blessing and send it when ever you need to send it.
  • Let your sound fade back into silence when you have finished.
  • Ground and return.

Bright Blessings!




7 7 7 Gateway

7 + 7 + 2023 = 7

So three 7’s… it will be an interesting day!

The things associated with the number 7 are:

  • Spiritual awakening
  • Spiritual awareness
  • Spiritual enlightenment
  • Spiritual development
  • Intuition and inner knowing
  • Healing
  • Peace
  • Emotions and feelings
  • Inner strength
  • Endurance
  • Perseverance and the ability to bear hardships
  • Manifesting and Good Fortune
  • Creative energy
  • Understanding and Knowledge


And all that is magnified by three…

Downloads of the gateway energy will be available at the usual times:

07.07 a.m. and 19.07 p.m.

Just sit quietly at either time, setting the clear intention that you want to receive the energy download with the most appropriate light codes for you at this time. And please ensure sure you are fully grounded before you do it.

And remember that hot on the heel of this are all the usual things that happen in July…

22nd – the Egyptian New Year. This is always a hugely significant energy download.

25th – Mayan Day Out of Time

26th Mayan New Year

And while all this is happening Sirius is rising in preparation for the 8/8 gateway – Lion’s Gate.

And the light from Sirius vibrates at a very high frequency, carrying higher dimensional energy to the earthplane too which will empower you in many ways, depending on where you are on your spiritual journey.

But, what ever happens, it will give you the chance to shift your vibrational rate upwards significantly, if you choose to do so. It will be only an intention away….

So, please be aware that with all this going on it will feel remarkably like a roller coaster ride until everything settles after the 8/8 gateway.

Just hang in there, look to your helpers and guides for support… and make sure you are grounded.

Bright Blessings!
