Chakras: Heart, Thymus, Throat, Brow and Crown

Key Words: Divine Love and Emotional healing

Element: Water

Pink Kunzite is one of my favourite stones. While my heart was healing in a big way, I used to sleep with it, constantly… for months at a time. I will be talking about this stone, though there are other colours, which will bring different gifts in to your life.

It is a powerful stone and it brings deep emotional healing – on all levels. – and it teaches kindness and compassion, which is what the world needs at the moment – everywhere really. It also soothes grief, loss and feelings of separation. But, most important of all, it teaches you to love yourself …. and we all need reminding to do that, from time to time! It is such a good stone to use at the heart chakra because it helps your heart to remain open, no matter what is happening, or what is coming up for clearing, and because Pink Kunzite has a large amount of Lithium, it is a fantastic stone for stress relief.

Lithium is very, very calming and using it means you remain calm. It has the ability to lift and stabilise your mood, as will any stone containing the mineral – Lithium Quartz and Lepidolite are another two which are also amazing. Lithium can also be used for pain relief as well, and any stone containing it should be placed directly on the skin where the pain is centred. It is particularly helpful if you have arthritis – though, as always, it should not be used as a substitute for a trip to the doctor if you need to go!

The main thing Kunzite does is to enable you to remain open to an abundance of unconditional love, so it is the very best stone to use if you want more love in your life – starting, of course, with loving yourself. It is no good going straight to loving others if you have no idea how to love yourself. It will never work. But Kunzite works in all sorts of ways to bring love into your life and, when you work with it, especially over an extended period, it infuses the whole of your Four Body system with the energy of Divine Unconditional Love.

Kunzite also unites the heart and the mind, allowing both these parts of you to communicate. This is what brings about such deep emotional healing and the heart and the mind working together enables you to express all your authentic thoughts and emotions.

The reason that kunzite manifests love in your life … for everything … is because it is has a very high vibration. So it, in effect, raises your vibrational rate to a frequency bandwidth which allows you to connect with Divine Unconditional Love. It brings you into resonance with the vibration of love! And, as love downloads, quite literally into your life, your thoughts and the way you communicated starts to become more and more loving.

Another benefit of working with the stone is that as it raises your vibrational rate to match its rate, it takes you out of all the low vibrational energy around you – anger, fear, frustration, hate, jealousy – so it no longer affects so easily. You literally rise above it and, as long as you allow the stone to keep your vibrational rate high by keeping in on you or near you, you will feel a lot more comfortable around people who are stuck in lower vibrational energy.

Other things kunzite can do for you:

  • helps you to find any heart-based blockage, and to understand what you need to do to clear it
  • removes obstacles from your path
  • helps the physical body to recover from the effects of emotional stress.
  • helps you live in the NOW by clearing blockages which anchor you in the past.
  • helps recover memories you have blocked so you can clear them from your system
  • helps clear heart-based problems carried forward from past lives
  • reduces stress related anxiety and helps to alleviate panic attacks.
  • helps you compromise so you can balance personal needs and the needs of others.
  • very effective at clearing childhood stress and trauma
  • helps you develop tolerance and forgiveness.
  • helps you reconnect with others, especially if you are prone to guarding and protecting yourself emotionally
  • promotes feelings of peace and inner strength.
  • promotes self-love and self-worth.
  • encourages a positive attitude

Using Kunzite

Kunzite should be worn in direct contact with the skin to get the most benefit from it, especially if used for reducing muscle tension and relieving pain. Overnight is often best and it should be cleaned under warm (NOT HOT) running water each time it is used. It can be re-charged overnight in a bowl of hematite tumble stones. Sometimes just gazing at kunzite or holding it for a while will be enough to release stress at the end of an unpleasant day. It will release tense muscles, calm your nerves and release lower vibrational states like anger or fear from your system.

Kunzite clears the aura and strengthens your energy field. It also brings balance and harmony between the physical body and the subtle anatomy. All you have to do to gain these benefits it keep it with you and it starts working as soon as it enters your Four Body System. It’s a marvel!

Kunzite also clears negative energy from a room or environment, filling it with its own uniquely loving energy. All you have to do is leave a piece where you need to clear negativity, but please remember to cleanse the stone regularly if you use it for this purpose. It can also be placed in an area of disturbed Earth energy to block geopathic stress.

Chakra and Kunzite

If you hold the crystal with the striations running up and down vertically, it will align the chakras, connecting them sequentially and balancing them.

  • Kunzite activates the Heart Chakra and encourages the energy in your heart to travel up your central channel with the Kunzite energy to align the chakra with the Throat and Brow Chakras. This alignment then helps you to communicate more easily and effectively in a loving way. The energy then moves up to the Crown Chakra, enabling you to become aware of the interconnectedness of all things… on all levels.
  • The energy of Kunzite when used at the Throat and Brow Chakras together (i.e. a stone on each chakra or used first on one chakra and then the other if you don’t have two pieces) helps, especially when used with a specific intention, to express your thoughts and emotions  more freely and easily.
  • If used on the Heart and the Brow Chakras, it connects your heart and your mind which is so useful in so many ways. I’d be here all day. Just use it with this intention and see what happens!

Meditating with Kunzite

The energy of Kunzite will help you meditate because it calms and soothes you and helps you enter a deeply medative state. It will then open your heart to profound experiences of Divine Unconditional Love.

Other benefits of meditating with this stone include:

  • a deeper connection to your intuition
  • easier access to guidance from helpers and guides
  • easier connection to your Higher Self and other higher aspects of yourself.
  • helps you understand everything your helpers and guides share with you and remember it when the meditation has finished.
  • Stimulates creativity
  • clears any energy which might disrupt your meditation which makes it really helpful for people who find it hard to meditate

If you make a gem elixir from Kunzite, it has a profound calming effect on your heart. An elixir is made by keeping a clean piece of kunzite in a glass container for 12 to 24 hours. The elixir can also be used topically to help soothe skin rashes and irritations caused by allergic reactions to chemicals.

The energy of Kunzite combines well with quite a few stones. Always see which ones you are guided to use it with to get the best result for you – rose quartz, malachite, morganite, emerald, iolite, lapis lazuli, azeztulite and hematite.

Also, to bring balance in a profound way to the heart, use pink kunzite together with hiddenite, which is green kunzite. This variation of kunzite encourages growth and is known as a Stone of Evolution. It helps you grow spiritually and emotionally. It encourages you to begin again and focus on the present, releasing any pain or anxiety from your past. These two stones work incredibly well together and allow you to expand your heart centre in so many beneficial ways. Just get some and go for it!

Well, I seem to have written pages, but it’s all useful information if you want to start working with this miraculous stone. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Bright Blessings  Gailx





I AM ….. WHAT?

I know a great many of you are actually already aware of the fact that you aren’t really:

What you eat


What you think

You are, in fact, what you vibrate

Not grammatically correct, I know, but there you go. It’s the easiest way to phrase it so it makes sense!

At the end of the day, whatever emotional state you hold within your Four Body System (physical and etheric bodies, emotional body, mental body and spiritual body) means a frequency is generated inside you which will perfectly match the aforementioned emotional state – that is to say, for example – if you have an angry thought and you keep thinking it, you will eventually create a standing wave form which is vibrating at exactly the same rate as the emotion we call anger.

And it will grow and grow until it becomes overwhelming if you continue to have more angry thoughts and feelings, and you allow them to remain in your system. Then this vibration which you have carefully generated and encouraged to grow in many, many ways will then flow out into the world around you… and, of course, then the very same frequency flows straight back to you.

So if you think angry or fearful thoughts and speak angry or fearful words – how can you possibly expect any other energy to return to you at lightening speed? Like attracts like … and it really is that simple.

And if it is that simple – what questions do you need to be asking yourself at the moment, considering all the negative emotional states being generated by people all over the world for so many different reasons… it’s bad enough being overwhelmed by your own rubbish without being bombarded by everyone else’s as well.

So …

  • What is my frequency – low frequency fear, hate or anger? Or high frequency love, peace and harmony?
  • Is the frequency I have identified within me really what I want to fill every part of my Four Body System?
  • If not, why is it there and what can I do to change it?
  • Is it someone else’s frequency that I have foolishly accepted as my own?
  • Am I buying into someone else’s fear or anger or other negative emotional state?
  • If I am, why on earth am I doing it?
  • Is 42 really the answer to life, the universe and everything … sorry just couldn’t resist that one!

There is a very simple technique you can use to change your frequency… and it doesn’t take very long either, which makes it incredibly appealing, at least to me.

However, I have to say, the more you do it, the easier it will become to initiate change and the longer the feeling of relief from negative emotional states will last.

It’s like everything really – you have to want to change and you have to put in a little effort to ensure the change remains in your system.

Doing it once and going straight back to your old behaviour is just not going to work… ever.

You have to set an intention and stick with it.

You have to be the thought police and notice when you are slipping back into old habits and speaking or thinking negatively. No one else can do it for you… and if you won’t do, you have to ask yourself why and find the bit of you which is afraid to change and help it to change.

So – what do you do … read on and let me explain about I AM statements…





Look at those three statements and decide which vibration you need to embody right now. Or feel free to make one up of your own. After, all it is your vibrational rate which needs to be changed… and changed to a vibration you actually like.

Using a word which describes a quality after the I AM statement means you embody the energy of the quality and everything connected with it – on all levels.

If you want to find peace it’s no good repeating I want peace or I want to be peaceful – that tells the universe you lack it  – and all you get is … well, absolutely no peace at all really. You have to fully embody it. You have to generate the vibration of the quality you desire inside you, not desperately look for it outside you. That will never work.

So you use the words I AM to embody whatever it is you want and then you add the word which expresses the quality you want in your life…

I AM peace – I AM Love – I AM Balance

I AM … whatever quality you can think of which will make you happy!

Practise this –

Sit quietly and say I AM fear and see how your physical body and your energy field responds. It won’t be pleasant.

Now blow into your body and your energy field with the intention of clearing the vibration of this statement from every part of you.

Now say I AM … and chose a positive quality. Really allow yourself to experience the difference. It is astonishing.

Now – we add intent – which will make the practise more powerful. If you set an intention while repeating the I AM statements it means you can direct the energy of the sound and bring about the result you want:


(Thank you the very lovely Jonathan Goldman!)

The thought you have before you make your sound determines what it does.. and that’s every time you speak.

Think about that one for a moment!! If you are angry and want to hurt people, really… that’s exactly what you do on an energetic level.

So, choose your I AM statement and speak it out loud with the intention of resonating and filling a specific target area with the energy of the quality you feel you lack:

  • a chakra
  • your physical body
  • the whole of your Four Body System (always the most effective choice if you are serious about changing your vibrational rate)
  • Keep repeating the statement until you feel your target area resonating with the words and the quality you have chosen to embody and let the vibration of your words then spread out and fill every part of you.

And if you feel you need a completely different quality – just change the word after the I AM statement. That’s all you have to do …really … seriously… so, why are you still reading this? Go and do it!

Bright Blessings





I was going to do a blog on the crystal moonstone – and still may do one if I feel the urge before next Monday – but while I was looking up some information something else came to me.

With all the shifts and changes of energy and the huge cleansing process we have all been taking part in … willingly and sometimes rather unwillingly at this point…. I thought it might be good to use the energy of the 11 11 gateway to re-balance our masculine and feminine energies, and at the same time the right and left sides of our bodies.

It is also important to do this now because on 14th November we have the biggest Supermoon for about seventy years, so by the weekend we will all be feeling that energy… and those of us who are sensitive will probably be feeling it already. There won’t be another one this size until about 2034!

11 11 already holds the energy we need to do this, because one of the things it represents is the energy of the balanced Divine Masculine and Feminine, so why not use crystals to enhance this process and do it with intent, so it makes the whole thing easier and more effective? Seems the smart thing to do to me!

Note before you start: If you are right handed (this is your dominant hand), the right side of your body holds your masculine energy, and the left hand side holds the feminine energy. This also makes your left hand your non-dominant hand. If you are left-handed, it is reversed.

You can use many stones, but the two I was drawn to recommend are:

Sunstone and Moonstone

These two stones are the obvious choices because they hold the energy of the sun and the moon, masculine and feminine, fire and water.

So, holding the sunstone in your dominant hand and the moonstone in your left hand, sit quietly and ask the stones to balance your masculine and feminine energy.

Then focus on the sunstone and set the intention that with each in breath you are drawing the energy of the stone in through your palm chakra, so it can flow up your arm and into the masculine side of your body.

When you feel this side of your body is full to bursting with the vibrant and energizing sunstone energy, turn your attention to the moonstone and repeat the process, filling up the other side of your body. Moonstone is a more gentle and soothing stone -the exact opposite of sunstone because it holds the energy which balances its excitable vibration!

Then just allow the two types of crystalline energy to bring the two sides of your body into balance and to balance your masculine and feminine energy.

You will know when it is finished. Then you disconnect from your two stones, thank them and return your awareness to the room. You will also need to earth any excess energy in your system and ground yourself.

Moonstone and Obsidian

Use the obsidian in your dominant hand and the moonstone in your non-dominant hand and repeat the above procedure.

Also while you have these two stones, you can use them both at your base chakra and set the intention to breathe the energy in to the base chakra to re-balance it.

And there is an affirmation you can repeat while you are breathing in the energy. Set the added intention that you want to use the sound of the words to resonate the base chakra and keep repeating them until you feel the chakra vibrating with the energy of the statement:

I ride the ebb and flow of life smoothly and easily.

Hope this helps at this volatile time. The 11 11 gateway may open on 11th November, but remember it is open until 11th January 2017. It is a doorway allowing you to access your highest potential and I think it would probably be better to access all the unexplored parts of you with a stable energetic foundation… hence the re-balancing.

And remember this gateway also gives you the stunning opportunity to release any limitation you may have placed on yourself … knowingly or unknowingly. The energy is available to anyone who sets the intention to tune into it and use it.

But always ask for your download to be at the most appropriate frequency for you at the time of the download and for a helper or guide to stabilize your vibrational rate at the correct frequency for you at the end of it, and to re-calibrate the energy of your Four Body System so everything runs smoothly afterwards. It’s no good allowing new and exciting high frequency energy into your system and having it fry all your circuits! You have to be sensible about this…

Have fun!

Bright Blessings Gailx

