Well, who knew Guardian Angels had their own day? You do now!! Make sure you send some thougts of love and gratitude their way. They do, after all, do a sterling job… whether we are aware of it or not.

And since I was thinking about angels it came ot me I hadn’t done a blog about them… unless you count mentioning Metatron in passing. I thought my biggest task would be deciding which if them to write about since there are so many, but Cassiel made it easy for me, mainly because he gave me no other choice!!!

Apart from seeing Cassiel’s name on a list of angels ages ago, I knew nothing about him until one morning I was at my computer trying to do something else and my little voice started shouting – look up Archangel Cassiel. The only way to stop it was to start looking, but I wasn’t in the mood – a bad back and arthirtitc fingers were plaguing me, and I could hardly believe my eyes when I got the line which said related healing issues …yep – there are no prizes for guessing what Cassiel’s areas of expertise are … back pain and arthritis. I could almost hear him laughing!

I asked for help immediately. It came immediately, which goes to show you don’t always need to reach for painkillers, and then I was like a woman possessed, reading everything I could find! And I was staggered all over again because every bullet point I made could be applied to someone I knew. Isent them all the information and a few weeks ago they returned the favour when I was having trouble with something and they said – don’t you need Cassiel? Of course I did. Like always, when you’re stuck in the mire, you forget everything useful you ever learned and you have to wait until someone reminds you! Now I am busy asking for everything on that list!! Thank you Cassiel!!

I thought I was done then and could relax, but no … after spending some time with Cassiel I was soon typing again and the result is the piece below. I knew I would be writing again this year, but I rather imagined in would be about dragons or wild space adventures. Still, I suppose some people would actually consider writing about the angelics a work of fiction or, at the very least, fanatsy, so I guess we’re back to that same old place of the universe having a warped sense of humour!!! You forget that at your peril.

Have fun if you build a mandala and let me know if anything exciting happens! I myself can feel a half day workshop downloading into my brain. Cassiel seems to want to play! I guess it’s watch this space time …

Bright Blessings Gailxxx

Mandala Work with Cassiel by Gail Montague

Cassiel is the Angel of Temperance, but he has many other names as well, including the Angel of Serentity. He will, when asked, help you open to Divine Love and Light, so it can flow in, around and through you, and into all you say and do. His energy is soft and subtle, calming you on all levels. But it is also powerful. Some have described it as profound. For me the initial contact was like being plugged into the mains supply!

So, what exactly is temperance? Basically, it means moderation and one way to achieve this is by managing your thoughts, emotions and actions. It is not about control. It is about balance and grounding any inappropriate excess energy which you may have picked up from your environment or other people, or energy you may have generated yourself.

And serenity? Well, that’s on everyone’s wish list! That wonderful feeling of deep inner peace – peace within yourself and your life, and what you are faced with on a day to day basis. It’s learning to be comfortable with the total surrender of everything which no longer fits into your life and it’s also about allowing energy to flow freely on all levels without becoming blocked in your system.

One of the qualities Cassiel brings as a gift is balance and manifesting this in your life is very often the first step towards becoming more serene, mainly because it helps you to manage those thoughts, emotions and actions in a more harmonious way. So working with Cassiel to achieve balance is a good place to bring about the changes you want to see in your life.

One way to calm and balance yourself is simply to sit in stillness. In fact, one of the things Cassiel teaches is that to be in harmony with yourself and your life means taking time to be rather than do. So sitting with Cassiel, relaxing in his energy is very beneficial and a good way to amplify this energy, making it readily available for you to utilize is to build a mandala with the intention of grounding Cassiel’s energy in the room where you are working.

Pale blue is the colour of stillness and if you visualise it, you will find you start to relax and become very still indeed. You can just do this and ask Cassiel to join you, but you can also enhance the whole process by using a pale blue candle and blue crystals.

I suggest using blue lace agate and amazonite since these two crystals will deepen the connection to Cassiel. Blue lace agate also activates the throat, brow and crown chakras, bringing them harmoniously into alignment which will in, itself help, you to become more balanced and its energy is particularly soft and soothing. You can add aqua aura, but it is expensive and not always necessary, but if you already have some ….

Lepidolite will also help because the keyword for this stone is acceptance and, to become more balanced in all you say and do, you do need to learn to accept yourself and all aspects of your life. You can either place the stone in your mandala or use it on your solar plexus chakra while you are sitting quietly, so it can work there.

If you place the stone on the chakra, think carefully about the intention you want to use while you work – what do you need to work on around the word acceptance? Do you simply need the energy of the quality in your system? Or do you need to release something before you can move into the energy of acceptance like feelings of anxiety or fear? Lepidolite contains lithium so it is a terrific stone to use for stress release and it will clear the solar plexus with ease and grace, especially if this is the intention you set before you start working. Think about it because clear intentions always get clear results.

Also include clear quartz in the mandala. This absorbs, amplifies and transmits any energy it is exposed to – if you ask politely, of course. Remember quartz is empowered by thought forms, so ask the crystals to do that with the energy Cassiel downloads.

If you like, you can set a piece of quartz aside and ask Cassiel to place his energy in the stone so you can keep it with you. This will enable you to keep manifesting balance in your life after you have finished working with the mandala. And don’t forget you can add to this process by asking your quartz to amplify Cassiel’s energy when it is transmitted to you from the crystalline lattice inside the stone.

So – the instructions are simple. Build your mandala, using the stones suggested or the ones you are guided to use. Then direct your thoughts about what you want to achieve with your mandala towards the stones e.g. connecting with Cassiel or holding Cassiel’s energy and transmitting it so you can meditate with it. The crystals will be happy to help and and make sure they are laid out in a circluar shape. This both contains the energy and allows it to flow round and round, allowing it to build and making it more readily available for use.

If you are using a candle, place it in the centre of the mandala, light it and start your meditatation by gazing into the flame. This will help you quieten your mind and allow your thoughts to simply float away. Then, when you are ready, ask Cassiel to join you. Thank him for coming and take a moment to attune to his energy as it enters your mandala and breathe it into the whole of your Four Body System, clearing it, so more of his energy can flow into your system, allowing your vibrational rate to rise.

At the most appropriate point in your meditation ask Cassiel show you how to manifest balance within and without so it fills your heart and flows out in your surroundings as a blessing to all – as always, as you have been blessed, so you bless in return.

At the end thank your crystals and Cassiel for their help and dismantle the mandala unless you are guided to leave it for a while, radiating energy into your environment.

Other Points

Cassiel rules Saturday, so if you work with your mandala on this day, your connection to him and his energy will be enhanced.

Cassiel brings two other qualities – harmony and serenity. You can work with these if you are guided to do so. Cassiel is also very good at teaching you patience if you feel you need to avail yourself of that particular quality. It is, after all, considered a virtue and it’s usually one we sadly lack! And, as an added extra, he can also balance all your chakras, if you ask him to.








Healing, Peace, Meditation, Wisdom


Access to subconscious and intuitive abilities, enhanced insight and mental performance, deepened intuition

Stone of:

Self-confidence and self-expression

Many cultures over the years have used Sodalite to bring courage and calmness. It’s our turn now with the energies of September ramping up… below are some random notes about the stone which I was guided to use for the blog. Read them and see which ones are useful for you at this time – and don’t be surprised if it is all of them.

Sodalite is a very underestimated and underused stone! I was just going to write a piece about how Sodalite can help with a mercury retrograde, but when I really started thinking about it – blimey! It’s the stone for just about everything that is happening now… make sure you get a bit and use it!

And remember – if you set an intention before you start working it will be very beneficial. Clear intentions after all do get clear results! And this is what we really all need right now as we practice being in the eye of the storm which is all around us at the moment.

Affirmation for Working with Sodalite

I open my intuition fully in the present moment.

Using sodalite by holding it – what could be simpler!

  • If held in the left hand – it will bring a sense of companionship and comfort, easing whatever emotional state you are in at the time you hold it.

  • If held in the right hand – it will draw out and dispel negativity and clear it, but it will also require cleaning afterwards.

Using Sodalite on the Chakras

  • Brow – it opens and activates the chakra, beginning the process gently, by clearing any fears around the issue of seeing. It reminds you there is order to the universe and that it is safe to look. It can also be used on the brow (with intention) to dispel illusion.

  • Throat – it helps release emotions caught in the throat, especially tension and uncertainty about what you should say.

  • Heart – it can be used on this chakra (with intent) to release any fear or worry trapped inside it.

  • Sacral – it activates this chakra, bringing a sense of peace and grounding.

Using Sodalite at the Brow Chakra

Place the stone on the brow chakra and ask for help with any of the things listed below.

Please do not ask for them all at once!!

Work with one thing until you get the sense you have finished (and this may take more than one session, depending on the amount of negativity which needs to be shifted) and complete it before moving on to the next. If it is a difficult issue, I would suggest working on the levels separately i.e. physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

  • It opens the brow chakra, stimulating the chakra and the qualities associated with it.
  • It connects you to your intuition. It can also help you access fine levels of intuitive information and promote the understanding of these concepts.
  • It stimulates self-confidence

  • It promotes self-trust, self-esteem and self-acceptance.

  • It helps you see the truth in any situation and helps you be true to yourself.

  • It helps you to stand up for your beliefs.

  • It brings your shadow qualities in to the light to be dealt with without judgement so they can be dealt with

  • It helps with communication on all levels, and can help you speak more compassionately about yourself.

  • It allows you to use your inner vision rather than your outer vision to see the path you are you are seeking or the path you are on more clearly.

  • It brings a much deeper understanding of and a much deeper connection with your spiritual self.

  • It promotes wisdom and knowledge and helps you communicate you own wisdom and knowledge in your own unique way.

You can also use Sodalite on the throat and brow chakras together. Place a piece on each chakra and this will help by giving you access to your subconscious mind, allowing the transfer of subtle images from the subconscious into the conscious mind. It will also help you to become aware of the patterns in your life, especially ones which occur over and over again, sometimes presenting in different ways so you do not always recognise them. It will enable you to see their true meaning and purpose. It will also enhance your ability to express more fully and easily what you find when sodalite takes you into a deep medative state.

Random Facts which May Help….

  • Sodalite helps you stay focused on the moment, without being distracted by the past or future. It also helps you to integrate all aspects of yourself into the Now, so you can use all your learning and wisdom to deal with the problem or situation you are currently experiencing.

  • Sodalite helps you look inward and see who you truly are and what you are truly capable of. It provides insight into the Self and a dispassionate assessment of your motivations, strengths, weaknesses, desires, gifts and patterns of personal destiny.

  • Sodalite allows you to find a new way to think about your life and the things happening in it.

  • Sodalite is a stone of pattern recognition. For me, this is one of the most useful things it does. If you look at your life and the way you respond to things in your life while working with the stone, it helps you really see what is happening and, usually, what you are doing to make it worse!!! You can use it in all the chakras to see what is lurking in the depths of the energy centres and then it will help you intuitively find the best ways to clear your energy of all the old, dysfunctional energy.

  • Sodalite helps you perceive images from deep within the subconscious, enabling you to understand your core lessons in this lifetime and to see where you are the path to completing them.

  • Sodalite reduces stress and anxiety by allowing you to see your reality from a higher, more serene perspective.

  • Sodalite will stabilize emotions, bringing emotional balance and a calming influence. It can help those who are defensive or oversensitive and boosts self-esteem, self-trust and self-acceptance.

  • Sodalite will help to release fears, phobias and guilt as well as relieving anger, frustration and irritability.

  • Sodalite brings inner peace and calmness. If you carry it and place it in every room of your house, its peaceful properties will flow all around you.

  • Sodalite stimulates the release of old mental conditioning and rigid mind-sets, creating space to put new insights into practice. It brings shadow qualities up to the surface to be accepted without being judged. This then allows you to clear any negative energy associated the quality.

  • Sodalite helps you let go of deep-seated feelings of guilt and reminds you that you are meant to be happy. It can strongly affect your attitude towards yourself. It is a powerful tool for developing all round emotional health. It instils confidence and restores or renews a positive self-image.

  • When used over a long period of time, Sodalite will form a reliable connection with your intuition, allowing a gentle flow of useful information.

  • And, finally, Sodalite’s gentle yet powerful energy helps enormously to restore a sense of trust in the aftermath of trauma.

Using Sodalite to Calm your Mind

  • Relax and focus on breath

  • Connect with your Sodalite and set the intention that you would like its help to clear your mind. Then place the stone at the brow chakra. It will help open the chakra as well as give you relief from thoughts that are over-analytical or over emotional. It will also give you an opportunity to see things from a different perspective.

  • While working with the Sodalite to release any thoughts which are plaguing you, feel the energy of the stone fill the brow chakra and then radiate out into the aura, sending soothing, calming energy through your while energy body, clearing away stress and bringing balance to your emotions.

Long Term Work with Sodalite

This can bring beneficial changes in your attitude towards yourself. It helps you to become more objective and less critical about your life and the way you live it.

Ask your stone to help you with this in the most appropriate way and for your highest and greatest good, then carry the stone for as long as you need to. It could be days or weeks, depending on how easy it is for you to release negative thought and behaviour patterns.

If the stone is a necklace, having it next to you skin will be the best way to access the energy of the stone. If this is not possible, touch the stone from time to time, and think about what you are intending to do to re-enforce your intention to release negative ways of thinking and reacting to things which happen in your life. If it is in a pocket or pouch, take it out from time to time and do the same.

Well, I think this will probably give you some idea of how useful Sodalite can be at this transitional time – go and get a bit immediately if you don’t have any!

But, then, of course, in all this madness, you have to make sure you find the time to work with it.

Bright Blessings Gailxxx




For those of you who know me, you will understand that I simply couldn’t resist this title when I found these immortal words describing the energy of the second eclipse in September… and probably by the end of the month, we will all be wishing we were on a starship with Captain Kirk, boldly splitting infinitives as we dash across the galaxy rather than hanging around on the earthplane with all the chaos! I know I’m ready to go now, so please: Beam me up, Scotty… even though, if you are a real Star Trek fan, you will know Kirk never actually said that…
So, what is happening in September…
6.9 – Venus goes direct. This is the best part of the month, so make the most of it because the energy of Venus can, if we allow it, shower us with love and abundance. I’m ready for that now and we may all need this just to survive the month!
 9.9 – a double date vibrational portal following on from 8.8. Happily, it won’t be as intense, but you might feel a bit wobbly on the day. If you want the download, please use the usual format (See the Working with Sirius blog if you’ve forgotten).
13.9 – Partial Solar Eclipse – The energy of this eclipse brings with it the need to put things in order because it occurs in Virgo and relationships, work and health are highlighted. So a useful tip is: write down any things you can do to ensure your life is more organised. You might not manage to do everything on your list, but at least you will have some kind of plan when the energy hits!
17.9 – Mercury goes retrograde – well, what more can you say …..?
23.9 – Autumn Equinox – usually equinoxes are rather nice. It is all about coming back into balance. Unfortunately, due to all the energetic activity, the actual balancing may be rather harder than usual since there is just SO much going on. Also, the six month portal which opened at Spring Equinox is closing at the Autumn Equinox, so please take a look at what was going on in the middle of March and see how that is affecting what is going on for you now… and what you need to do about it.
28.9 – Total Lunar Eclipse. Watch out for this one. The effects of a lunar eclipse can last up to three months, and this eclipse will kick start an intense cleansing and healing process or a joyous, re-birth process. The choice is yours! My advice, after reading huge amounts of information, is: give up all the stuff you know has no place in your life any more so you can avoid all the nastiness of resisting the changes you know are coming. If you ask me, we’ve all done quite enough purging this year and need to avoid repeating it all over again at all costs if we can. Look at your life before 28th and see what you can give up before the energy hits. It will specifically bring up any unresolved issues in primary relationships which may have been festering since the new moon in April 2015… so watch out. Try thinking before speaking if you feel any bottled up emotions erupting from the depths. It will make clearing the issues a lot easier.

Point to Remember:

At an Eclipse, the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun. This interrupts the flow of solar energy and it is rather like a reboot… on a cosmic scale, of course! Your whole operating system is kick started when the energy flow resumes at the end of the eclipse, so the question is – what do you want to upgrade when your new operating system comes on line as the solar energy flows back into your energy system? Think about it. With two eclipses this month, this means you have two huge opportunities to bring about radical change in your life – but only if you chose to do it.
And to make our joy complete, it is likely that all these energy shifts will continue through October as well, though they will not be as intense… phew!!

Symptoms to watch out for:
1. Strange things happening around your ears and hearing
2. As we continue to detach from 3D reality – even stranger things may happen to your feet. Apparently, this is because we are freeing ourselves from the old and re-grounding in the new. Personally I’d just like to have feet which would stop hurting in bizarre ways …
3. Sinus problems, especially inflammation.
4. That really familiar symptom which just loves us SO much it won’t go away – being tired. And for tired on some days please read exhausted for no apparent reason!
5. Odd and unexpected anxiety attacks. Apparently, this is the body adjusting to all the new energies. Be supportive. Your body will be having a difficult time with all the energetic adjustments this month!
6. Emotional instability – some days you may feel up one minute and down the next. Whatever is happening just hang in there – it will pass.
7. Inability to make decisions and trouble even deciding what to do next … mainly, I suppose, because we just don’t have a clue what is going on from moment to moment most days. Living in the Now is the only way!
8. Feeling grief and loss and disorientation – due to all the things which are leaving our lives .. sometimes on a daily basis. Once again – just hang in there and, of course, welcome all the new things coming into your lives to replace them. And, be aware if you have not fully grieved for something you have lost – it will all be coming up now to be dealt with.
9. Feeling disconnected from people, places and situations which are in the process of leaving your life.
10. An overwhelming need to sleep some days or a disrupted sleep pattern.
11. Feeling dizzy and ungrounded – and you’ve all had the lecture on that, so you should know what to do!

All this change will bring new levels of transformation which will lead you into the next phase of your awakening process. This will include increased intuitive perception on all levels and heightened awareness. And for those of us who are already hyper-sensitive due to all the other energy shifts this year – be kind to yourself while you adjust!!
And, if you get the feeling your conscious mind is struggling with the idea of so many new possibilities heading your way almost every day, please move from your head down into your heart. It is the only way to survive this intense period. You just can’t think your way out of it. You have to trust all will be well and keep moving to a higher level of trust … over and over again! Your mind will still want to try and understand what is happening, but that won’t always be possible. Stay in your heart and look at your life from there .. with great love and compassion. And if you can – move to a higher level of compassion, especially for yourself, as well.
Also, the single most important thing you can do is learn to live in the beautiful energy of Love rather than just exist in fear. After all, fear at its most basic level is a lack of love, so living in the energy of love will eradicate the fear one way or another!
Well, I really think that’s more than enough for one month, don’t you? If you need any help, the workshops on 12th September will help you prepare for everything.
10.00 – 12.30 Working with the Mercury Retrograde £30
1.30 – 4.00 New Beginnings – preparing for the energy shifts of the equinox, the eclipses and everything else! £30
If you think either (or both) will help, feel free to book in and come.
Bright Blessings Gailx


Green crystal energy is used primarily to clear blockages in the heart chakra and re-balance the chakra after the release process. Some helpful stones even re-generate the heart, allowing you to feel and love and share again – the best one for this is the beautiful and extremely gentle aventurine.

But the very lovely malachite is just SO good to use because, if your heart needs healing, it not only clears the rubbish causing your distress, it also allows you to see why you created the rubbish in the first place. It takes you deep within your heart so you can start to understand your needs and your emotional responses to them. This can be a quite painful (or at least uncomfortable) process and it means you will have to be extremely honest while you are working with the stone otherwise there is no point. But if you let Malachite guide you through the whole release process, it will eventually help you find the best way to clear all the rubbish out of your heart, not to mention explore ways to stop re-generating the horrible energy once you have gone to the trouble of removing it! Malachite is a stone which just keeps on giving! I love it.

Although Malachite is green and is technically a heart chakra stone, it is a fabulous solar plexus stone because its key word is: WILL.

It stimulates the solar plexus and helps increase, self-confidence, self-esteem and, of course, strengthens your will power. It also helps you come to terms with the thing that makes lots of people uncomfortable – your personal power.

Malachite acts like a hoover on the solar plexus and, depending on what intention you set before you place it on the chakra – it will just keep pulling junk out of the chakra. However – a word of warning – it is relentless. It will just keep working until all the negative energy associated with your healing request is gone, so be sure you are ready for an intense session if you ask it to do this for you. Judy Hall calls this stone merciless and I’m inclined to agree with her! At the solar plexus, it facilitates deep emotional healing, releasing any negative experiences or old traumas it finds!

But Malachite is a huge asset if you want to change. It is called the stone of transformation and it can do this in so many different ways, it will probably make your head spin if you considered them all! All you need to do is be really sure you want to change – on all levels.

Malachite encourages change and emotional risk-taking and teaches you exactly how and why YOU are responsible for your own thoughts and actions…there is no blaming someone else if you work with this stone! And we are back to merciless and relentless all over again.

Malachite is not the stone to choose if you are not ready to take a long, hard look inside yourself, nuke all your junk and move on. When you work with it seriously, it will reveal the truth about yourself and bring to the surface all the things which are stuck in your unconscious mind. They will eventually pop up into the conscious mind and you will have to deal with them. It’s not always pretty, but it is always worthwhile! And when you use it in meditation, it will show you anything which is impeding spiritual growth.

And, as if that wasn’t enough, if you can use Malachite on the brow chakra, where it will stimulate visualization and inner vision and it is one of the stones which will also clear and activate all the other chakras.

One other gift Malachite has to give is – if you hold a stone in each hand, it will help you concentrate and bring balance to the mind, relieving that horrible feeling of being scattered and unfocused. Now that is really useful because I suspect most of us are experiencing that most of the time at the moment. I know I am!

The only thing left to say is – as Malachite is a better hoover than a turbo-charged Dyson, please always remember to clean it after you have used it. If it sucks up all your rubbish, the least you can do is get rid of it afterwards rather than leave it sitting in the stone. Let’s face it, you know how awful the energy feels since it’s been stuck inside you, so you know the stone certainly won’t like it if it is stuck inside the crystalline matrix!

And now the obligatory Health and safety warning 🙂

Always used tumbled Malachite.

If you touch raw Malachite, wash your hands as soon as you can and please don’t touch your eyes or mouth. The dust on the surface of raw Malachite is poisonous, but only in large doses. A little bit won’t kill you, but it can cause skin irritation… something which should be avoided!! But, rest assured, you are perfectly safe if it has been through the tumbling process. This also means that if you make an elixir, make it using the indirect method … stone in a small glass container inside a larger glass container holding the water.

Malachite is one of my very favourite stones… I hope it soon becomes one of yours!

Bright Blessings Gailx




All You Ever Wanted to Know About the Lion’s Gate But Were Afraid to Ask ….

No, this isn’t a blog about the production company who made the brilliant Dresden Files and told wonderful tales about the P.I. who is actaully a real live wizard … which is shame. I could type for hours on how great that is. If you haven’t seen it, go on Amazon and buy it immediately. It’s fab!!! Or be radical – by a book! There are 16 now!

But I digress – this is a blog about THE 8:8 Lions Gate. It will be profound this year and aligning with will give you a quite remarkable opportunity for expansion – who can resist that?

Well, none of us, for a start. It’s coming and we need to be ready! We signed on that dratted dotted line before we incarnated and agreed to hold the energy for all those on the earthplane… whoops! Too late to try and change our minds now.

This wave of intense Light is from the Galactic Centre and it contains the new Light Codes for the next year/cycle, which will include a DNA upgrade for your physical body as well.  Phew!

The Lion’s Gate is an annual portal, or energetic gateway which opens at the planetary new year in July and reaches a climax on August 8th It allows intense waves of light to flow into us and the Earth’s energy grid. It is associated Leo and with Sirius; and it is called the Lion’s Gate because the Sun enters into the sign of Leo at this time, and the downloads are integrated into the us and the Earth grid in the energy of the Lion.

This annual influx of light is to recalibrate our energy systems and raise the frequency of the Earth so higher levels of consciousness can emerge after the portal closes. And the only word to describe it is – unfortunately for all of us sensitives out there – INTENSE!! Especially as we are on an 8-8-8 year! And it may well be – at some point during the portal window – intense to the point of being surreal. Well, nothing new there, then!!

While it is all happening, you may become aware of old 3D patterns which are still stored in your energy matrix. These will be surfacing to be released and replaced by new 5D patterns which will allow you to function at a much higher frequency. Of course, because we tend to be completely daft and we are often emotionally attached to some of these old 3D patterns, this can make life difficult for us. You really think we’d all know better by now! But we don’t, so any attachments will have to go and you will need to find a way to fully surrender them – on all levels, so you can make the shift upwards into new and better ways of operating on the earthplane during this transitional period.

If you have already activated your Light Body, this whole process will be slightly easier. All you have to do is set the intention that you want the new Light Codes to be integrated into your system … but always with ease and grace!

Due to the symbolic shape associated with this portal – the infinity sign (which we have triple this year – 8 – 8 and 2+0+1+ 5 = 8) it creates a gateway which you can access and it will allow you to…

transcend all previous limitations.

Just take a moment to really think about that. This is a huge opportunity, but it is, as always, up to you to decide if you want to make the most of it. I would, especially as all it takes is one meditation to open for the download … oh – okay … and several hours lying in a darkened room afterwards gibbering while the energy settles, but we can’t have everything!!

8 is a number which signifies going beyond what you know to be your normal boundaries and on 8.8 you are physically (and energetically) given the chance to do this during the Light Code download. It is in effect spiritual atomic energy! All you have to do is decide if a mega explosion is really what you want in your life. Me – I’d take it. Detonating all my rubbish seems like too good an opportunity to miss really. I can always pick up the pieces later!!

And to add to our joy … the 8th day of the 8th month in an 8 year will also give us a triple karmic number, so we will have the opportunity to clear our past karma, both individually and collectively.

On 8:8 you will need to be aware of this vast amount of in-coming energy – in the form of high frequency light – and set the intention that you would like it to flow into your system at the most appropriate frequency for you on the day. You must also let it flow through you into the Earth to help Mother’s upgrade process as well.

It comes from the Great Central Sun (otherwise known as super massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy) and it stepped down in frequency by Sirius and our own Sun, so when it arrives on the earthplane it doesn’t fry all out energetic circuitry. It comes in through the Sphinx and also the Great Pyramid of Giza, which radiates the energy out across the earthplane.

So all you have to do now is decide if you want to receive it … well, actually it is coming, so you will receive it. The question is will you consciously align with it to get the full benefit of the download or not? I would if I were you. It is, if nothing else, easier than resisting it!! Resistance is, after all, futile….

For those of you who feel you might need a little help, there is a handy workshop since 8:8 falls on a Saturday this year. The details are below. Feel free to book a place – info@crystaldragongail.com – is the place to send your email. And be aware the portal will be open until about 25th August to give you a good chance of integrating everything you need to move forward in your life!

Download instrcutions are the same as the ones in the Working with Sirius blog. Please make sure you are really, truly grounded before you start. This energy is coming from a super massive black hole!!!

Have fun! And, of course, please be aware that this may be a strange new usage of the word fun that you were previously unaware of….

Bright Blessings Gailxx




So, Lion …. I guess it’s no real surprise why this spirit animal turned up at work to spend a couple of days with me. I have had a great deal of thoughts about lions recently… though I have to say they were huge big energetic beings guarding the Lion’s Gate portal, not big scary cats with paws and claws who would probably want to eat me for lunch if they were given half a chance!

The first thing I found was … “if Lion enters your life, you may experience your own true, radiant self – your soul – rising to the surface.” Well, who is ready for that revelation on a quiet, uneventful afternoon? Still, whether we are ready or not, the energy of Lion is heading our way. There is the energy of Leo and there is the Lion’s Gate and, of course, there is the lovely Lion which is still insisting that he likes being a receptionist. It is perhaps a blessing that no one else can see him…. and I suppose I should also be pleased he doesn’t want to answer the telephone… But he’s there … just sitting.. and waiting. But then if you think of lions, they do that a lot … just sitting in the sunshine, absorbing all that solar energy, which is probably why they also represent gold and the Sun. Who knew they sat for almost twenty hours a day? Not a bad totem to hang out with if you want to relax, then …

So, what does Lion symbolize? The short answer is – courage … as well as the astrological sign of Leo, of course, which rules the heart and courage ultimately comes from the heart and from a deep sense of personal authority. If you can find a way to truly act from your heart, you will be capable of leading yourself and other people and the kind of success that encourages the accomplishments of others. This is the gift of Lion. He cares for his Pride. Lion also shows you how to have the courage to be true to yourself and working with the energy of Lion will empower you to act and live in ways which resonate with the highest and most beautiful aspect of yourself – your soul. And, finally, as if that wasn’t already enough, Lion will show you the true meaning of self esteem, without any illusion. GULP!

And Lion’s message is that true strength comes from the ability to control and master your emotions, in learning to stay centred in your core power, the power of a balanced solar plexus. Lion is the totem for this chakra and drawing Lion’s energy directly into this chakra will empower you on many, many levels and allow you to feel the quiet strength of complete confidence, to speak calmly and with authority. Okay – be honest – who doesn’t want that?

Lion is just waiting to teach you to be brave and courageous, to know your own nobility, to know your own value in the world… and never forget Lion roars. Lion will help you to find your authentic voice. So, why not take a moment, take a long deep breath and invite the spirit of Lion to fill you so you can ROAR! Why not? If your answer is no, ask yourself another question – why? What’s wrong with roaring? Let Lion teach you how to be bold.. to be brave… to be fierce!

Keywords for Lion:

Courage, Strength, Wisdom, Freedom, Expansion, Focus, Fearless Communication, Patience and Timing, Intuition and Awareness, Pride, Playfulness, Family, The Power of Silence.

Take some time and sit with Lion. Consider quietly all the gifts he can bring into your life and how they would be a blessing. Lion is there … just waiting. Go and sit in the sunshine with him. Talk to him. Run with him. But most important of all … ROAR with him.

I insist…and so does Lion! 

Bright Blessings Gailxxx info@crystaldragongail.com www.crystaldragongail.com

Playing with Lions

£30 Saturday 8th August 10.00 – 12.30

In preparation for the opening of the Lion’s Gate workshop in the afternoon, spend some time working with Lion, journeying with him and see what energy he offer you at this special time of year. And as we will be in the energy of Lion, we may get a visit from Sekhmet as well! This Egyptian goddess is an experience not to be missed!

The Lion’s Gate

£30 Saturday 8th August 1.30 – 4.00

8-8-8 as 2015 is 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 8 … Working with the energy of the first of the significant double date portals.

“The second powerful moment will be at the planetary new year from 26th July to 12th August, including the energies of the Lion’s Gate as a fulcrum of evolutionary and creative progress. The high point will be on 8th August at the 8/8/8 Time Gate. The cosmic energies which pass through the Lion’s Gate will amplify the new higher energies and create opportunities for many to begin new projects or to step into a new career path that will be more in alignment with their revised mission and purpose on Earth.”

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn If you do both workshops please bring lunch, but they do not follow on. You can do one or both, depending on what energy you are drawn to work with.


Yes, I do feel rather like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz… but somehow I don’t have a nice yellow brick road to follow to find a friendly wizard to help me. Mind you, I’ve seen the film….he’ll only tell me I had the power to do what I wanted all along and I have to do it myself, so does it really matter?!?!

Still, it would be rather nice to have a pair of those lovely ruby slippers… clicking my heels together to whiz back home seems rather appealing some days…. who am I kidding… most days really!

So, in case you are feeling the lack of a path to follow and you are wondering what you can do during all this mind-boggling energetic activity, not to mention living with an open energy portal … well, the Sirius download process will climax on 8th Aug… PHEW …. but the portal will remain open until at least 12th, though it will dissipate a little each day after 8th …

I am busy practising my gratitude for that thought. You might like to do the same!!!

Also there is a powerful Leo New Moon on August 14th which will give you a simply massive amount of forward moving cosmic energy. Just what you need after you’ve been zapped by Sirius for a couple of weeks… somehow integrating Pluto a few weeks ago seems as if it was a piece of cake!!

Jeez …ain’t it grand being a sensitive?…!

Hang in there because Leo rules the heart, so implosions may be coming your way… quite possibly at warp speed, especially for those who did the two heart chakra workshop last weekend. A deeper level of clearing is now available for you after you shifted a vast amount of rubbish.

You may end up feeling quite vulnerable… work with your helpers and guides and ask for their help… on a really regular basis. And if you are familiar with Venus or Aphrodite .. they can help. As can the very lovely Quan Yin… compassion, unconditional love, mercy and forgiveness are always a good place to start…

And I know I have been banging on about self-treating, but really seriously, try and make the time to do something. It will make everything easier, though quite what the definition of easier will be for each individual remains to be seen….

Anyway I found this list below in an article on www.thegoddesscircle.net and thought you might find it useful.

Bright Blessings Gailxxx



 ~*~ Be present  ~*~

Be here. Be conscious with yourself and with others. Put a hand on your heart and really feel this life that you are living. Leo rules the heart and she is asking us to be true to our hearts, especially now. Listen to the whispers that are rising, and feel the desires that live within you. They are powerful messages that are guiding you towards your own awakening. Be conscious to what is being awakened in you.

~*~ Stick to your focused path ~*~

Keep your eyes on the prize and use the courageous energy that Leo brings to really put both paws into your truth. Even if you don’t have it all figured out at this very second, be with whatever is setting your soul on fire and causing your vibration to rise. Sometimes we have great fear if we don’t have it all figured out this second. That’s ok. Be with the flow and the unfolding transformation within you, and do so seated within your truth.

 ~*~ Let me hear you roar ~*~

Be authentic with your truthful voice. This isn’t the time to tap into anyone’s truth except your own. Make sure that the voice you are using is yours. Even in times of only being able to whisper, if the voice that emerges is yours it is beyond powerful.

 ~*~ Surround yourself with the energy that opens your heart and soul ~*~

Whether you are hanging with others or in your own den, surround yourself with energy that is nourishing. If this is a powerful time of awakening and moving past blockages, your soul needs all the nurturing that it can get to be fed properly for this journey.

Spend time with those that are from your soul tribe, bring you harmony or are in alignment with your truth. Leave the negative energy Vampires to the side. In your own sacred space, make sure you tidy up and keep a good energy surrounding you. Smudge, crystals, yoga; whatever you have to do to make sure your domain is clear and ready to be the sacred womb for all this transformation.

*~ Release what isn’t working for you ~*~

This is an extremely powerful time for moving past old limitations. One of the best ways to give the Universe the sign that we’re ready to ditch the old, is to start to release what is no longer serving us. This can be anything from a thought about ourselves to that old sweater that we know we’re never going to wear again, but hey maybe it will fit next year. Time to let it go. The you that you are now knows what it needs and doesn’t. You can feel it when these situations arise. You can feel in your depths if this is something you need on your path or not. You don’t have to toss out your entire wardrobe, but be present with what it is you do and don’t need anymore.

~*~ Tend your inner garden ~*~

Make sure you take care of yourself during this powerful energetic time. Drink lots of water, get plenty of rest and spend time grounding and being in nature. Nature is a powerful channel for the energies that surround us and they gently bring you into alignment and be cleared so you can receive all of the abundance flowing towards you.



So, blue kyanite? And why choose blue over the very lovely green, orange and black – all of which are fabulous in their own way?

Well, blue, for me, is such a useful stone, it is the one to write about. That and it was up close and personal this morning as I drove to work, insisting it was the stone to write about. And who am I to ignore the small, nagging voice of the HUGE piece of kyanite which is in my sitting room…? I knew if I did,it would only get louder and starting the day with a headache once the crystal got to shouting to make sure I was listening was not what I wanted!!

Kyanite is, happily, one of the only two stones which never need cleaning (the other is citrine in case you’re interested!), so it is great if you are forgetful! You can just keep using it without woryying about all your rubbish accumulating inside it. How perfect!

But what does it actually do? The most beneficial thing is, especially during this time of great (not to mention constant) change, keeping your energy system in alignment. A huge help when things are moving and shifting so fast it is enough to make your head spin!

As soon as you pick up blue kyanite, it opens your chakras without you doing anything at all. This makes them easier to work with because it gives you access to the vortices. You can get right inside each vortex and drag out all the stuff you have been trying to ignore. It really isn’t any goodf if you leave it, but that is another blog, I think…

With conscious intent, kyanite does far more. Once the chakras have opened, you can ask the helpful stone to align the chakras and you will sense all seven shfting into a nice straight line. Then once you feel that has been done, you can ask the stone to align your subtle bodies and if you place your awareness in your stuble anatomy, you will feel your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies coming into alignment with your physical and etheric bodies. It is fabulous, and you will feel so much better afterwards. It also clears all your energy pathways and meridians and restores Chi to the physical body. This in turn promotes a calming effect on all levels. What more could you ask from a crystal? 

The affirmation for kyanite is: I AM Balanced and I AM whole.

Sit with the stone and set the intention that you want the whole of your Four Body System to resonate with the words and keep saying them until you really feel the vibration on wholeness and balance within you and around you. I promise you will like it!

Now, the only problem I have is – what else do I say about this marvellous stone? If I covered everything, I would be typing for days, so I shall simply settle for a few things which I am guided to mention.

It is such a superb stone for right now because it encourages serenity and dispels confusion.. and there is a lot of that around at the moment. If you want to access this peaceful energy, lie down and place the stone on your brow chakra, ask for it to align your system and then set the intention that you want to breathe the energy of the stone into your brow chakra and your mind and then just wait to experience tranquility in a way you have never experienced it before!

And if you don’t have time to spend sitting with the stone, a quick fix is to simply brush it through your aura with the intention of placing its calm energy within your energy field. You’ll love it … but you must always use it with the striations running vertically otherwise it won’t feel so nice. And as an added bonus, while you are brushing your aura, it will absorb any negative energy stored there and direct it to Mother Earth where it can be neutralized.

Lastly, kyanite vibrates at a very high frequency, so it will attract light beings – angels, guides, masters. ETs – towards you, which is always useful!

And if you sit with it, it will raise your vibrational rate, so it will make integrating any energy downloads far easier for your system to handle. There will be less of a frequency mis-match between you and the incoming energy. And this will be a good thing to know with Sirius about to return and bless us all with more light. It’s currently going behind the Sun, but it will be back with more energy and Light Code downloads for the planetary new year in a couple of weeks and the 8:8 portal… such exciting things to look forward to. Me, I think I might be lying in the bed with the duvet over my head, trying to avoid it all! It seems like a good idea to me!

Kyanite is often described as a bridge… between realms, between different types of energy, between the mind and the spirit. The list is endless. All you have to decide is what you want to do with it… just make sure you have fun otherwise what’s the point and it is always an adventure with this stone!

Bright Blessings Gailx x

info@crystaldragongail.com www.crystaldragongail.com